Hey there warriors, long time no see! ⚔️
I’m Elke, the Producer for Travian: Legends Mobile, here to give you an update on the Travian: Legends mobile app!
So, you might have caught glimpses of the new screenshots, or you’ve even participated in our latest playtest; regardless, it’s undeniable that the Travian: Legends mobile app is steadily advancing! Our ultimate objective is to provide seamless and speedy access to the game right at your fingertips, enabling you to immerse yourself in the world of Travian: Legends whenever and wherever you please. We can’t wait to unveil the app to more of you soon. To keep the excitement rolling, we’ve decided to frequently update you with behind-the-scenes looks and exclusive previews.

The story so far
When we initially unveiled plans for the Travian: Legends mobile app back in 2021, we fully understood the enormity of the challenge – both technically and in terms of design – that lay ahead. Our mission was to seamlessly translate the immersive player experience of our adored yet intricate game to the compact realm of mobile screens. That was not an easy task! To learn more about our early trials and triumphs, we invite you to revisit this blog post.
We embarked on our journey by focusing on core functionalities such as village management and troop movements. In April 2022, we were able to run preliminary game loops and scrutinize the overall interface layout with a select group of Travian: Legends enthusiasts and built on their feedback since then.
While the app is still in development, we felt it was time to get some broader feedback and learn more about what you, our players, need most in your daily gameplay. With that in mind, a second playtest took place in March & April this year, where a larger, but still restricted, group of testers was able to play the app for roughly six weeks on the International 30 gameworld. This proved to be an invaluable asset for our development process.
What did we learn?
Our testers were given access to a separate Discord server where we discussed various design questions and investigated some pesky bugs. We also focused heavily on player’s feedback: what they liked (e.g., resource handling), and what didn’t work for them (e.g., keeping a good overview over troop movements), and what they missed the most (e.g., access to their messages).
Surveys and usability tests helped us dig deeper into those topics, and we already implemented some bigger changes alongside many small improvements to make the app more comfortable to use. One example is a new collapsible bar for troop movements in the main menu that will show the different movement types at first glance when desired. We also added a detailed view to the Rally Point troop overview tab that can be toggled. Filters allow players to see several movement types in one customized view, making it easier to time their movements.
Oh, wait, did you really think we were going to talk about all these changes without giving you a preview? Here are some work-in-progress screenshots of the above-mentioned improvements!
Village with new collapsible movement bar. | Detailed view in rally point. |
A glimpse into the future
Many of our testers will be delighted to know that we are working hard to implement the messages system right now, along with some map tweaks and the addition of some essential buildings like the Trapper and Hospital.
There is still much more to do, but we are getting close to a stage where a regular gameworld round will be playable in the app (with a few limitations). At that point, we would like to open the app to regular testers, so we can gather continuous feedback, get a feel for running live services in tandem with the browser version, and make sure we fulfill your needs as best as possible. Simply put, we want to make the app a true help for your daily conquests!
Eager to see how the app is taking shape? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your excitement and input on our Facebook or Discord. While you’re there, don’t hesitate to let us know what kind of insights you’re hoping to uncover in the next update of the Travian: Legends mobile app. Rest assured, we’ll be back with more news very soon 😊. Until then!
Producer Travian: Legends Mobile