UKX ~Hall of Fame~

UKX ~Hall of Fame~

No records for rounds 17 – 28.

Ukx, Round 1 (Sep 2007 - Dec 2007)

Ukx, Round 1
Server Information

Server Start 12.09.2007
Artefacts none
World Wonders 15.12.2007
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 30.12.2007
T-Version T3.0
Natar Spawning Static
Total Players 15725
Server Length 110 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 9685 62%
Teutons 2550 16%
Gauls 3489 22%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. AlTheBratt52 46 43064
2. Peace.And.War 38 35038
3. Riarim123 37 30878
4. charlie131 38 30706
5. Theseus 43 29767
6. Cordial1982 35 29246
7. Zola 34 28574
8. DogeAlfy 32 28392
9. TheGeneral 36 27788
10. 2_fit_etc 27 26129
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Butchi 55 48814
2. DWU 50 47249
3. freia 48 47120
4. Showtime 48 42046
5. Nightmare 46 40394
6. The Traveller 40 37704
7. ROMULLUS 40 35578
8. Susyna 38 35177
9. Looli 41 34629
10. honk12345 41 32812
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Ripper 36 30911
2. lowriser 39 29027
3. heavyarm 30 27563
4. Nubun II. 32 27241
5. Chaingang 34 27049
6. Gott-himself II 32 25677
7. Macedon 32 25416
8. bajenirland 31 24994
9. flinx 31 24495
10. jsg1970 29 24122

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Susyna **[M] World Wonder** (-72|2) [M] WW 100
2. XXSLXX AS1 (-124|-125) AS1 88
= tred81 STORM (127|-125) LEG-WW 88
3. sleeper STORM (129|124) WW|Zero 85
4. tusa STORM (0|-225) LEG-WW 73
5. Peace.And.War STORM (0|226) WW/STORM 71
6. Isis&Osiris STORM (225|0) WW|Zero 0
= shasu (-125|124) DTD 0
= MACATTACK (0|75) [M] WW 0
= n.f.s (-225|0) [M] WW 0
= DogsnutsEA (1|0) [M] WW 0
= covsas (0|-75) [M] WW 0
= Andy_vlz (75|0) WW|USSR 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Susyna [M] WW
Building Plan Holder XXSLXX AS1
Building Plan Holder tred81 LEG-WW
Building Plan Holder sleeper WW|Zero
Building Plan Holder tusa LEG-WW
Building Plan Holder Peace.And.War WW|STORM
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Artefact Player Alliance
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 8935399
Natars Defending 7255996

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. nQQb 23206 29 516567
2. NoNameRz 16101 19 489282
3. Anatolij 15858 20 448237
4. anclav 22595 29 435250
5. the living 14390 21 423025
6. jim 12356 16 401850
7. MacLoud 24511 34 390261
8. Promicin 23251 29 370076
9. ukegbluebird 15739 35 339319
10. Gott-Himself II 25677 32 330179
Player Population Villages Points
1. Susyna 35177 38 (16777215+)
2. XXSLXX 15391 21 7054602
3. tred81 12575 19 3746636
4. sleeper 24375 27 3199869
5. Peace.AnD.War 35038 38 2862523
6. Isis&Osiris 18857 24 2214661
7. tusa 17520 2 2140292
8. MACATTACK 7335 12 972261
9. scoobyville 17641 23 643346
10. Andy_vlz 14709 19 568357
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Butchi Zero 55 48814
2. DWU Zero 50 47249
3. freia Zero 48 47120
4. AlTheBratt52 [M] Jรฏan 46 43064
5. Showtime Zero 48 42046
6. Nightmare L E G- J 46 40394
7. The Traveller Zero 40 37704
8. ROMULLUS Zero 40 35578
9. Susyna [M] WW 38 35177
10. Peace.AnD.WaR WW|STORM 38 35038
Player Population Villages Resources
1. Atheist 14484 20 374561039
2. Severous 15772 20 178546643
3. Anatolij 15858 20 176132857
4. Marsal Tito 20863 24 151008025
5. Captain_Cottbus 28056 36 143294545
6. Knoz2 18723 24 141591930
7. PeacH 20598 25 139807519
8. sooty36 16373 23 136597633
9. alanmaree 16064 21 130025451
10. heavyarms 27563 30 126931709
Hero Name Player Level Kills
Player Population Villages
1. Butchi 48814 55
2. DWU 47249 50
3. freia 47120 48
= showtime 42046 48
4. AlTheBratt52 43064 46
= Nightmare 40394 46
5. Theseus 29767 43
6. Looli 34629 41
= honk12345 32812 41
7. The Traveller 37704 40

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. Zero 59 100456 5926879
2. L E G 57 81970 4672309
3. USSR 60 74767 4485990
4. [M]SWAFU 58 72387 4198470
5. Zero B 60 61862 3711691
6. APOLLO 54 55625 3003755
7. TSN 58 47776 2771019
8. {APOLLO} 41 61205 2509387
9. D.o.D 51 46653 2379281
10. AS1 49 48516 2377298
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. [M] WW 7 2656198 18593386
2. AS1 49 173558 8504351
3. LEG-WW 4 1496598 5986392
4. WW|Zero 2 2707265 5414530
5. WW|STORM 2 1485250 2970500
6. USSR 60 43473 2608367
7. Zero 59 39322 2319969
8. [M]BMO 53 31664 1678215
9. L E G 57 27704 1579100
10. APOLLO 54 24866 1342767
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. Zero 59 17955 1059363
2. L E G 57 14693 837495
3. [M]omat 52 12887 670126
4. Zero B 60 10777 646592
5. [M]SWAFU 58 10842 628860
6. APOLLO 54 11225 606163
7. DTD 59 10076 594457
8. D.o.D 51 10623 541751
9. Zero X 57 9218 525424
10. The Ori 52 10041 522141
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. Zero 59 33684881 1987407957
2. USSR 60 31246469 1874788143
3. L E G 57 29890301 1703747158
4. [M]SWAFU 58 25184295 1460689116
5. Zero B 60 20353367 1221202030
6. [M]omat 52 19563574 1017305835
7. [M]BMO 53 17891009 948223470
8. USSR NE 59 14498146 855390622
9. TSN 58 13637740 790988922
10. AS1 49 15211956 745385845

Ukx, Round 2 (Jan 2008 - May 2008)

Ukx, Round 2
Server Information

Server Dates

Server Start 15.01.2008
Artefacts none
World Wonders 24.04.2008
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 15.05.2008

Server Info

T-Version T3.0
Natar Spawning Static
Total Players 18084
Server Length 122 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Distribution

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 10797 60%
Teutons 3308 18%
Gauls 3978 22%

Largest Roman Players

Player Vill. Pop.
1. JeffHooray 45 39301
2. ludo 42 39025
3. Tullia 43 38704
4. ciskid 42 37295
5. Zoony 42 36926
6. flumox 44 36783
7. MichaelH 36 35862
8. Dargar 40 34951
9. CATS 36 34814
10. Cyanic 44 34784

Largest Teuton Players

Player Vill. Pop.
1. little noob 64 63127
2. SOOS 62 57012
3. Carla Bruni 61 54307
4. the brain 56 52344
5. Wellsyl 54 50167
6. FemmeFatale 51 48086
7. bigdude 50 47051
8. nightmare 51 45712
9. can you make me 46 43332
10. Sir Kingy 45 41782

Largest Gaul Players

Player Vill. Pop.
1. Lilatu 41 37819
2. Contie 33 29482
3. elwe 32 28318
4. Selly 37 28112
5. witch way 32 27582
6. whatever 29 27548
7. RollestonBandit 32 27547
8. Foxi 34 27504
9. Paul1985 32 27479
10. FFC 36 27266

End-Game Statistics

World Wonders

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Promicin FOR THE LOVE OF LEG (128|-124) L E G 100
2. mcrmy Wonder of the World (-125|125) Triads 99
3. Iron Dragon Impossible Possible (74|0) Triads 98
4. Lilatu [M] Stalions Honour (-126|-125) [M] WW 95
5. Livid {U} Topia (125|125) {U} 91
6. peach [M] Stalions Honour (0|-75) [M] 74
7. wolfbane (1|-1) TMโ„ข 0
= man u man 93 (0|74) {U}-DTD 0
= tempestina (-75|0) [M]SWA 0
= NatarX (225|0) Triads 0
= Murphy_Rebel (0|225) TMโ„ข 0
= Deathshot (0|-225) L E G WP 0
= Kรถnig Caturix (-225|-1) ZERO 0

Building Plan Holders

Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Promicin L E G
Building Plan Holder mcrmy Triads
Building Plan Holder Iron Dragon Triads
Building Plan Holder Lilatu [M] WW
Building Plan Holder Livid {U}
Building Plan Holder peach [M]
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder

Unique Artefact Holders There were no artefacts on this server.

Artefact Player Alliance

Natar Information

Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 13556235
Natars Defending 5098478

Top10 Players

Top Attacking Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. ludo 39025 42 1452336
2. Marsal_Tito 21072 32 1009486
3. ukegbluebird 15673 23 776964
4. Lilatu 37819 41 618163
5. palmer1690 18763 27 563869
6. figet 24163 27 563128
7. Poxie 9147 16 554808
8. little noob 63127 64 508113
9. the brain 52344 56 504913
10. Lore Lay 6312 10 496822

Top Defending Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Promicin 14099 22 26513431
2. Iron Dragon 17217 23 10936518
3. Livid 17976 24 9715230
4. peac 16402 23 9638044
5. mcrmy 21132 27 9152559
6. NatarX 8638 13 8226605
7. Lilatu 37819 41 4494302
8. OrionStarr 12412 19 1293787
9. Banditt 6197 12 642335
10. tempestina 39682 42 512590

Top Simming Players

Player Alliance Villages Population
1. little noob [M] FU 64 63127
2. SOOS MyTh 62 57012
3. Carla Bruni MyTh 61 54307
4. The Brain HITยฎ 56 52344
5. Wellsy1 {U} KoA 54 50167
6. FemmeFatale L E G 51 48086
7. big dude MyTh 50 47051
8. Nightmare MyTh 51 45712
9. can you make me *OMAT* 46 43332
10. Sir Kingy *OMAT* 45 41712

Top Raiding Players

Player Population Tribe Resources
1. ludo 39025 Roman 748602228
2. Marsal_Tito 21072 Teuton 412280550
3. DemonX 9626 Gaul 227956107
4. conti 29482 Gaul 211310504
5. manjakas 12491 Gaul 183279179
6. Hromotlk 21429 Gaul 178809190
7. 13064 Teuton 177593758
8. Jimbobkav1971 10276 Gaul 174747386
9. FSM 18220 Gaul 164649296
10. tas 10091 Teuton 158409415

Top Player HeroesNot available.

Hero Name Player Level Kills

Top Developing Players

Player Population Villages
1. little noob 63127 64
2. SOOS 57012 62
3. Carla Bruni 54307 61
4. the brain 52344 56
5. Wellsy1 50167 54
6. FemmeFatale 48086 51
= Nightmare 45712 51
7. bigdude 47051 50
8. Shasu 37823 48
9. can you make me 43332 46
= danger 34511 46
= da_o_rock 32467 46

Top10 Alliances

Top Attacking Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. L E G 60 116951 7017076
2. MyTh | X 51 130561 6658603
3. [M] FU 53 111828 5926900
4. MyTh | G 51 110250 5622738
5. L E G 2 56 98250 5502027
6. L E G Z 52 93735 4874244
7. [M] BIA 50 82337 4116828
8. {U} KoA 54 73675 3978435
9. MyTh | A 56 69293 3880415
10. HITยฎ 44 86806 3819472

Top Defending Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. Triads 3 9438561 28315682
2. L E G 60 470299 28217932
3. [M] ~ *D* ~ 56 206693 11574835
4. {U} 2 4881172 9762343
5. [M] WW 2 2894045 5788089
6. {U} KoA 54 52547 2837558
7. T-F 55 43758 2406688
8. < 37 51115 1891251
9. L E G Z 52 32944 1713109
10. KINO X 45 36324 1634581

Top Simming Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. MyTh / L 60 17662 1059711
2. L E G 60 17635 1058099
3. MyTh / L 51 19629 1001078
4. MyTh / A 56 14333 802627
5. L E G 2 56 13645 764097
6. [M] FU 53 13971 740477
7. MyTh / X 51 13982 713107
8. *OMAT* 60 11092 665541
9. {U} KoA 54 12187 658076
10. [M] BIA 50 13041 652074

Top Raiding Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. MyTh | X 51 43986587 2243315939
2. L E G 60 29162287 1749737242
3. MyTh 60 25165617 1509936994
4. [M] BIA 50 27449449 1372472458
5. [M] FU 53 25745083 1364489418
6. MyTh | G 51 25944836 1323186612
7. MyTh | K 59 21973885 1296459222
8. MyTh | A 56 23055519 1291109045
9. L E G 2 56 20392604 1141985827
10. L E G Z 52 21049341 1094565750

Ukx, Round 3 (May 2008 - Sep 2008)

Ukx, Round 3

Server Information

Server Start 28.05.2008
Artefacts none
World Wonders 05.09.2008
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 22.09.2008
T-Version T3.0
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 14739
Server Length 118 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 8379 57%
Teutons 3159 21%
Gauls 3199 22%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Zeb 55 55573
2. chris_g 45 39186
3. muttley 49 36805
4. starlight 43 36662
5. limeens 45 36054
6. Enterprise 39 35753
7. Peppermint 40 35547
8. MadJock 41 35412
9. riggis 41 34954
10. malgre 38 33553
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Southie&Miyu 64 63618
2. shalepp 63 61844
3. bite me 55 47872
4. fastkiller 42 38105
5. Phantom 48 36675
6. Apop 44 34650
7. Teutonenreiter 46 33904
8. TMC 44 33199
9. Thal 39 32953
10. eerik 42 31561
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Mercinary 43 36087
2. Prosperous Max 39 31942
3. Talpes 41 30041
4. Foob 32 28821
5. tralla 32 28581
6. MRNICE 32 28227
7. Nala 40 28226
8. El_Ray 42 28148
9. Placid 31 26728
10. venusx 31 25852

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. foxi ~Elements~ (-64|-2) Elements 100
2. eerik C+ (127|-89) [C]WW 94
3. Marekwischnarek ?SWEETHEART ? (8|18) [C]PB 92
4. Tullia ? OMEGA PRIME ? (-125|93) OMEGA 90
5. Wriggles ~Elements~ (-104|-116) Elements 89
6. real warriors [C] WW (8|-64) [C] SWA 82
7. gelert (63|10) Omat LOL 0
= Dizzymissy21 (233|20) {UD} ND 0
= Doctor_Downes (38|-231) [C] SEA 0
= B.A.N (-232|3) WW[UA] 0
= akademy (-66|-8) al 3arb 0
= fabdav (95|126) Elements 0
= peterska2 (-8|231) ~RISK~ 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder foxi Elements
Building Plan Holder eerik [C] SWA
Building Plan Holder Marekwischnarek [C]PB
Building Plan Holder Tullia OMEGA
Building Plan Holder Wriggles Elements
Building Plan Holder real warriors [C] SWA
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Artefact Player Alliance
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 12010021
Natars Defending 6273465

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Teutonenreiter 33904 46 1743339
2. bite me 47872 55 945982
3. fastkiller 38105 42 716808
4. Zooony 18035 25 646490
5. fluffykitten 8537 14 614861
6. Jakeyboy 11021 16 581229
7. Marekwischnarek 26322 34 576945
8. badbwoy21 28441 35 566836
9. Shalepp 61844 63 549557
10. Promicin 7 1 544715
Player Population Villages Points
1. Foxi 18868 39 24699966
2. Tullia 15853 27 11343863
3. real warriors 29724 39 10616356
4. eerik 31561 42 9723960
5. wriggles 9948 17 6014098
6. Marekwischnarek 26322 34 4456002
7. fabdav 21224 27 3591905
8. doood54 30057 38 703600
9. Promicin 7 1 668445
10. St.Jimmy 21 1 544670
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Southie&Miyu [C]PB 64 63618
2. shalepp [C]PB 63 61844
3. zeb One ^ L 55 55573
4. bite me OMAT^ 55 47872
5. chris_g ONE ^ DA 45 39186
6. fastkiller [C]PB 42 38105
7. muttley ARRSE ^ 49 36805
8. Phantom ONE ^ยฎ 48 36675
9. starlight [C] CBA 43 36662
10. Mercinary [C] 30DOM 43 36087
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. Teutonenreiter 33904 Teuton 602417107
2. fastkiller 38105 Teuton 451325474
3. Shalepp 61844 Teuton 428718771
4. mikh 17614 Gaul 319894951
5. bite me 47872 Teuton 306062703
6. Phantom 36675 Teuton 258200140
7. Tortoise 17577 Teuton 248147505
8. d_knight 15090 Roman 241951086
9. cosmos 24464 Teuton 237832970
10. DARKMAN-61 27002 Teuton 217575063
Hero Name Player Level Kills
Player Population Villages
1. Southie&Miyu 63618 64
2. Shalepp 61844 63
3. zeb 55573 55
= bite me 47872 55
4. muttley 36805 49
5. Phantom 36675 48
6. Teutonenreiter 33904 46
7. chris_g 39186 45
= limeens 36054 45
9. Apop 34650 44
= TMC 33199 44

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. [C]PB 49 170604 8359604
2. OMAT^ 58 124240 7205906
3. KoA 60 99354 5961222
4. ONE ^ L 49 100748 4936652
5. ยงPIRT 51 90682 4624757
6. [C]30DOM 29 129292 3749463
7. [C]~SWA~ 57 56948 3246027
8. Thieves 22 140060 3081314
9. [C] FAT 51 59225 3020478
10. [C] SWA 54 54717 2954709
Alliance Members Av.Def Total Defence
1. Elements 3 11435323 34305969
2. OMEGA 4 2875765 11503059
3. [C] SWA 54 209595 11318114
4. [C] WW 2 4887837 9775673
5. [C]PB 49 138599 6791332
6. OMAT ^ 58 73010 4234577
7. ยงPIRIT 51 53816 2749712
8. ยบStalion 49 52307 2563025
9. Thieves 22 103930 2286461
10. KoA 60 36457 2187414
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop
1. KoA 60 16585 995122
2. OMAT^ 58 14516 841932
3. [C]PB 49 15772 772830
4. ONE ^ L 49 14684 719520
5. [C] ~SWA~ 57 12516 713425
6. ยงPRITY 51 10949 558418
7. [C] W&D 44 12518 550793
8. [C] SWA 54 10021 541154
9. ONE ^ E 52 10324 536837
10. [C] A-P 54 9901 534657
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. [C]PB 49 59314605 2906415622
2. OMAT ^ 58 32595933 1890564138
3. KoA 60 26822560 1609353622
4. ยงPRIRT 51 23513528 1199189951
5. [C] SWA 54 19620016 1059480883
6. ONE ^ L 49 21611972 1058986634
7. NEW MOON 44 23812329 1047742460
8. [C]~SWA~ 57 17072031 973105772
9. ONE ^ ยฎ 31 29669371 919750495
10. [C] A-P 54 14955225 807582176

Ukx, Round 4 (Sep 2008 - Jan 2009)

Ukx, Round 4
Server Information

Server Start 26.09.2008
Artefacts none
World Wonders 08.01.2009
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 29.01.2009
T-Version T3.0
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 11469
Server Length 126 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 5798 51%
Teutons 2765 24%
Gauls 2905 25%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. 3SOM 78 76412
2. RuthLeSsTaMiLaN 53 52860
3. robbo 51 47846
4. Lightning81 50 45156
5. volleyballer 50 45071
6. diediesiesind 58 44443
7. adl 49 44193
8. laboon 51 42546
9. slasher 44 42400
10. goubda 45 41419
Player Vill. Pop.
1. CHE 65 66177
2. brat17 63 59700
3. Shlik 57 58280
4. Odin 56 54052
5. Satan in heels 56 50501
6. Blow 53 45514
7. pyne 45 43906
8. coole 56 43828
9. A2N 51 42440
10. Power2008 49 41876
Player Vill. Pop.
1. PriDE 43 42490
2. Manik CoOkies 44 41052
3. -ResidentEvil- 45 38001
4. Rolf 41 36278
5. Ducks Arrse 35 35613
6. TAYTO 44 31775
7. asterix 32 30533
8. Keyser Soze 35 29632
9. enterprise 32 29078
10. scribes 29 28492

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Drunk Cherry SEARCH (-175|-9) K&CO 100
2. Promicin Legacy (52|-46) L E G 96
= A2N God… we are awsom (41|56) AwSoM 96
3. andrewkingdon True Underdogs (-6|-173) Infinity 95
= FILFUNGI โ˜…LEGGIESโ˜… (-52|47) DOW 95
= crackhead โ‚ชโ‚ช Late but Great โ‚ชโ‚ช (-185|178) Infinity 95
4. janniexx Strength of Friends (191|-181) WE 49
5. western KINO & FRIENDS (-48|-56) K&CO 39
6. pike (0|-16) Dynasty 0
= Lilatu BROTHERS UNITED (-173|-193) BIA KINO 0
= babe (-21|170) F.O.C. 0
= Natars (176|183) 0
= Natars (170|20) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Drunk Cherry K&CO
Building Plan Holder Promicin L E G
Building Plan Holder A2N AwSoM
Building Plan Holder andrewkingdon Infinity
Building Plan Holder FILFUNGI DOW
Building Plan Holder crackhead Infinity
Building Plan Holder janniexx WE
Building Plan Holder western K&CO
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Artefact Player Alliance
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 15111394
Natars Defending 4863545

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. vogel 36309 41 1737837
2. Satan In Heels 50501 56 1492239
3. Blow 45514 53 1463371
4. Palin 32899 39 1114659
5. Lilatu 32286 39 852261
6. FlacidB 14433 16 803064
7. Promicin 31410 44 781711
8. A2N 42440 51 776035
9. divingniknaks 17809 28 759497
10. Wildchild 11144 25 736647
Player Population Villages Points
1. Drunk Cherry 20668 37 17622585
2. A2N 42440 51 15920534
3. Promicin 31410 44 12864614
4. andrewkingdon 12098 21 9669739
5. FILFUNGI 33647 45 7528436
6. western 26800 34 5980462
7. crackhead 15910 26 5756751
8. janniexx 8265 16 3202651
9. Lilatu 32286 39 1536843
10. Palin 32899 39 961880
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. 3SOM L E G 78 76412
2. CHE DOW 65 66177
3. Brat17 L E G 63 59700
4. Shlik Parisii 57 58280
5. Odin DOW 56 54052
6. RuthLeSsTaMiLaN Demon 53 52860
7. Satan in heels L E G 56 50501
8. robbo GHSC 51 47846
9. Blow L E G 53 45514
10. Lightning81 NDAA 50 45156
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. vogel 36309 Teuton 684107193
2. Zeus 28314 Teuton 332130875
3. Blow 45514 Teuton 309927309
4. traffic133 10099 Teuton 302905361
5. thenoob 14652 Teuton 291193543
6. Crabtree 26998 Teuton 277213656
7. 3SOM 76412 Roman 245288945
8. Odin 54052 Teuton 244951476
9. Scribes 28492 Gaul 238710779
10. CHE 66177 Teuton 230885076
Hero Name Player Level Kills
Player Population Villages
1. 3SOM 76412 78
2. CHE 66177 65
3. Brat17 59700 63
4. diediesiesind 44443 58
5. Shlik 58280 57
6. Odin 54052 56
= Satan in heels 50501 56
= coole 43828 56
7. RuthLeSsTaMiLaN 52860 53
= Blow 45514 53

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. L E G 58 245119 14216877
2. DOW 60 166574 9994438
3. KINO 56 136834 7662719
4. Parisii 45 164224 7390098
5. BIA KINO 50 124901 6245050
6. L E G 2 54 112604 6080614
7. FAT 50 94326 4716322
8. Dynasty 58 77714 4507422
9. L E G FU 51 86566 4414849
10. LEGION 42 102489 4304525
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. K&CO 4 5902800 23611199
2. L E G 58 279993 16239583
3. AwSoM 2 7990929 15981858
4. Infinity 4 3872245 15488979
5. DOW 60 174566 10473949
6. KINO 56 107802 6036914
7. BIA KINO 50 94809 4740456
8. WE 36 114898 4136310
9. QCBER 50 61359 3067926
10. LEGION 42 56120 2357060
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. DOW 60 22507 1350438
2. L E G 58 21904 1270431
3. L E G 2 54 17908 967036
4. Parisii 45 19000 855011
5. Dynasty 58 14415 836067
6. FAT 50 15380 768997
7. BIA KINO 50 12907 645351
8. ARRSE_CK 60 10097 605827
9. KINO 56 9954 557402
10. QCBER 50 10470 523516
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. L E G 58 45547023 2641727358
2. DOW 60 34336200 2060172022
3. L E G 2 54 24151095 1304159139
4. Parisii 45 28497485 1282386805
5. Fat 50 18035621 901781027
6. KINO 56 15925501 891828038
7. Dynasty 58 14899380 864164029
8. QCBER 50 15489293 774464651
9. BIA KINO 50 14327741 716387068
10. Parisii1 45 15683371 705751685

Ukx, Round 5 (Feb 2009 - Jun 2009)

Ukx, Round 5

Server Information

Server Start 08.02.2009
Artefacts none
World Wonders 21.05.2009
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 14.06.2009
T-Version T3.1/5
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 10510
Server Length 127 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 4966 47%
Teutons 2558 24%
Gauls 2985 28%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. deadHands 55 56242
2. A – Team 56 52332
3. Chip Butty 50 45836
4. ColdLion 50 43909
5. PeKe 50 42417
6. volleyballer 44 40445
7. Robert0 44 40261
8. Ket 39 37984
9. robbo 41 37389
10. Sint Nicholaas 41 34200
Player Vill. Pop.
1. R Rรคubertochter 81 93112
2. Red 62 63364
3. incognito 64 59419
4. acute lady 62 58260
5. One-Eyed Willy 53 48951
6. Ben Kenobi 50 48318
7. ONE True Pro 52 46903
8. Bangers N Mash 48 44047
9. Teutonenreiter 48 43723
10. TMC 55 43591
Player Vill. Pop.
1. bob6149 67 57257
2. Deviant 59 50309
3. Legbreak 49 45627
4. Corin 44 43354
5. TheBird 45 38918
6. Fifi Bella 42 38887
7. GSC 47 38449
8. bogie 37 36013
9. The Cave Bear 46 35180
10. Ulysses 38 35013

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Womble PWN’d By All (160|-220) Confeds 100
2. New Deli Hot’n’Sweet (49|-54) Confeds 99
3. ONE True Pro โ‚ช Allies of Sparta โ‚ช (-49|53) KoS 95
4. Merrick True Underdogs (-201|-175) INSANITY 90
5. wth? BARKING MAD (-51|-55) DOW 86
6. Deviant ppl will be lkew tf (218|158) 30DOM 84
7. Justina United and Loyal (-180|200) LTA 57
8. PompeySavs BUNS (181|-15) B N B 24
9. Loverpirate โ‚ช Thank you โ‚ช (-20|-2) KoS 1
10. Bangers N Mash Thanks for the plans (57|50) NWA 0
= Dexter (-6|-176) TKT 0
= ket (-180|9) TRCoS 0
= Natars (28|180) 0
Player Alliance
Artefact Player Alliance
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking (16777215+)
Natars Defending 4919825

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. One-Eyed Willy 48951 53 2478714
2. Teutonenreiter 43723 48 1761541
3. ONE True Pro 46903 52 1445334
4. Corin 43354 44 1402298
5. Bikermice 34535 39 1269904
6. bunnygirl 29230 41 1036741
7. Captain ALE 21396 30 1001174
8. R Rรคubertochter 93112 81 915595
9. Nasty Troubles 33605 35 814682
10. xNEMESISx 31740 36 808429
Player Population Villages Points
1. wth? 16219 25 20165281
2. Merrick 16280 27 18359501
3. New Deli 32236 40 17156809
4. ONE True Pro 46903 52 14825308
5. Womble 29924 38 9234462
6. Justina 23432 30 6333594
7. Deviant 50309 59 5021825
8. Loverpirate 29021 37 4938709
9. bajenirland 17380 28 4911973
10. Adl&Jim 993 1 3480923
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. R Rรคubertochter KoS 81 93112
2. Red PB 62 63364
3. incognito KiT 64 59419
4. acute lady PWNStars 62 58260
5. bob6149 30DOM 67 57257
6. deadHands KoS 55 56242
7. A – Team PB 56 52332
8. Deviant 30DOM 59 50309
9. One-Eyed Willy PB 53 48951
10. Ben Kenobi PB 50 48318
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. xNEMESISx 31740 Teuton 716432728
2. One-Eyed Willy 48951 Teuton 609355395
3. Bikermice 34535 Teuton 596220083
4. ONE True Pro 46903 Teuton 544129843
5. Doood54 32314 Roman 501481942
6. ROMFT 23628 Teuton 468867687
7. thompsd1 26899 Teuton 419728828
8. c0ncept 23493 Teuton 405197624
9. Teutonenreiter 43723 Teuton 402734492
10. Captain ALE 21396 Teuton 359237788
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. Corin 172 1500000
2. One-Eyed Willy 145 1063084
3. sexy susan Captain ALE 128 82665
4. yes Janz 122 759910
5. Smashie Smashie Nasty Troubles 119 724885
6. bunifufu bunnygirl 115 670040
7. Soapy & Bob badbwoy21 113 650609
8. Big Punisher proman 109 607909
9. stiffy Bangers N Mash 107 583828
10. yourself ONE True Pro 106 574581
Player Population Villages
1. R Rรคubertochter 93112 81
2. bob6149 57257 67
3. incognito 59419 64
4. Red 63364 62
= acute lady 58260 62
5. Deviant 50309 59
6. A – Team 52332 56
7. deadHands 56242 55
= TMC 43591 55
= showtime 40478 55

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. UV-SAUโ„ข 60 188634 11318069
2. KoS 44 235081 10343568
3. B.M.O. 50 193225 9661237
4. PWNStars 46 199509 9177397
5. PB 29 286013 8294367
6. DOW 60 100753 6045181
7. 30DOM 20 283048 5660966
8. KoS II 52 103494 5381664
9. FDP 26 190372 4949665
10. NWA 39 125185 4882215
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. KoS 44 25243 1110710
2. DOW 60 17288 1037260
3. UV-SAUโ„ข 60 17087 1025193
4. KoS II 52 16041 834121
5. W&D MAF 54 14794 798854
6. B.M.O. 50 15255 762772
7. PWNStars 46 16376 753304
8. PB 29 22480 651927
9. B N B 59 10608 625886
10. NWA 39 13927 543134
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. Confeds 2 14699872 29399743
2. INSANITY 3 7760245 23280736
3. KoS 44 501017 22044739
4. DOW 60 357569 21454136
5. 30DOM 20 360417 7208345
6. LTA 1 6333594 6333594
7. [i]an]os 48 104362 5009386
8. B.M.O. 50 84938 4246918
9. B N B 59 59762 3525942
10. MI5 17 199258 3387381
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. KoS 44 70302855 3093325611
2. B.M.O. 50 60971293 3048564664
3. UV-SAUโ„ข 60 31478061 1888683655
4. W&D MAF 54 28513628 1539735894
5. PB 29 49261554 1428585079
6. PWNStars 46 30345992 1395915628
7. KoS II 52 20258782 1053456650
8. BUMsos 28 36447858 1020540028
9. N&N 60 16154783 969286955
10. H4H 34 24560079 835042682

Ukx, Round 6 (Jun 2009 - Nov 2009)

Ukx, Round 6
Server Information

Server Start 24.06.2009
Artefacts 14.08.2009
World Wonders 08.10.2009
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 05.11.2009
T-Version T3.5
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 6132
Server Length 135 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 2780 45%
Teutons 1349 22%
Gauls 2002 33%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Rockandrolla 64 64028
2. Thanatus 59 55737
3. bizzar 59 54955
4. Stop it 56 51880
5. Veritas 53 47544
6. Psycopse 47 43820
7. Hawks 49 41345
8. Sarum & Henge 43 39319
9. hughhayter 44 36474
10. scobb 43 36379
Player Vill. Pop.
1. What&Ever 71 68538
2. dumndumerer 72 59590
3. Safira&Steele 65 59361
4. bowseyho 58 57022
5. Naresuan 67 56715
6. Tetris 59 54798
7. IchSpartan 58 50069
8. Excalibur 57 49716
9. Pagan Storm 49 46769
10. Panda Pop 53 43819
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Trivium 72 66544
2. prudence 58 55602
3. Combo 55 50720
4. BACHALOR_BOY 63 48553
5. GSC 54 45923
6. hokketu 55 45140
7. NoobyFace 47 39170
8. bonnie 46 38203
9. settingsun 44 36157
10. hawkeye4 43 35998

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. FlacidBell Flaccid Sausage (-1|16) HoS 100
2. Naresuan Blood, Sweat & Tears (-59|-277) TKT~XSWC 94
= pink n fluffy Builder Required .. (-108|154) Sexy 94
3. dumbledore Oink Oink (-149|-124) SAU โ„ข 91
4. m3andy N.K.A (150|113) SAUโ„ข 86
5. NaZverse Set Sail For Fail (-16|-77) SimCity 84
6. hawkeye4 no guts no glory (277|24) Evils 78
7. mummybear The Phoenix (135|-127) Sexy 71
8. DodgySte The Templars (5|281) TKT~XSWC 1
9. Pony Express (79|0) ~FFCโ„ข~ 0
= docevilution We Will Make History (-76|-11) Renegade 0
= bud&basina (-285|30) ~TRC~ 0
= Old No 7 Full of Bull (14|77) N@P 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder corrupt HoS
Building Plan Holder DodgySte TKT~XSWC
Building Plan Holder dumbledore SAU โ„ข
Building Plan Holder FlacidBell HoS
Building Plan Holder flighty Renegade
Building Plan Holder m3andy SAUโ„ข
Building Plan Holder mummybear Sexy
Building Plan Holder Naresuan TKT~XSWC
Building Plan Holder NaZverse SimCity
Building Plan Holder Omega Renegade
Building Plan Holder PeacH [M]I5
Building Plan Holder pink n fluffy Sexy
Building Plan Holder Scorpian King UV
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement HappyMarius SimCity
Architects’ Secret Piccoloo NFC
Artefact of the Fool
Diet, The Dawin NFC
Hawk’s Eyesight Wuotan SAU โ„ข
Military Haste Bowseyho *FoB*
Rival’s Confusion NaZverse SimCity
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking (16777215)
Natars Defending 6637367

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. What&Ever 68538 71 2306227
2. kuddling cats 34476 40 1395653
3. HappyMarius 38444 52 1394418
4. bowseyho 57022 58 1383991
5. IchSpartan 50069 58 1340707
6. Bobby Dazzler 22152 35 1061864
7. longhorn 34490 42 1045021
8. docevilution 11596 24 1007291
9. rambler 32939 41 957892
10. Pagan Storm 46769 49 911886
Player Population Villages Points
1. FlacidBell 22549 32 28092430
2. pink n fluffy 23142 30 13717755
3. NaZverse 28324 40 12926606
4. dumbledore 39169 47 12538234
5. DodgySte 18182 27 9989339
6. Naresuan 56715 67 9139979
7. mummybear 19916 25 8031789
8. m3andy 23271 31 7995621
9. hawkeye4 35998 43 7603552
10. docevilution 11596 24 7090232
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. What&Ever *FoB* 71 68538
2. Trivium SAU โ„ข 72 66544
3. Rockandrolla Evils 64 64028
4. dumndumerer SAU โ„ข 72 59590
5. Safira&Steele * 65 59361
6. bowseyho *FoB* 58 57022
7. Naresuan TKT~XSWC 67 56715
8. Thanatus B~SWC 59 55737
9. prudence B~SWC 58 55602
10. bizzar SAU โ„ข 59 54955
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. HappyMarius 38444 Teuton 1323908247
2. docevilution 11596 Teuton 1000701744
3. IchSpartan 50069 Teuton 724191429
4. traffic133 8036 Teuton 674433203
5. Combo 50720 Gaul 615666009
6. What&Ever 68538 Teuton 566204504
7. rambler 32939 Teuton 455036233
8. Pieta11 38460 Teuton 409035351
9. Wuotan 32477 Teuton 389715279
10. bajenirland 28318 Gaul 350435932
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. DirtyDom&Dawire bowseyho 179 1625482
2. LovesYaBoth :o) What&Ever 175 1543369
3. Rob <3 NoobyFace 142 1016531
4. Up the Duff Bobby Dazzler 140 993269
5. Kenny McCormick longhorn 140 992943
6. Sugar Plum Half Figs 139 982402
7. (bandit) corrupt 136 939634
8. rambler rambler 128 827615
9. loves lauras Enterprise 127 824818
10. R.I.P Enemys juergu 127 820057
Player Population Villages
1. Trivium 66544 72
= dumndumerer 59590 72
2. What&Ever 68538 71
3. Naresuan 56715 67
4. Safira&Steele 59361 65
5. Rockandrolla 64028 64
6. BACHALOR_BOY 48553 63
7. Thanatus 55737 59
= bizzar 54955 59
= Tetris 54798 59

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. *FoB* 36 347550 12511810
2. HoS 60 185584 11135040
3. SimCity 60 179560 10773601
4. SAU โ„ข 55 136060 7483321
5. N@P 52 136069 7075578
6. [M]I5 20 240803 4816062
7. * 49 84382 4134707
8. UV 16 248913 3982611
9. Renegade 40 98117 3924672
10. Evils 42 87302 3666704
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. Sexy 9 2478264 22304377
2. HoS 60 355856 21351374
3. TKT~XSWC 2 9564659 19129318
4. SimCity 60 277129 16627743
5. SAU โ„ข 55 278766 15332108
6. N@P 52 181980 9462979
7. Renegade 40 225380 9015205
8. Evils 42 208590 8760800
9. SAUโ„ข 1 7995621 7995621
10. *FoB* 36 118337 4260132
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. HoS 60 17098 1025900
2. SAU โ„ข 55 18008 990417
3. SimCity 60 15978 958659
4. A7X 49 14252 698333
5. N@P 52 12207 634755
6. Evils 42 14474 607889
7. *FoB* 36 16599 597575
8. WM 45 12832 577443
9. * 49 11545 565702
10. TKT 54 10175 549456
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. SimCity 60 59590970 3575458213
2. Renegade 40 42416008 1696640300
3. *FoB* 36 40800407 1468814637
4. SAU โ„ข 55 22860489 1257326898
5. N@P 52 23479908 1220955208
6. HoS 60 19511631 1170697865
7. Evils 42 20784818 872962363
8. Kamikaze 14 61639609 862954525
9. ~TRC~ 30 27211377 816341324
10. * 49 14092895 690551869

Ukx, Round 7 (Nov 2009 - Apr 2010)

Ukx, Round 7
Server Information

Server Start 20.11.2009
Artefacts 15.01.2010
World Wonders 04.03.2010
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 01.04.2010
T-Version T3.5/6
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 2901
Server Length 132 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 1212 42%
Teutons 621 21%
Gauls 1067 37%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Bang Bus 75 73123
2. Uggie Babie 55 54296
3. princes bride 52 49980
4. True Minds 53 48927
5. weRback 56 47258
6. fox 46 40805
7. Vendetta 52 38247
8. Maglor 53 37745
9. alymac 46 37263
10. L200 Soul Truck 41 37060
Player Vill. Pop.
1. GTS 77 79185
2. Pumkin 75 78459
3. pieta11 63 59612
4. Travian Freak 62 58190
5. GSC MAN X 61 56434
6. Tea and Chips 58 56186
7. Bunny Boiler 59 51453
8. FlyingDuckers 65 50937
9. MaFia Gang 51 45805
10. Peanut Butter 63 43745
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Xentrix 73 72626
2. Combo 59 57357
3. Mistic 57 56344
4. bacon1811 53 50271
5. Laurent76 43 41377
6. MistyD 45 41300
7. Mallory 48 40823
8. blast 51 36901
9. papillon 41 36544
10. Almost Famous 40 36357

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Angelic Arwen Helms Deep (-55|-285) Friends 100
2. Ooops Oops We Did It Again (-267|92) AHO FTW 93
3. MaFia Gang TAJ MAHAL (-75|22) City WW 92
4. SaSsY TeUtOn HEX & Friends (94|-170) AHO FTW 89
= Morphia Fused Templars (271|-88) Friends 89
5. Bunny Boiler War and Peace (22|76) City WW 86
6. Horny Devil Marching On Together (-171|-87) AHO FTW 83
7. weRback RUINED WONDER (-93|168) City WW 61
8. GTS META WW (-13|1) City WW 58
9. NunsOnTheRun 30DOM Says Goodbye (75|-29) 30DOM 9
10. FlyingDuckers (-19|-76) 30DOM 0
= Final Boss (158|107) WWBD 0
= cheffie (92|266) โ„ขW 0
Player Alliance
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Bacon1811 30DOM
Architects’ Secret Angelic Arwen Friends
Artefact of the Fool ? ?
Diet, The Pumkin WarCity
Hawk’s Eyesight Snofooz TRC
Military Haste Mafia Gang City WW
Rival’s Confusion SuperUnknown QCB
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 16777215
Natars Defending 6577632

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. MaFia Gang 45805 51 2218980
2. FlyingDuckers 50937 65 2166456
3. Dr Love 20581 25 1659316
4. GTS 79185 77 1595816
5. timetokill 38577 43 1425385
6. Combo 57357 59 1352582
7. NunsOnTheRun 42203 48 1172893
8. MeanOldMen 39638 50 1068877
9. Tea and Chips 56186 58 1009083
10. Legendkiller 27240 39 960118
Player Population Villages Points
1. MaFia Gang 45805 51 28413801
2. Horny Devil 17298 25 22798437
3. Angelic Arwen 14953 20 15711734
4. Ooops 21735 34 12112313
5. GTS 79185 77 10996572
6. Morphia 36209 44 10910523
7. NunsOnTheRun 42203 48 10781974
8. Bunny Boiler 51453 59 7273537
9. weRback 47258 56 4980560
10. SaSsY TeUtOn 16033 24 4400879
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. GTS City WW 77 79185
2. Pumkin WarCity 75 78459
3. Bang Bus 30DOM 75 73123
4. Xentrix B A B 73 72626
5. pieta11 ~TRC~ 63 59612
6. Travian Freak QCB 62 58190
7. Combo 30DOM 59 57357
8. GSC MAN X NDAA 61 56434
9. Mistic Fused 57 56344
10. Tea and Chips 30DOM 58 56186
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. MeanOldMen 39638 Teuton 732972231
2. MaFia Gang 45805 Teuton 581282618
3. traffic133 7207 Teuton 526366782
4. Legendkiller 27240 Teuton 516250283
5. Combo 57357 Gaul 466002612
6. Stromae 27487 Teuton 442974136
7. Jimbo 24866 Teuton 408319329
8. rada 31757 Teuton 400678727
9. codman 24796 Teuton 392289851
10. DieDieSieSind 25216 Teuton 274885106
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. Pussy Cat Nun NunsOnTheRun 237 2826754
2. Team Sexy FlyingDuckers 199 2006239
3. DirtyDom&Dawire GTS 194 1905308
4. Big,Bad & Mean Dr Love 181 1656829
5. Ego attack me!! Mentalist 153 1192306
6. Pudding power timetokill 152 1172358
7. FlacidBreasts True Minds 149 1118531
8. Laura Lee SuperNoobs 143 1035383
9. Lizzie Bang Bus 140 994730
10. Arch.uriel Bane 136 934257
Player Population Villages
1. GTS 79185 77
2. Pumkin 78459 75
= Bang Bus 73123 75
3. Xentrix 72626 73
4. FlyingDuckers 50937 65
5. pieta11 59612 63
= Peanut Butter 43745 63
6. Travian Freak 58190 62
7. GSC MAN X 56434 61
8. Combo 57357 59
= Bunny Boiler 51453 59

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. 30DOM 27 523652 14138600
2. FeroCity 55 204466 11245605
3. BadCity 43 225414 9692822
4. QCB 27 224264 6055126
5. WarCity 48 121359 5825253
6. A&D 45 114786 5165386
7. City WW 4 1245890 4983560
8. R-K 34 145693 4953575
9. DOW 55 83884 4613611
10. COX 54 69397 3747415
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. City WW 4 10006971 40027884
2. AHO FTW 3 11096802 33290407
3. Friends 3 8986222 26958666
4. 30DOM 27 565479 15267929
5. RSR 37 156066 5774438
6. FeroCity 55 74129 4077109
7. R-K 34 116611 3964778
8. QCB 27 107204 2894508
9. DOW 55 50664 2786544
10. N&N 54 50625 2733774
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. FeroCity 55 17958 987704
2. BadCity 43 21733 934540
3. 30DOM 27 30551 824864
4. A7X 44 17288 760665
5. Fused 51 14624 745846
6. COX 54 12685 684976
7. WarCity 48 13628 654152
8. DOW 55 11508 632913
9. QCB 27 22724 613556
10. A&D 45 13119 590346
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. FeroCity 55 35325173 1942884527
2. WarCity 48 30094870 1444553781
3. A&D 45 23884866 1074818991
4. BadCity 43 23629268 1016058515
5. 30DOM 27 37578112 1014609014
6. QCB 27 37224171 1005052625
7. City WW 4 209672889 838691557
8. A&DII 36 20560902 740192487
9. DOW 55 11644532 640449240
10. Fused 51 12547674 639931383

Ukx, Round 8 (Apr 2010 - Aug 2010)

Ukx, Round 8
Server Information

Server Start 19.04.2010
Artefacts 10.06.2010
World Wonders 29.07.2010
Building Plans 07.08.2010
Server Finish 26.08.2010
T-Version T3.5/6
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 2794
Server Length 130 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 1087 39%
Teutons 634 23%
Gauls 1072 38%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. bodgie 66 65947
2. conks 51 49084
3. hughhayter 53 46421
4. C.J. 52 43450
5. Roman Gods 53 42637
6. Galactus 45 40191
7. Hawkeye 49 40171
8. Forester 42 38019
9. Decessus 43 35744
10. TheLoserGuy 43 35711
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Scorpian King 80 80313
2. Boroboy69 57 49745
3. noggin 50 48966
4. desperados 55 48538
5. IckleTickle 58 46178
6. Rickshaw 51 43304
7. Pupser 54 41338
8. Packing Iron 46 41270
9. Spera 45 40997
10. PublicEnemy 48 40096
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Trivium 76 76542
2. GSC 60 53923
3. BigFuglyGirls 52 46469
4. Helix 53 43380
5. Kama Baby 43 39944
6. Nala 51 39577
7. Uncertainty 48 39225
8. SMcD 41 38499
9. The Boulder 50 36871
10. Aladinsane 45 36486

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Rosรฉ The Crucifix (71|-39) UV 100
2. frankie Cams Flame (265|-135) FFF-TKT 90
3. ghost-raider We Exist to Win (-60|186) A&D. 79
4. Ooops Ooops A Daisy (-76|32) A7X 78
5. Parcifal Parimi Thieves (197|31) T.A.T.S 73
6. Scorpian King Golden Temple (38|72) UV 45
7. Schizoid FAT PWNStars (64|-188) B.U.M. 11
8. Bodgitt&Scarper (-6|17) QCB 0
= PublicEnemy (-43|-69) Hunters 0
= Misschiefmaker (-191|-41) Dynasty 0
= 1 point 7 (-120|-269) B~SWC 0
= BigFuglyGirls (-258|149) UV 0
= MNM (183|235) Zodiacs 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Frankie FFF-TKT
Building Plan Holder Fuzz Fluff
Building Plan Holder Ooops A7X
Building Plan Holder Rosรฉ UV
Building Plan Holder Schizoid B.U.M.
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advance. Scorpian King UV
Architects’ Secret Frankie FFF-TKT
Artefact of the Fool dudes&chika D&D
Diet, The Dragonmaw Clan A&D.
Hawk’s Eyesight unknown unknown
Military Haste BigFuglyGirls UV
Rival’s Confusion Ooops A7X
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking (16777215)
Natars Defending 7369970

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. BigFuglyGirls 46469 52 2518369
2. The Boogieman 25901 32 1555927
3. Scorpian King 80313 80 1314164
4. cutie 31933 38 1146089
5. Boroboy69 49745 57 1046562
6. StinkBadger 36345 44 1040395
7. desperados 48538 55 981853
8. IchSensation 38925 42 901489
9. PublicEnemy 40096 48 860963
10. chef 28885 36 855610
Player Population Villages Points
1. Scorpian King 80313 80 22025037
2. ghost-raider 28693 37 19857953
3. frankie 19349 28 18466207
4. Rosรฉ 12903 17 17405002
5. Ooops 18433 32 14938800
6. Dizzymissy21 11601 17 6344307
7. Parcifal 8100 16 3757048
8. Batchy10 3175 6 1632492
9. Schizoid 23360 27 1003631
10. Tigress 7213 12 900655
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Scorpian King UV 80 80313
2. Trivium B~SWC 76 76542
3. bodgie L.O.F 66 65947
4. GSC Valkyrie 60 53923
5. Boroboy69 D&D 57 49745
6. conks D&D 51 49084
7. noggin B~SWC 50 48966
8. desperados UV 55 48538
9. BigFuglyGirls UV 52 46469
10. hughhayter A&D. 53 46421
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. Scorpian King 80313 Teuton 830232313
2. traffic133 7872 Teuton 820786297
3. cutie 31933 Teuton 529194663
4. Stoned2Death 25799 Teuton 489976037
5. Gasoline 16244 Teuton 390396060
6. conks 49084 Roman 389556371
7. BigFuglyGirls 46469 Gaul 385183986
8. HoneyBadger 34559 Teuton 349491148
9. nekto 18687 Gaul 324218620
10. bikermice 20324 Roman 322115897
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. RonBurgundySebi BigFuglyGirls 221 2466575
2. Big,Bad & Mean The Boogieman 181 1649998
3. Si aka Dawire Boroboy69 140 1000462
4. Stinky StinkBadger 138 971488
5. Pegasus Skamandros 130 860119
6. Bernard ! Small Potatoes 129 850183
7. sausages chef 129 847966
8. Lea Is Sexy Firepanda 127 813891
9. I Roman zuza722 126 803984
10. IchSpartan IchSensation 125 799922
Player Population Villages
1. Scorpian King 80313 80
2. Trivium 76478 76
3. bodgie 65943 66
4. GSC 53806 60
5. IckleTickle 46178 58
6. Boroboy69 49740 57
7. desperados 48439 55
8. Pupser 41338 54
9. hughhayter 46349 53
= Helix 43380 53
= Roman Gods 42637 53

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. D&D 60 180399 10823969
2. UV 17 439835 7477198
3. A&D. 60 115428 6925676
4. PM 13 349161 4539095
5. A7X 60 64388 3863260
6. Fused 44 85161 3747084
7. โ„ขW 50 74483 3724157
8. Hunters 42 72334 3038019
9. B~SWC 47 58877 2767218
10. Flame 47 58078 2729648
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. UV 17 2107805 35832689
2. A&D. 60 309891 18593453
3. FFF-TKT 2 8439008 16878015
4. A7X 60 262152 15729139
5. ND 36 191650 6899414
6. T.A.T.S 27 188787 5097252
7. Mates 8 374293 2994346
8. D&D 60 40618 2437053
9. BPonies 14 163105 2283473
10. BKG*NE 46 45281 2082926
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. A&D. 60 19348 1160875
2. D&D 60 18831 1129831
3. A7X 60 14853 891168
4. B~SWC 47 15637 734925
5. โ„ขW 50 13602 680116
6. Zodiacs 42 11550 485082
7. rogue 41 11463 470000
8. Flame 47 9831 462036
9. Fused 44 9776 430135
10. PoRT~SWC 39 10368 404371
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. D&D 60 45919465 2755167904
2. UV 17 104246320 1772187434
3. A&D. 60 28408683 1704521000
4. A&D.II 38 30352111 1153380219
5. B~SWC 47 19249397 904721644
6. Flame 47 18655906 876827573
7. Fused 44 19064194 838824532
8. A7X 60 12666883 760012961
9. PM 13 57207181 743693353
10. Hunters 42 15861907 666200090

Ukx, Round 9 (Sep 2010 - Jan 2011)

Ukx, Round 9
Server Information

Server Start 17.09.2010
Artefacts 11.11.2010
World Wonders 30.12.2010
Building Plans 06.01.2011
Server Finish 18.01.2011
T-Version T3.6
Natar Spawning Static
Total Players 2133
Server Length 123 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 793 37%
Teutons 471 22%
Gauls 868 41%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Crusaders 77 77030
2. Insane Clown 71 71022
3. Spera 49 46627
4. Gluttony 54 45060
5. Enemy Collector 49 40043
6. VaT 49 37729
7. lom 48 36549
8. shb 43 34965
9. jeffhorray 46 34871
10. The one 44 34256
Player Vill. Pop.
1. BeerGoggles 66 57162
2. wardog&bogie 58 55119
3. Tjoms 56 52650
4. Lucky 50 45575
5. Achillea 58 45210
6. Yargnits 49 42160
7. Sloth 45 40397
8. Little Ghost 50 39242
9. BT2 48 38942
10. Greed 50 38611
Player Vill. Pop.
1. dbros 61 53902
2. Tanyah 55 45648
3. Kali Mist 50 41430
4. Thin white duke 47 38885
5. Friskyโ€ฆ 40 38136
6. Mad Mari-Ana 49 36706
7. Billisok 48 36385
8. Vixster 49 35172
9. Farts 48 34298
10. wlad 49 33741

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Ooops A Beardy Danger DucksCrossing (-188|224) Him Her 100
2. BT2 WhyAreWeDoingThis? (64|52) ~TRC~ 89
3. Orda Tanysha (205|-212) =V= 86
4. pickle Aunty Virus (18|-17) Astro 85
5. BOOBica ? ?Zodiac Heroes? ? (-230|-193) Astro 72
6. Orda State of Decoherence (197|-38) =V= 71
7. Davedab Wonder of the World (-35|197) WD 25
8. Wrath The Situation (244|165) S&S 11
9. English Oak (46|-70) Rogue 0
= Sumo60 (-63|-53) Astro 0
= Innes (-201|14) ~TRC~ 0
= Faffing (-46|70) ~TRC~ 0
= S1k3 (10|195) Hegemony 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder dbros ~TRC~
Building Plan Holder mexx KINO II
Building Plan Holder CRUSADERS S&S
Building Plan Holder pickle Astro
Building Plan Holder musi =V=
Building Plan Holder orda =V=
Building Plan Holder musi =V=
Building Plan Holder Mersey Him Her
Building Plan Holder BOOBica Astro
Building Plan Holder Hob Goblin Him Her
Building Plan Holder BT2 ~TRC~
Building Plan Holder Ooops A Beardy Him Her
Building Plan Holder Wrath S&S
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement BeerGoggles ~TRC~
Architects’ Secret Orda =V=
Artefact of the Fool The Prodigy E-Bosher
Diet, The Okantar E-Bosher
Hawk’s Eyesight Musi =V=
Military Haste Insane Clown E-Bosher
Rival’s Confusion CRUSADERS S&S
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 9961215
Natars Defending 8236755

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Insane Clown 71022 71 2760417
2. CRUSADERS 77030 77 2719261
3. Witcher 30165 44 973074
4. BeerGoggles 57162 66 903973
5. fastkiller 32536 39 856922
6. Lucky 45575 50 836367
7. Furface 37008 43 826927
8. Wrath 18202 26 782149
9. Aspect 10881 16 744257
10. HERCULES 11168 20 704891
Player Population Villages Points
1. Ooops A Beardy 17916 30 10758999
2. Wrath 18202 26 8215242
3. Orda 38942 4 7009705
4. BT2 38942 48 4601235
5. pickle 35968 50 4082352
6. BOOBica 16902 23 3427083
7. davedab 12709 20 1244815
8. Insane Clown 71022 71 1190302
9. Crusaders 77030 77 1021830
10. fastkiller 32536 39 706619
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. CRUSADERS S&S 77 77030
2. Insane Clown E-bosher 71 71022
3. BeerGoggles ~TRC~ 66 57162
4. wardog&bogie UTR 58 55119
5. dbros ~TRC~ 61 53902
6. Tjoms ~TRC~ 56 52650
7. Spera ETR 49 46627
8. Tanyah ~TRC~ 55 45648
9. Lucky NN 50 45575
10. Achillea Wicked 58 45210
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. CRUSADERS 77030 Roman 1386984313
2. Witcher 30165 Gauls 1281338723
3. Insane Clown 71022 Romans 1060188052
4. BeerGoggles 57162 Teutons 754518991
5. traffic133 7825 Teutons 628821141
6. fastkiller 32536 Teutons 542406854
7. Lucky 45575 Teutons 471264252
8. dragonlance 26619 Teutons 464664863
9. Lothar 19337 Teutons 391594183
10. dbros 53902 Gauls 390824286
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. Yeah Buddy CRUSADERS 206 2134735
2. Feel myโ€ฆ. Wrath 127 814025
3. Clown Insane Clown 124 783896
4. ??????????? Witcher 123 768629
5. Aspรจct Aspect 113 645382
6. Al Gore ManBearPig 112 638084
7. FlacidBreasts Patience 109 605479
8. Harold Furface 107 586801
9. PORTUGAL espanholitu 107 583790
10. Fuz3rO Fuz3ro 107 582065
Player Population Villages
1. CRUSADERS 77030 77
2. Insane Clown 71022 71
3. BeerGoggles 57162 66
4. dbros 53902 61
5. wardog&bogie 55119 58
= achillea 45210 58
6. Tjoms 52650 56
7. Tanyah 45648 55
8. Gluttony 45060 54
9. Naresuan 35280 53

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. ~TRC~ 52 151068 7855541
2. Wicked 55 125067 6878683
3. S&S 13 481064 6253828
4. E-bosher 7 447923 3135463
5. UTR 34 81849 2782854
6. Rogue 41 59886 2455319
7. ETR 37 65988 2441540
8. Zodiacs 56 43364 2428392
9. Wickedยณ 39 53064 2069496
10. Disney 27 76582 2067716
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. Him Her 3 3609466 10828399
2. S&S 13 830465 10796051
3. Astro 3 2528683 7586048
4. ~TRC~ 52 144722 7525522
5. =V= 2 3542259 7084518
6. Rogue 41 61437 2518911
7. WD 18 113179 2037213
8. E-bosher 7 271905 1903332
9. Wicked 55 31476 1731199
10. UTR 34 40206 1367001
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. ~TRC~ 52 21053 1094758
2. Wicked 55 18921 1040633
3. A7X 54 13840 747363
4. โ„ขW 47 13937 655022
5. Zodiacs 56 10728 600789
6. Hegemony 53 10905 577957
7. Sherwood 44 11023 485030
8. ETR 37 12166 450127
9. UTR 34 12957 440533
10. Rogue 41 9916 406545
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. Wicked 55 40588752 2232381353
2. ~TRC~ 52 40503424 2106178055
3. S&S 13 139818842 1817644940
4. KINO II 14 100116565 1401631904
5. Wickedยณ 39 35381664 1379884894
6. E-bosher 7 181810354 1272672477
7. Rogue 41 18053629 740198803
8. A7X 53 12388561 656593726
9. UTR 34 17573013 597482448
10. NN 8 70839469 566715750

Ukx, Round 10 (Feb 2011 - Jun 2011)

* Thank you to wgn, onlyickleme and, amalgon for help with this thread.

Ukx, Round 10
Server Information

Server Start 04.02.2011
Artefacts 31.03.2011
World Wonders 19.05.2011
Building Plans 26.05.2011
Server Finish 16.06.2011
T-Version T3.6
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 2021
Server Length 133 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 781 38.6%
Teutons 418 20.7%
Gauls 821 40.6%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Bartender 59 55282
2. krneki113 52 46142
3. MadFairy 50 45114
4. Spera 46 44686
5. Enemy Collector 50 44175
6. Nakupenda 54 42802
7. zafont 53 41958
8. Tikopia 48 39107
9. stan 43 38444
10. Trig 43 36650
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Spears 68 64021
2. WarLords 68 61390
3. Frisky Felines 64 57364
4. Knave 67 56235
5. Tempest 56 44525
6. Warrior Chick 56 42952
7. Zippy 47 42234
8. Donar 52 40795
9. fatchoy 50 38718
10. Hajar Bleh 48 38613
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Xentrix 76 74963
2. secret snail 75 71431
3. IchSpartan 73 66908
4. Feisty One 57 54252
5. The Ringmasters 53 48857
6. Combo 56 47227
7. Absinthe Fairy 47 44458
8. Jillian 58 44368
9. CaTs 44 40983
10. Angel Blood 53 40626

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. WarLords Hedging BeTTTs (165|116) UV 100
2. nesquirrel Underestimated (-164|-124) DAZO-WW- 70
3. insomniacs NO Cartoon Hero Here (-112|165) A7X 58
4. bunch ~ Overestimated ~ (-58|-298) [V.I.P] 49
5. Boiling Water Tampa Bay Lightning (81|-22) CC 37
6. dumpling We Got Grenades! (-12|-84) GTL 36
7. WarLords Cream Tease (19|83) UV 4
8. WarLords โ„ขW WW (42|301) UV 1
9. luvlyjugly ——->>> (17|5) M A D 0
10. FlacidBell (84|-188) GTL 0
11. Suicidal Teuton (286|-105) [V.I.P] 0
12. Ghie ABU$ADO$ & 62 (-83|21) Unknowns 0
13. morfi ANGELS LEGIONS (-288|88) ABU$ADO$ 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Basil Brush UV
Building Plan Holder BigBaz DAZO-WW-
Building Plan Holder Boiling Water CC
Building Plan Holder bunch [V.I.P]
Building Plan Holder FlacidBell GTL
Building Plan Holder inch A7X
Building Plan Holder insomniacs A7X
Building Plan Holder Laughing Gnome UV
Building Plan Holder nesquirrel DAZO-WW-
Building Plan Holder ViddyD Hegemony
Building Plan Holder WarLords UV
Building Plan Holder Zapp Brannigan CC
Building Plan Holder Ziva CC
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Kasparov Vikings
Architects’ Secret WarLords UV
Artefact of the Fool Combo GTL
Diet, The PublicEnemy A7X
Hawk’s Eyesight Laughing Gnome UV
Military Haste Fruitcake F.O.F.F
Rival’s Confusion FANTASTIC 4 TSS
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 16777215
Natars Defending 9176705

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. WarLords 61390 68 4300929
2. Kasparov 27090 33 3446591
3. Beast 30052 41 1794536
4. Tempest 44525 56 1511546
5. Old No 7 30777 38 1440752
6. Frisky Felines 57364 64 1208056
7. Warrior Chick 42952 56 1196034
8. Boiling Water 24746 34 1128635
9. varyag 17901 25 1075542
10. SOFO 18014 24 1066625
Player Population Villages Points
1. WarLords 61390 68 39964530
2. insomniacs 26994 40 15824160
3. nesquirrel 18619 30 13900624
4. dumpling 12040 26 13378554
5. BigBaz 1719 2 9465068
6. bunch 13992 18 7463439
7. Boiling Water 24746 34 6008318
8. morfi 14496 22 2788871
9. varyag 17901 25 1102697
10. Brains&Beauty 26327 38 886204
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Xentrix UTR 76 74963
2. secret snail CC 75 71431
3. IchSpartan IchKoS 73 66908
4. Spears F.O.F.F 68 64021
5. WarLords UV 68 61390
6. Frisky Felines CC 64 57364
7. Knave GTL 67 56235
8. Bartender TTT 59 55282
9. Feisty One M A D 57 54252
10. The Ringmasters Circus 53 48857
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. Kasparov 27090 Teuton 1812103340
2. WarLords 61390 Teuton 1495096189
3. Xentrix 74963 Gaul 692265337
4. Tempest 44525 Teuton 545119038
5. stil 27217 Teuton 506137561
6. Stoned2Death 23865 Teuton 494017705
7. Que Cara Chato! 27116 Teuton 479141709
8. MadFairy 45114 Roman 466743129
9. Stooge 26040 Teuton 436709899
10. Ghie 38172 Teuton 392263815
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. UKx Off Record WarLords 224 2525502
2. Smukke Tone Kasparov 206 2147963
3. Charlie Sheen Beast 175 1542940
4. Fruitcake Fruitcake 171 1486824
5. Mum Old No 7 167 1402843
6. Si (miss you) Warrior Chick 150 1135319
8. Ben Dover Tempest 146 1078099
9. Whale Waiders dumpling 145 1072106
10. SOFO SOFO 141 1013441
Player Population Villages
1. Xentrix 74963 76
2. secret snail 71431 75
3. IchSpartan 66908 73
4. Spears 64021 68
= WarLords 61390 68
5. Knave 56235 67
6. Frisky Felines 57364 64
7. Bartender 55282 59
8. Jillian 44368 58
9. Feisty One 54252 57

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. GTL 25 373823 9345565
2. CC 21 289566 6080885
3. TTT 38 158524 6023927
4. UV 11 488202 5370218
5. UTR 42 120829 5074834
6. ABU$ADO$ 52 94278 4902464
7. Baal 29 163215 4733232
8. ZODIACS 49 95495 4679243
9. Vikings 13 348062 4524801
10. A7X 54 81632 4408118
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. UV 11 3668436 40352795
2. DAZO-WW- 4 5885604 23542416
3. GTL 25 720351 18008778
4. A7X 54 320337 17298194
5. [V.I.P] 51 194090 9898609
6. CC 21 376628 7909184
7. ABU$ADO$ 52 115382 5999844
8. ZODIACS 49 60980 2988008
9. M A D 20 104419 2088382
10. F.O.F.F 12 171228 2054731
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. A7X 54 16395 885339
2. Hegemony 53 13644 723133
3. ZODIACS 49 14090 690399
4. UTR 42 16426 689907
5. โ„ขW 50 12750 637518
6. TTT 38 15449 587075
7. ABU$ADO$ 52 11173 581018
8. CoX 53 10584 560927
9. [V.I.P] 51 10695 545432
10. Baal 29 17848 517600
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. ABU$ADO$ 52 41624065 2164451364
2. Vikings 13 163686010 2127918128
3. UV 11 158933289 1748266180
4. UTR 42 33946874 1425768707
5. M A D 20 66868991 1337379810
6. ZODIACS 49 23121044 1132931133
7. GTL 25 44936866 1123421650
8. Baal 29 37452512 1086122837
9. [V.I.P] 51 16555932 844352553
10. CoX 53 15782398 836467078

Ukx, Round 11 (Jul 2011 - Dec 2011)

Ukx, Round 11
Server Information

Server Start 25.07.2011
Artefacts 03.09.2011
World Wonders from start
Building Plans 16.10.2011
Server Finish 23.12.2011
T-Version T4.0
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 5,597
Server Length 152 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 2,346 42.1%
Teutons 1,406 25.2%
Gauls 1,817 32.6%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Assassin 103 102,481
2. Boomerang 75 67,774
3. Arayashiki 63 58,948
4. berezn 55 56,710
5. Maggot Man 59 52,103
6. SoulCutter 54 50,709
7. rosdee 51 47,979
8. splatt that rat 52 44,254
9. Andromeda 49 43,261
10. stan 45 41,582
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Monkey 53 49,428
2. Volcano 49 46,297
3. MasCulona 47 45,219
4. Hallie 45 41,651
5. psycho bunny 49 39,917
6. freddibnah 44 38,175
7. LaurynasD 39 35,633
8. Jinx 45 33,535
9. Wino 43 32,609
10. kilted-dave 35 31,270
Player Vill. Pop.
1. emily 65 66,181
2. Paradise Lost 67 65,266
3. Shadow 56 56,192
4. sofa slug 60 55,862
5. Killin Meself 58 49,828
6. Whisper 53 46,419
7. Shaven monkey 50 45,539
8. serendipity 47 42,078
9. Ossie 44 40,076
10. MHB 45 38,067

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. LuCkY Creative Chaos (-2|12) FTT 100
2. emily Uh-Uh, No its not ^^ (15|15) =-SuKx 5
3. Mikaela Banes Wally (21|0) BTBW 0
= Assassin Holy Hand Grenade (15|-15) UV 0
= Xtreme Whales ^ Secretly our WW. (0|-21) [Y] GTB 0
= Assassin Something Witty (-15|-15) UV 0
= Arayashiki Neverending Story (-21|0) T-T-M 0
= Assassin Hated By Many (-5|-11) UV 0
= Kombat (-15|15) ZODIACS 0
= The Magician (-12|2) P.A 0
= Natars (0|21) 0
= Natars (11|6) 0
= Natars (9|-8) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Arayashiki T-T-M
Building Plan Holder Arayashiki T-T-M
Building Plan Holder Burton FTT
Building Plan Holder Burton FTT
Building Plan Holder emily =-SuKx
Building Plan Holder getascone FTT
Building Plan Holder Hallie [Y] GTB
Building Plan Holder LuCkY FTT
Building Plan Holder Mikaela Banes BTBW
Building Plan Holder SpudTrooper ZODIACS
Building Plan Holder Xtreme Whales [Y] GTB
Building Plan Holder
Building Plan Holder
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement emily =-SuKx
Architects’ Secret LuCkY FTT
Artefact of the Fool Flanders SC
Diet, The fritz_the_cat SC
Hawk’s Eyesight Pizzicato [Y] GTB
Military Haste SoulCutter SC
Rival’s Confusion Arayashiki T-T-M
Player Statistic Points

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Assassin 102,481 103 6,308,114
2. McAwesome 28,123 30 4,039,922
3. emily 66,181 65 2,942,851
4. SoulCutter 50,709 54 2,211,222
5. sofa slug 55,862 60 2,169,445
6. BCM 24,492 35 1,829,150
7. Arayashiki 58,948 63 1,479,391
8. Shaven monkey 45,539 50 1,418,230
9. usahero22 28,768 36 1,306,290
10. sorynache 15,976 25 1,266,581
Player Population Villages Points
1. LuCkY 28,554 35 69,787,262
2. Xtreme Whales 16,542 28 18,291,026
3. McAwesome 28,123 30 14,424,452
4. Arayashiki 58,948 63 8,799,566
5. Mikaela Banes 9,211 17 3,659,763
6. Assassin 102,481 103 1,066,124
7. matti&mervi 18,043 24 1,059,212
8. Sooky 30,976 39 776,568
9. TooSwift 7,172 10 670,492
10. sebastian 15,941 22 662,893
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Assassin UV 103 102,481
2. Boomerang FCukx 75 67,774
3. emily =-SuKx 65 66,181
4. Paradise Lost FRIENDS 67 65,266
5. Arayashiki T-T-M 63 58,948
6. berezn FRIENDS 55 56,710
7. Shadow REJECTS 56 56,192
8. sofa slug CP 60 55,862
9. Maggot Man [Y] GTB 59 52,103
10. SoulCutter SC 54 50,709
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Level Kills
1. Assassin 542 7,372,221
2. McAwesome 414 4,310,904
3. emily 362 3,292,260
4. sofa slug 340 2,910,829
5. BCM 325 2,653,811
6. getascone 318 2,549,208
7. sorynache 310 2,413,463
8. JustForFun 307 2,372,337
9. Boomerang 304 2,322,202
10. SoulCutter 292 2,140,458
Player Population Villages
1. Assassin 102,481 103
2. Boomerang 67,774 75
3. Paradise Lost 65,266 67
4. emily 66,181 65
5. Arayashiki 58,948 63
6. sofa slug 55,862 60
7. Maggot Man 52,103 59
8. Killin Meself 49,828 58
9. Shadow 56,192 56
10. berezn 56,710 55

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. SC 24 465,090 11,162,167
2. [Y] GTB 19 505,211 9,599,002
3. H B M 37 229,568 8,494,028
4. FRIENDS 51 164,893 8,409,532
5. UV 4 1,939,486 7,757,943
6. P.A 37 207,259 7,668,576
7. T.B.Bโ„ข 21 228,554 4,799,637
8. FCukx 30 150,917 4,527,513
9. IDK 36 110,802 3,988,886
10. Hegemony 37 95,858 3,546,733
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. FTT 4 17,515,618 70,062,472
2. [Y] GTB 19 1,066,770 20,268,627
3. H B M 37 434,107 16,061,959
4. T-T-M 4 2,210,804 8,843,214
5. BTBW 17 229,726 3,905,334
6. FRIENDS 51 72,621 3,703,682
7. SC 24 148,894 3,573,456
8. FCukx 30 113,705 3,411,136
9. HBM 37 80,715 2,986,441
10. P.A 37 75,418 2,790,448
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. FRIENDS 51 18,658 951,562
2. H B M 37 18,707 692,165
3. P.A 37 15,137 560,087
4. SC 24 20,470 491,269
5. Hegemony 37 12,580 465,474
6. FCukx 30 14,722 441,661
7. [Y] GTB 19 22,952 436,081
8. โ„ขW 43 9,418 404,972
9. HBM 37 10,556 390,566
10. IDK 36 10,665 383,957
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

Ukx, Round 12 (Feb 2012 - Sep 2012)

Unfortunately we were unable to record the attacking and defending players and alliances, the player heroes or the building plan holders. If you have any of this information, please get in touch with me so that we can add it to the Hall of Fame. Thank you!

Ukx, Round 12
Server Information

Server Start 27 Feb 12
Artefacts 11 Apr 12
World Wonders from start
Building Plans 20 May 12
Server Finish 17 Sep 12
T-Version T4.0
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 1,592
Server Length 204 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 585 36.7%
Teutons 300 18.8%
Gauls 706 44.3%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Had 92 79,637
2. Mithras 75 76,210
3. jeffhooray 73 67,169
4. Ziva 59 54,748
5. blackparade 56 54,241
6. CAZ 64 54,236
7. tadarrr 61 52,976
8. Toronto 62 52,580
9. Neron 57 51,979
10. Anonymouse 54 50,193
Player Vill. Pop.
1. MicSh-er 78 77,846
2. WarLords 85 75,757
3. Pencil 78 74,991
4. FlamingKittens 74 71,918
5. White Knight 69 65,853
6. Cute & Fluffy 80 65,441
7. AMY 63 59,254
8. Misschiefmaker 69 56,316
9. ABYSS 68 52,524
10. team 56 51,770
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Trivium 122 120,794
2. Morrigan 78 76,863
3. LameDuck 79 74,630
4. Jambo 77 72,276
5. adg 78 71,857
6. Curly Sue 83 70,038
7. vambo 72 64,337
8. Ethereal 64 62,486
9. Puppet 79 61,344
10. Ossie 59 56,893

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. SHADOW The Seventh Wonder (-15|-15) REJโ„ข 14
2. Andromeda Poddles United (15|15) SSR 2
3. Chaos We Love Shaun (9|-8) GTB 1
= Ominous Gym Tanning Badgers (-2|12) GTB 1
= Beer Can I win (15|-15) GTB 1
4. Anonymouse It was in the stars (21|0) Friends 0
= White Knight fixed up from start (0|-21) GTB 0
= Mistress Divine Never gonna give… (-21|0) QCB~LOF 0
= Chin Chin Keith III (-15|15) GTB 0
= Anonymouse Been Bad Again (0|21) Friends 0
= WarLords Ultra Violence (11|6) UV 0
= Anonymouse Go Natars Go! (-12|2) Friends 0
= Hooch Three Legged Man (-5|-11) QCB 0
Player Alliance
Artefact Player Alliance

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Resources
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Trivium Friends 122 120,794
2. Had Camelot 92 79,637
3. MicSh-er Camelot 78 77,846
4. Morrigan FIRE 78 76,863
5. Mithras Friends 75 76,210
6. WarLords UV 85 75,757
7. Pencil Friends 78 74,991
8. LameDuck BB! 79 74,630
9. Jambo FIRE 77 72,276
10. FlamingKittens GTB 74 71,918
Player Population Villages Resources
Hero Name Player Level Kills
Player Population Villages
1. Trivium 120,794 122
2. Had 79,637 92
3. WarLords 75,757 85
4. Curly Sue 70,038 83
5. Cute & Fluffy 65,441 80
6. LameDuck 74,630 79
= Puppet 61,344 79
7. MicSh-er 77,846 78
= Morrigan 76,863 78
= Pencil 74,991 78
= adg 71,857 78
8. Jambo 72,276 77
9. Mithras 76,210 75
10. FlamingKittens 71,918 74

Top10 Alliances

Player Population Villages Resources
Player Population Villages Resources
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. GTB 54 21,632 1,168,117
2. QCB 44 20,626 907,525
3. Hegemony 47 17,662 830,093
4. SSR 42 17,259 724,883
5. BOS 33 20,530 677,499
6. REJโ„ข 40 15,590 623,598
7. Friends 20 30,192 603,849
8. ZODIACS 45 11,703 526,630
9. X 39 13,473 525,447
10. โ„ขW 32 13,417 429,357
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

Ukx, Round 13 (Oct 2012 - Feb 2013)

Ukx, Round 13
Server Information

Server Start 27.10.2012
Artefacts 03.09.2011
World Wonders From start
Building Plans 17.01.2013
Server Finish 20.02.2013
T-Version T4.0
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 2,631
Server Length 116 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 884 33.6%
Teutons 537 20.5%
Gauls 1210 45.9%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Turn Scatasciat 48 42,797
2. Nad 42 37,764
3. DennistheMenace 44 37,353
4. hellonearth 44 36,967
5. Bagpuss 40 34,987
6. zafont 45 33,827
7. Zodiac 37 31,956
8. Gaia 36 30,643
9. RugZorZ 37 27,741
10. William Wallace 33 27,070
Player Vill. Pop.
1. SPACCIATORE 43 38,438
2. AleOne 45 37,641
3. Jeeg 39 32,140
4. Pepe Le Pew 41 31,852
5. Fantastic 4 31 31,230
6. chillout 34 30,631
7. Gangnam Style 31 30,516
8. Set 37 30,264
9. Hysteria 37 29,366
10. Loosewire 36 29,217
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Sla&Bla 67 64,098
2. The Flanders 51 45,279
3. DRAGONHEART 48 43,902
4. Combo 50 43,025
5. ICBM 35 42,190
6. stregavodoo 51 42,043
7. Tohru 46 40,946
8. Wanted 45 39,199
9. Dignitas 40 37,531
10. Atletico Madrid 37 36,912

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Hysteria FromWallaceWithLove (15|-15) WALLACE 100
2. Hallie Valhalla (-21|0) GTB 55
3. SHADOW Lake Rej X (-15|-15) REJโ„ข 41
4. Pepe Le Pew The Magnetic Pulse (-12|2) GTB 18
5. Hysteria ItaliansDoItBetter (0|-21) WALLACE 4
= Darkshadows AnyadApad idejojjon (15|15) Uollas+ 0
= The Hogs Stewie โ™ฅ (21|0) Scarso 0
= The Hogs Orbis non sufficit (-15|15) Scarso 0
= Natars (9|-8) 0
= Natars (-2|12) 0
= Natars (0|21) 0
= Noapte ..? Good question :) (15|-15) M 0
= Natars (9|-8) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Hysteria WALLACE
Building Plan Holder Eeyore GTB
Building Plan Holder Pepe Le Pew GTB
Building Plan Holder Crimson Fox M
Building Plan Holder 00bev00 REJโ„ข
Building Plan Holder BCM GTB
Building Plan Holder gerofante W4ll4ce
Building Plan Holder William Wallace Wollas
Building Plan Holder The Flanders GTB
Building Plan Holder Hallie GTB
Building Plan Holder Lone Ranger BOS
Building Plan Holder SHADOW REJโ„ข
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Funcool l Papi
Architects’ Secret Pepe Le Pew GTB
Artefact of the Fool Fantastic 4 MASMA
Diet, The Hysteria WALLACE
Hawk’s Eyesight Sniper W4ll4ce
Military Haste Mutts nutts Axis
Rival’s Confusion QuattroC4ni W4ll4ce
Player Statistic Points

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Stewie 29,074 39 2,280,701
2. Hallie 30,633 39 1,938,663
3. Mutts Nutts 25,740 33 1,837,261
4. Pepe Le Pew 31,852 41 1,624,745
5. The Hogs 26,859 33 2,169,445
6. BCM 20,206 28 1,030,561
7. Combo 43,025 41 924,118
8. Slackers 25,475 30 915,003
9. Spera 30,563 35 862,532
10. Darkshadows 15,171 24 854,418
Player Population Villages Points
1. Hysteria 29,336 37 41,041,000
2. SHADOW 20,000 27 8,308,379
3. Hallie 28,123 39 5,135,823
4. Pepe Le Pew 31,852 41 3,444,706
5. FinbarrSaunders 31,852 41 1,663,331
6. Lawless 12,140 19 937,434
7. Shokoladka 19,752 24 651,348
8. 0 0 7 14,193 24 650,683
9. Jeeg 32,140 39 650,108
10. Stewie 29,047 39 601,356
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Sla&Bla W4ll4ce 67 64,098
2. The Flanders GTB 51 47,279
3. DRAGONHEART Wall@ce 48 43,902
4. Combo MASMA 50 43,025
5. Turn scatasciat Wollas 48 42,797
6. ICBM AXIS 35 42,190
7. stregavodoo l Papi 51 42,043
8. Tohru GTB 45 40,946
9. Wanted W4ll4ce 45 39,197
10. SPACCIATORE W4ll4ce 43 38,438
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Level Kills
1. Hallie 317 2,522,669
2. Mutts nutts 311 2,433,415
3. Stewie 246 1,523,970
4. Darkshadows 225 1,274,798
5. BCM 219 1,208,908
6. Pepe Le Pew 198 988,416
7. Eeyore 196 973,382
8. Slackers 196 972,935
9. Combo 193 940,413
10. Freja 185 865,519
Player Population Villages
1. Sla&Bla 64,098 67
2. The Flanders 45,279 51
3. stregavodoo 45,279 51
4. Combo 43,025 50
= DRAGONHEART 43,902 48
= Turn scatasciat 42,797 48
7. Tohru 40,946 46
= Wanted 39,199 45
= Aleone 37,641 45
10. DennisTheMenace 37,353 44

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. GTB 45 339,845 15,293,042
2. MASMA 44 173,403 7,629,749
3. AXIS 28 210,904 5,905,305
4. REJโ„ข 55 97,893 5,384,097
5. W4ll4ce 48 96,509 4,632,348
6. Uollas+ 41 107,340 4,400,942
7. Wollas 43 97,758 4,203,595
8. Wall@ce 33 114,721 3,785,791
9. FIRE 48 62,930 3,020,648
10. WallaceL 33 80,253 2,648,343
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. WALLACE 4 10,325,056 41,300,224
2. GTB 45 343,838 15,472,699
3. REJโ„ข 55 197,353 10,854,401
4. MASMA 44 61,118 2,689,184
5. AXIS 28 80,842 2,263,565
6. X 29 70,060 2,031,752
7. Hegemony 48 37,037 1,777,753
8. SSQS 23 75,772 1,742,752
9. Wollas 43 39,408 1,694,526
10. W4ll4ce 48 35,156 1,687,491
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. GTB 45 17,791 800,603
2. W4ll4ce 48 15,687 752,955
3. Masma 44 16,345 719,173
4. Wollas 43 16,220 697,467
5. REJโ„ข 55 11,951 657,467
6. Uollas+ 41 12,335 505,724
7. FIRE 48 10,103 484,929
8. Wall@ce 33 13,274 438,051
9. AXIS 28 15,256 427,161
10. WallaceL 33 12,329 406,863
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

Ukx, Round 14 (Mar 2013 - Aug 2013)

Ukx, Round 14
Server Information

Server Start 06.03.2013
Artefacts 15.04.2013
World Wonders From start
Building Plans 28.05.2013
Server Finish 31.08.2013
T-Version T4.0
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 1,032
Server Length 175 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 372 36.1%
Teutons 186 18%
Gauls 474 45.9%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Texboy 67 64,610
2. easylife 52 49,391
3. Optica 49 48,047
4. Sperandromeda 58 44,226
5. Ossie 49 43,699
6. C.J. 61 41,498
7. Balaur 46 40,740
8. Zyg 55 40,592
9. Desmo 43 39,685
10. mgm 49 37,693
Player Vill. Pop.
1. zitix 60 59,352
2. Nomak 52 47,627
3. ZIMA 50 47,068
4. The-Wizard 52 42,576
5. Mimic 38 34,831
6. Trivium 35 34,088
7. Bubba Dwarf 39 32,204
8. Tiger007 39 31,906
9. kschan 37 31,252
10. Brain 38 31,064

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Gandalf The Precious (-15|-15) GTB 100
2. Radagast OneAllyToRuleThemAll (11|6) GTB 6
3. RockM SockM Ancient Alien Tech! (15|15) BoS* 3
4. Brain Try Try Try Again :P (9|-8) Soldiers 3
5. fools run Squirrel Hill (21|0) MRH 1
6. Dee_Licious1 Dee & Tobi (0|-21) MRH 1
= Gimli 48 v.s All (15|-15) GTB 0
= oo quick Hell’s Gates (-15|15) 666 0
= Natars (-12|2) 0
= Natars (-21|0) 0
= Jeff Peoples Power (0|21) U.F.* 0
= aryan SOLDIERS 2.0 (-5|-11) Soldiers 0
= Jeff See U Next Round :) (-2|12) U.F.* 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder A.A. Milne BoS*
Building Plan Holder Gandalf GTB
Building Plan Holder Richie Gee Soldiers
Building Plan Holder andtom S. A
Building Plan Holder Dee_licious1 MRH
Building Plan Holder Brain Soldiers
Building Plan Holder fools run MRH
Building Plan Holder RockM SockM BoS*
Building Plan Holder Radagast GTB
Building Plan Holder Saruman GTB
Building Plan Holder Nomak U.F.*
Building Plan Holder Jeff U.F.*
Building Plan Holder Ayra MRH
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement SuperTed GTB
Architects’ Secret Gandalf GTB
Artefact of the Fool Faramir GTB
Diet, The eraserhead BoS
Hawk’s Eyesight Radagast GTB
Military Haste Orc no. 2 GTB
Rival’s Confusion Dee_Licious1 MRH
Player Statistic Points

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Sperandromeda 44,226 58 3,660,335
2. Orc No. 2 32,040 41 2,751,575
3. Arwen&Elrond 26,882 38 2,644,577
4. BCM 27,518 48 1,877,847
5. Superted 45,195 56 1,821,996
6. Glorfindel 37,663 51 1,700,224
7. DRSK 30,943 43 1,556,435
8. Radagast 29,992 44 1,508,961
9. callmeandy 357 1 1,343,720
10. Honey Boo Boo 25,640 31 1,261,368
Player Population Villages Points
1. RockM SockM 24,625 30 64,180,244
2. Gandalf 27,396 38 63,246,871
3. fools run 22,014 29 35,679,944
4. Brain 31,064 38 16,397,571
5. Jeff 30,835 36 1,327,331
6. Stomp 25,108 30 763,439
7. Sperandromeda 44,226 58 697,881
8. Honey Monster 19,611 24 635,605
9. GavinB 43,393 45 508,508
10. RKSE 9,100 13 481,325
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. discjirm Soldiers 81 81,502
2. Morrigan TAA 74 75,526
3. Texboy U.F.* 67 64,610
4. Eowyn GTB 65 60,145
5. zitix YWC 60 59,352
6. bccannan MRH 61 56,863
7. easylife YRA 52 49,391
8. Secret Squirrel S. A 51 48,116
9. Sstepz U.F.* 49 48,077
10. Optica TAA 49 48,047
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Level Kills
1. Orc No. 2 433 4,721,581
2. BCM 385 3,732,468
3. Sperandromeda 357 3,200,280
4. Arwen&Elrond 353 3,125,866
5. Nob 338 2,884,038
6. Balrog 338 2,874,409
7. Treebeard 322 2,610,727
8. UNI 309 2,405,553
9. Glorfindel 302 2,297,545
10. Radagast 301 2,277,216
Player Population Villages
1. discjirm 81,502 81
2. Morrigan 75,527 74
3. Texboy 64,610 53
4. Eowyn 60,145 65
= bccannan 56,836 61
= C.J. 41,498 61
7. zitix 59,352 60
8. Sperandromeda 44,226 58
9. Mia 43,145 57
10. Superted 45,195 56

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. GTB 48 521,999 25,055,964
2. MRH 28 484,435 13,564,186
3. Soldiers 42 209,839 8,813,249
4. BoS* 37 221,507 8,195,752
5. BoS 29 176,608 5,121,637
6. U.F.* 32 143,564 4,596,041
7. VVVโ„ข 18 171,385 3,084,931
8. Hegemony 32 93,075 2,978,393
9. Bandits 11 231,846 2,550,304
10. S. A 14 178,846 2,503,846
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. GTB 48 1,413,819 67,863,319
2. BoS* 37 1,797,429 66,504,885
3. MRH 28 1,404,854 39,335,898
4. Soldiers 42 466,568 19,595,856
5. U.F.* 32 139,075 4,450,413
6. VVVโ„ข 18 71,241 1,282,336
7. Rogue 9 124,658 1,121,922
8. BoS 29 37,767 1,095,247
9. Hegemony 32 33,831 1,082,602
10. Bandits 11 90,266 993,931
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. GTB 48 19,102 916,889
2. Soldiers 42 20,484 860,323
3. BoS* 37 19,561 723,745
4. MRH 28 23,066 645,861
5. U.F.* 32 18,470 591,026
6. BoS 29 18,874 547,357
7. Kaili 57 8,521 485,679
8. TAA 33 18,861 471,513
9. Hegemony 32 10,807 345,812
10. VVVโ„ข 18 18,850 339,297
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

Ukx, Round 15 (Oct 2013 - Mar 2014)

Ukx, Round 15
Server Information

Server Start 09 Oct 2013
Artefacts 18 Nov 2013
World Wonders from start
Building Plans 02 Jan 2014
Server Finish 24 Mar 2014
T-Version T4.2
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 1,211
Server Length 167 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 454 37.5%
Teutons 264 21.8%
Gauls 492 40.6%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Execute 64 54,359
2. Omnipus 54 49,670
3. Ossie 54 47,945
4. makis 45 41,463
5. joself 44 39,937
6. Carnage Inc 47 38,978
7. perryfight 45 36,448
8. anckorack 40 36,405
9. Pooh Bear 44 36,301
10. baksas 43 36,241
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Anakin 51 43,756
2. Yoda 55 43,700
3. K!NG 52 43,190
4. Three Wee Ewoks 48 38,948
5. Chewbacca 54 38,407
6. Kiraksuy 37 36,515
7. KMT 49 34,681
8. sandy9 38 34,501
9. kostis 1 54 33,954
10. Staying Alive 39 33,939

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Anakin Ewok Bouncy Castle (-15|-15) GTB 100
2. Carnage Inc Tets Folly (-15|15) ouch 2
3. Pooh Bear Cowboy Builders (15|-15) FRIENDS 1
4. easylife YRA Lives on! (21|0) FRIENDS 0
5. Execute The Worlds End ?(15|15) Lonelys 0
6. Execute The 1 Inch Wonder ?(-21|0) Lonelys 0
7. Execute Noodles (0|21) Lonelys 0
8. Execute Veggie Bacon (9|-8) Lonelys 0
9. TheNoob Just For Fun ? MRH 0
10. TheNoob That’s funny! (-12|2) MRH 0
11. Wrong Droids Morgans pet (0|-21) GTB 0
12. Natars ? 0
13. Natars ? 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder K!NG ????
Building Plan Holder cyclops FRIENDS
Building Plan Holder R2-D2 GTB
Building Plan Holder one mo MRH
Building Plan Holder Carnage Inc ouch
Building Plan Holder You_drool ABM
Building Plan Holder cybertron ouch
Building Plan Holder Jar Jar Binks GTB
Building Plan Holder Pooh Bear FRIENDS
Building Plan Holder Anakin GTB
Building Plan Holder spacemonkey GTB
Building Plan Holder Shwan. FT
Building Plan Holder
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement K!NG ????
Architects’ Secret Anakin GTB
Artefact of the Fool Chewbacca GTB
Diet, The Anakin GTB
Hawk’s Eyesight R2-D2 GTB
Military Haste Execute Lonelys
Rival’s Confusion Jango Fett GTB

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Chewbacca 39,279 55 4,181,891
2. Yoda 43,700 55 3,679,100
3. K!NG 43,857 53 3,044,218
4. Three Wee Ewoks 39,254 48 2,821,136
5. SMR 19,256 25 2,678,245
6. Qui-Gon Jinn 25,033 35 2,134,439
7. Execute 54,292 64 1,852,653
8. Starkiller 46,110 53 1,644,334
9. Rotta the Hutt 24,532 36 1,583,413
10. TheNoob 26,183 35 1,543,680
Player Population Villages Points
1. Anakin 43,940 51 47,195,104
2. Carnage Inc 38,998 49 33,215,009
3. Pooh Bear 35,633 44 5,758,902
4. crazy 3,639 5 4,570,224
5. K!NG 43,857 53 1,583,755
6. Execute 54,292 64 1,024,534
7. Starkiller 46,110 53 782,529
8. klokyno 158 1 744,526
9. Yoda 43,700 55 661,799
10. SMR 19,256 25 636,979
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. deej GTB 73 63,290
2. Bhishma Panda 66 57,535
3. Execute Lonelys 64 54,359
4. Omnipus FT 54 49,670
5. Ossie FRIENDS 54 47,945
6. Captain Flint MRH 58 47,640
7. Wrong Droids GTB 53 46,668
8. Starkiller GTB 52 45,221
9. Anakin GTB 51 43,756
10. Yoda GTB 55 43,700
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Level Kills
1. Chewbacca 401 4,033,567
2. Yoda 399 4,004,880
3. SMR 372 3,476,820
4. Jar Jar Binks 366 3,366,928
5. K!NG 345 3,000,207
6. Ikrit 314 2,477,161
7. YER TIS 313 2,466,233
8. Execute 311 2,439,432
9. spacemonkey 309 2,405,375
10. Qui-Gon Jinn 308 2,386,876
Player Population Villages
1. deej 63,290 73
2. Bhishma 57,535 66
3. Execute 54,359 64
4. Captain Flint 47,640 58
5. Yoda 43,700 55
6. Omnipus 49,670 54
= Ossie 47,945 54
= cybertron 41,623 54
= Chewbacca 38,407 54
= kostis 1 33,954 54
7. Wrong Droids 46,668 53
= zyg 33,785 53
8. Starkiller 45,221 52
= K!NG 43,190 52
= R2-D2 36,377 52
9. Anakin 43,756 51
10. KMT 34,681 49
= KICKASS 29,786 49

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. GTB 49 566,048 27,736,371
2. MRH 22 664,738 14,624,225
3. Soldiers 16 547,544 8,760,703
4. ORI 42 165,137 6,935,748
5. Soldiars 6 915,773 5,494,637
6. HELLASโ„ข 21 247,072 5,188,513
7. Hegemony 34 104,078 3,538,657
8. FT 17 206,603 3,512,258
9. FRIENDS 44 70,483 3,101,239
10. ???? 1 2,758,568 2,758,568
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. GTB 49 1,079,088 52,875,298
2. ouch 2 16,647,040 33,294,080
3. ORI WW 25 416,240 10,406,012
4. Soldiers 16 512,963 8,207,403
5. FRIENDS 44 173,287 7,624,645
6. MRH 22 280,418 6,169,188
7. Hegemony 34 105,726 3,594,692
8. ORI 42 70,085 2,943,550
9. Rogue 7 318,041 2,226,286
10. Soldiars 6 366,714 2,200,286
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. GTB 46 23,821 1,095,762
2. FRIENDS 44 12,240 538,577
3. MRH 22 20,207 444,564
4. Hegemony 35 12,350 432,262
5. FT 17 23,791 404,454
6. ORI 42 8,949 375,867
7. Nasty 22 13,912 306,073
8. HELLASโ„ข 21 13,517 283,866
9. ORI WW 25 11,058 276,443
10. Soldiers 16 8,804 140,862
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

Ukx, Round 16 (Apr 2014-Jul 2014)

Ukx, Round 16
Server Information

Server Start 16 Apr 2014
Artefacts 20 May 2014
World Wonders from start
Building Plans 22 Jun 2014
Server Finish 13 Jul 2014
T-Version T4.4
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 1,759
Server Length 89 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 675 38.4%
Teutons 352 20.0%
Gauls 731 41.6%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. CBS 34 30,825
2. MasterIschi 37 30,646
3. evilyoung1 31 27,383
4. hughhayter 34 26,970
5. Kruger 33 25,271
6. Art of War 29 24,498
7. cyclops 30 24,361
8. StormTroopper 29 24,215
9. NON 30 24,147
10. P.D.M 28 22,701
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Ginny Weasly 34 29,690
2. artema 33 28,962
3. ร†รธรฅ 30 26,706
4. DUCK HUNTER 37 25,795
5. mpower 31 25,255
6. OMG 31 24,493
7. Gannicus 32 23,733
8. italiano77 28 23,502
9. ___ 27 22,761
10. CyCo 27 21,644
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Aradia 43 43,967
2. Agron 41 34,367
3. B357B 33 31,339
4. Crixus 37 30,402
5. zuza722 34 28,609
6. Ossie 32 28,215
7. swolf 30 26,907
8. Whoswho 36 26,751
9. Rusted Bubber 34 26,353
10. bac 27 24,088

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Crixus Here Comes The Sun (100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž HOB 100
2. Kruger Winterfell (100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|0โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž TR!LLA 83
3. Soul Destroyer Wishs & Dreams (-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|100โ€ฌโ€ฌ) REJโ„ข 55
4. b3457-2 WW of UWL (-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ) UWL 23
5. Achillies Farewell (100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|100โ€ฌโ€ฌ) DD 2
6. evilyoung1 LOL (-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|0โ€ฌโ€ฌ) Heroes 0
7. Cute Tits & Wine โ€Ž(0โ€ฌโ€ฌ|100โ€ฌโ€ฌ) HOB 0
8. Natars (0โ€ฌโ€ฌ|0โ€ฌโ€ฌ) 0
9. Natars (0โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž 9
10. Natars 0
11. Natars 0
12. Natars 0
13. Natars 0
14. Natars 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Achillies DD
Building Plan Holder b3457-2 UWL
Building Plan Holder Crixus HOB
Building Plan Holder evilyoung1 Heroes
Building Plan Holder Fool Fool
Building Plan Holder Heart HOB
Building Plan Holder Hulk DD
Building Plan Holder Kruger *TR!LLA*
Building Plan Holder MasterIschi *TR!LLA*
Building Plan Holder Mordiii HOB
Building Plan Holder Renshai Heroes
Building Plan Holder Soul Destroyer REJโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Tum Tum UWL
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Grumpygit Heroes
Architects’ Secret Crixus HOB
Artefact of the Fool P.D.M Heroes
Diet, The Lost Souls Hegemony
Hawk’s Eyesight Mordiii HOB
Military Haste StormTroopper Sidekick
Rival’s Confusion Hearrt HOB

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. ร†รธรฅ 26,706 30 1,918,942
2. Gannicus 23,698 32 1,583,319
3. Crixus 30,408 37 1,042,687
4. MCB 19,958 26 935,957
5. P.D.M 22,441 28 913,993
6. artema 28,962 33 813,067
7. -ShockWave- 12,273 17 758,582
8. Kruger 25,381 33 652,568
9. sir ulrich 15,630 21 640,497
10. ACHERON 13,623 20 619,582
Player Population Villages Points
1. b3457-2 12,724 16 16,101,646
2. evilyoung1 26,932 31 13,555,460
3. Crixus 30,408 37 10,238,746
4. Achillies 14,015 21 5,096,031
5. Kruger 25,381 33 4,646,555
6. Soul Destroyer 12,228 16 1,749,733
7. Loki The Legend 10,542 13 1,149,819
8. Frozen 9,260 12 466,269
9. cheeky 10,619 17 463,237
10. Heart 13,048 17 333,918
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Aradia Evi 44 44,004
2. Agron HOB 42 35,023
3. B357B Heroes 33 31,339
4. CBS D.D 34 30,995
5. MasterIschi *TR!LLA* 37 30,607
6. Crixus HOB 37 30,408
7. Ginny Weasly Heroes 34 29,690
8. artema Hegemony 33 28,962
9. zuza722 HOB 34 28,611
10. Ossie FRIENDS 32 28,250
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Level Kills
1. ร†รธรฅ 312 2,450,430
2. Gannicus 238 1,425,915
3. Crixus 234 1,375,228
4. Spartacus 204 1,054,989
5. MCB 203 1,041,338
6. MENTOR 202 1,025,952
7. P.D.M 201 1,019,291
8. Crassus 199 995,300
9. SponsoredByDove 182 840,033
10. mpower 181 824,294
Player Population Villages
1 Aradia 43,967 43
2 Agron 34,367 41
3 MasterIschi 30,646 37
= Crixus 30,402 37
= DUCK HUNTER 25,795 37
4 Whoswho 26,751 36
5 CBS 30,825 34
= Ginny Weasly 29,690 34
= zuza722 28,609 34
= hughhayter 26,970 34
= Rusted Bubber 26,353 34
6 B357B 31,339 33
= artema 28,962 33
= Kruger 25,271 33
7 Ossie 28,215 32
= Gannicus 23,733 32
= Alcy 20,481 32
8 evilyoung1 27,383 31
= mpower 25,255 31
= OMG 24,493 31
= madnight 20,519 31
9 swolf 26,907 30
= ร†รธรฅ 26,706 30
= cyclops 24,361 30
= NON 24,147 30
= VIPER 22,498 30
= Pietros 21,865 30
10 Art of War 24,498 29
= StormTroopper 24,215 29
= mimic 23,341 29

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. Heroes 54 198,225 10,704,156
2. Hegemony 44 173,562 7,636,719
3. HOB 24 250,180 6,004,316
4. UWL-1 33 151,065 4,985,140
5. Villains 3 1,471,524 4,414,572
6. UWL 49 81,189 3,978,255
7. Sidekick 34 113,342 3,853,622
8. D.D 29 105,411 3,056,923
9. DD 44 64,808 2,851,546
10. *TR!LLA* 43 59,101 2,541,322
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. UWL 49 335,025 16,416,224
2. Heroes 54 295,172 15,939,298
3. HOB 24 464,161 11,139,868
4. DD 44 158,342 6,967,049
5. *TR!LLA* 43 131,692 5,662,743
6. REJโ„ข 28 146,940 4,114,332
7. UWL-1 33 76,305 2,518,070
8. Hegemony 44 49,139 2,162,124
9. Villains 3 621,021 1,863,063
10. D.D 29 55,539 1,610,625
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. Heroes 54 15,414 832,365
2. UWL 49 9,822 481,275
3. DD 44 10,471 460,727
4. *TR!LLA* 43 10,672 458,889
5. Hegemony 44 9,693 426,481
6. HOB 24 15,785 378,837
7. FEAR 38 8,801 334,445
8. D.D 29 10,914 316,514
9. UWL-1 33 9,245 305,087
10. Sidekick 34 8,131 276,438
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

UKX Round 29

[align=’center’]ROUND 29
Started: 21.11.2017
Finished: 23.02.2018
Duration: 94 days
Artifacts: 02.01.2018
Construction Plans: 20.02.2018
Version: T4.4 – 3x

[align=’center’]Wonder of The World[/align]

No Player Name of the Wonder Alliance Level
1 Heisenberg23 Better Call Saul PD 100
2 Burger King The Jobless World J.O 97
3 Gecko Lets Have a Drink Bar 80
4 Dirty Harry The Big Mac GTB 65
5 Davedab HEGEMONY for the win Hegemony 48
6 Natars Wonder Of The World 10
7 Natars 0
8 Natars 0
9 Natars 0
10 Natars 0
11 Deathstroke Stoidi era ew GTB 0
12 Banana Wonder Of The World Bar 0
13 Natars 0
14 Natars 0

[align=’center’]Largest Players[/align]

No Player Alliance Population Village
1 Pkmmte Hegemony 46691 48
2 Ghostfarmer Bar 42108 46
3 Blondie GTB 36307 40
4 Sid Snot Bar 33576 38
5 Waldorf&Statler GTB 31692 38
6 Carling55 Solos 30600 35
7 Romerix J.O 30458 36
8 Jules Winnfield GTB 30375 34
9 HappyGilmore J.O 29407 31
10 Hashtag J.O 28038 34

[align=’center’]Best offensive Players[/align]

No Player Population Village Points
1 Blondie 36307 40 1818514
2 Ron Swanson 17403 21 1095573
3 The Blacklist 21012 26 1082633
4 Seth_the_God 24391 26 836936
5 Banana 18767 23 826698
6 Qwerty 22598 27 795917
7 Ragnar Lothbrok 18217 24 769228
8 Boondock Saints 26377 30 761986
9 Lorne Malvo 16553 21 696643
10 JAMES BOND 22047 28 685101

[align=center]Best Defensive Players[/align]

No Player Population Village Points
1 Bonnie & Clyde 25441 31 1629128
2 Barry Allen 26747 34 1078785
3 El Chapo 10547 16 1069658
4 Walter White 17547 24 982073
5 Waldorf&Statler 31692 38 966559
6 Dirty Harry 26634 33 904757
7 burbrinz 13880 22 889511
8 mypc2slow 11016 15 882557
9 Billy Hoyle 16599 21 860808
10 ElMariachi 14745 18 802411

[align=center]The most Experienced Heroes

No Player Level Experience
1 Tess 286 2065029
2 Maximus 232 1357257
3 Ron Swanson 220 1216643
4 Demon 216 1180473
5 Bonnie & Clyde 212 1130112
6 Seth_the_God 210 1109892
7 Blondie 206 1067718
8 Barry Allen 197 980011
9 Quiz 195 958344
10 facchirre 190 913063

Largest Alliances

No Alliance Players Average Points
1 GTB 58 14775 856953
2 J.O 50 15056 752814
3 PD 60 11334 680030
4 Hegemony 54 12403 669757
5 Bar 53 12086 640532
6 Solos 29 10502 304554
7 PD|W 25 3881 97021
8 KC* 5 6303 31516
9 We R#1 14 1889 26449
10 T.C 5 4682 23408

[align=center]Best offensive Alliances

No Alliance Players Average Points
1 J.O 50 210766 10538279
2 GTB 58 159144 9230342
3 PD 60 143506 8610368
4 Hegemony 54 132967 7180204
5 Bar 53 135304 7171099
6 Solos 29 107669 3122409
7 KC* 5 228854 1144269
8 PD|W 25 42321 1058027
9 Balkan 6 164987 989923
10 NWE 6 144041 864246

Best Defensive Alliances

No Alliance Players Average Points
1 GTB 58 252829 14664074
2 J.O 50 256593 12829657
3 PD 60 210690 12641406
4 Bar 53 136749 7247688
5 Hegemony 54 81491 4400493
6 Solos 29 93318 2706223
7 PD|W 25 55356 1383896
8 Balkan 6 200412 1202469
9 T.C 5 239875 1199374
10 NWE 6 94881 569283

[align=center]Top 10 Roman Account

No Player Population
1 Pkmmte 27,588
2 Ghostfarmer 46,446
3 Blondie 42,081
4 Sid Snot 36,301
5 Romeriic 33,494
6 Jules Winnfield 30,422
7 HappyGilmore 30,371
8 Hashtag 29,380
9 Artic Monkey 28,016
10 Boondock Saints 27,876

Top 10 Teuton Account

No Player Population
1 Wods-Farm 26,208
2 Oakapple 25,705
3 Seth_the_God 24,409
4 Qwerty 22,587
5 Snopy 21,404
6 comptroller 21,139
7 Yoda 20,816
8 Silver Fox 20,283
9 Bad Boyz 20,259
10 Lord Drw 19,869

Top 10 Gaul Account

No Player Population
1 Waldorf&Statler 31,667
2 Carling55 30,596
3 Dirty Harry 26,877
4 Barry Allen 26,714
5 Jesse Pinkman 25,754
6 Bonne & Clyde 25,439
7 Santolnmaculado 24,407
8 Wekendatbernies 24,371
9 Groot 24,251
10 Ossie 21,391

Artifacts Status

Alliance Small Account Unique WW Plan
GTB 13 8 4 2
J.O 17 8 2 3
Bar 7 3 1 3
