🕊️ Holiday season ~ Truce information

During Christmas, we make time to visit friends and family. The same goes for New Year; we enjoy a glass of champagne while celebrating a new year.
To give everyone a chance to celebrate and enjoy these festive days without worry for your armies, we are having a truce period on Travian: Legends.


Regions: America, Europe (Including Glory of Sparta in those regions), IT Eterni, and DE Wimpel

Start: 24.12.2022 at 11:00 UTC
End: 26.12.2022 at 15:00 UTC
No starvation runs until 27.12.2022 at 15:00 UTC

Excluded game worlds:

America 5, America 30, Europe 6, Europe 30, Europe 50, CZSK and NL Schild*


Regions: International, America, Asia, Europe (Including Glory of Sparta and Tournament Finals), IT Eterni and DE Wimpel

Start: 31.12.2022 at 11:00 UTC
End: 02.01.2023 at 9:00 UTC
No starvation runs until 03.01.2023 09:00 UTC

The New Year truce on Europe 31 will be enabled with the following settings:
Start: 31.12.2022 at 14:00 UTC
End: 01.01.2023 at 15:00 UTC (25h before artifacts spawn)
No starvation runs until 02.01.2023 at 15:00 UTC

Excluded game worlds:

America 5, America 6, America 30, Asia 5, Asia 30, Asia 100, Europe 6, Europe 7, Europe 30, Europe 50, International 6, International 7, International 30, International 31, CZSK, NL Schild and PTR.*

*Those game worlds are either in the endgame or will have artefacts, or construction plans released close to the truce time.

We wish our community Happy Holidays and a great time with family and friends.
