Game change ~ Fighting weak units do not grant points

A while ago, together with the Hero update, we introduced some changes to stop fake points and promised that we would keep working in that direction.

Since we still get questions about what exactly has changed, let’s quickly go over what we’ve already done and introduce one more change which we will implement on all gameworlds with the next update.

🛡️No defense points for defeating weak units

When defending, defeating weak attacking units no longer provides any points for the defense ranking. All attacking units with a base attack of 15 or less will not count toward the defender’s ranking. Smithy upgrades and other bonuses do not matter here.

For example, getting attacked by a slave militia (base 10) won’t grant any points to the defender. Please note that this change does not affect how hero experience is gained.

⚔️🆕No attack points for defeating weak allied units

This is another step that came from the community suggestions section on Discord.

Attacking weak units that belong to the same alliance or confederacy and have base combined defense ( + )÷2=of 15 or less will not count toward the attacker’s ranking. Smithy upgrades and other bonuses do not matter here.

For example:

  • A clubswinger has a base anti-infantry defense of 20 and an anti-cavalry defense of 5.
  • 20 + 5 ÷ 2= 12.5
  • 12.5 < 15

This means defeating allied clubswingers, scouts, and similar units with weak defense will no longer give players any attack points.

Please note that these changes do not affect how hero experience is gained.
