Travian: Weekend Warrior ~ test gameworld

We have received feedback from a part of the Community that Travian: Legends requires too much of their time to play a full round. To address this, we developed the Weekend Warrior version of the game and are testing this special Travian: Legends concept on a test server which allows the game to fit better in players’ lives while still offering great strategy gameplay.  

What do we want to achieve with this test? 

We wish to offer diversified gameplay to choose from to players, so they can make a choice in function of their available time. Everyone should be able to play and enjoy Travian: Legends while still having a busy everyday life including family and work time. Our goal is to reach out to these players who didn’t have time to play and offer this new entertaining experience.  

If you enjoy the classic gameplay of Travian: Legends the way it currently is, do not worry as it is not our intention to change our normal servers with features from this special server concept. 

I want to participate! How can I do that? 

You can join our test gameworld right now. Just click on the button below that will redirect you to our Weekend Warrior page:

Weekend Warrior

Please take into account this is a test server and we expect participants to offer feedback through surveys in order to improve this concept and make it an interesting and enjoyable experience in the future. 

Where can I learn more about the Weekend Warrior gameplay? 

You can find the details of the game mechanics here

Stay tuned for more Weekend Warrior news!
