CHANGELOG – Release 1851

Overview: The last update in this year, it contains small improvements and several bugfixes.

🆕 Changes:

TL-11633 Travian heroes can be a bit reckless and overconfident, when being tested in the combat simulator. This has led to some premature deaths in the past.

Combat simulator will show a warning that while the hero survives the simulation with a hint of health left, they might not come back from the real battle. Heed the warning or risk perishing!

TL-11242 The list of new buildings to construct will have more information about the available buildings (population, culture points, additional effects strength).

TL-11367 Optimized background images sizes in the mobile browser version.

🛠️ Bugfixes:

TL-11727 Fixed an issue that the subtab “production” in the tab “resources” in the village overview was showing incorrect crop production. The calculation used the population of currently active village, instead of the specific village on the list.

TL-11238 Every annexed oasis was displayed as having forest type in the Hero’s Mansion. This has been fixed.

TL-11542 Removed unnecessary double quote marks in some game messages about being banned.

TL-11388 Instantly finishing upgrading Horse Drinking Through to level 9 and 10 (or 14 and 15 or 19 and 20) would not update the consumption of cavalry units that benefit from this building’s bonus. This has been fixed.

TL-11639 Fixed an issue with crop consumption of new reinforcements in oasis that was conquered from one player to another.

TL-11697 Conquering a village was not always correctly counted toward the population task series.

TL-10780 Using a regular mouse with a device that has a touchscreen was confusing the hero interface. It should work correctly from now on.

TL-11713 Fixed an issue that general statistics page would become blank.

TL-11648 Fixed an issue with alliance defence points not being granted correctly in some cases. Points should be added for all defenders from the alliance who took part in the battle.

⏲️ Rollout plan (Downtime ~5 min)

19.12 ~ 10:03 UTC+0 — Europe3, Europe7, Europe20

21.12 ~ 10:03 UTC+0 — Europe°, IT Eterni, NL Schild, DE Wimpel
21.12 ~ 12:03 UTC+0 — International

22.12 ~ 10:03 UTC+0 — Arabics
22.12 ~ 12:03 UTC+0 — Asia

23.12 ~ 10:03 UTC+0 — America
23.12 ~ 12:03 UTC+0 — Finals

°Excluding the gameworlds listed separately.
