UK3 ~Hall of Fame~

UK3 ~Hall of Fame~

UK3 Round 1

Uk3, Round 1 Server Information

Server Start 04.10.2007
Artefacts none
World Wonders 30.07.2008
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 29.09.2008
T-Version T3.0
Natar Spawning Static
Total Players 3338
Server Length 362 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 1892 57%
Teutons 515 15%
Gauls 930 28%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Augustus Caesar 39 37882
2. Krull 35 30287
3. weirdguy 32 27795
4. Nicie 31 27759
5. Angelic devil 32 27661
6. runningwolf 35 27538
7. ducksuk 32 27189
8. Norfolklass 33 25194
9. Lorrien 31 24597
10. Scipio 27 24348
Player Vill. Pop.
1. maleorderbride 47 40253
2. dottore 32 32397
3. neun 39 29904
4. creampuff 35 29493
5. Charliehorse 33 26831
6. deddaa 29 26785
7. BennyBlanco 34 26711
8. madlees 29 25588
9. Thor84 29 23804
10. smithy 25 22429
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Lordelox 47 34598
2. Robmilton 32 31707
3. Artock 39 31612
4. gfunk67 35 29764
5. mcer 33 28844
6. Rosie 29 27513
7. -H- 34 26307
8. isky 29 25121
9. joegs 29 24143
10. Rolf 25 22900

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Lordelox TC makes you Wonder (53|-12) TC WW 100
2. uglyduckling For the Swans (-15|-15) GGA! 89
3. J1mb0 Himejijo (-95|-86) S-WW 88
4. neun Avril’s WW (-57|94) S-WW 86
5. Knigtbird S – OMEGA (-52|7) S-WW 71
6. Charliehorse The Tower of Babel (-190|13) TC V 65
7. DogeAlfy NMS’S Special Place (193|-17) GGA! 34
8. Greybeard S-Sigma (-10|-52) S Eagle 0
= Gazzy (101|79) TC TR-R 0
= Natars (9|54) 0
= Natars (67|-108) 0
= Natars (-17|-195) 0
= Natars (0|194) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder astratow TC V
Building Plan Holder Charliehorse TC V
Building Plan Holder DogeAlfy GGA!
Building Plan Holder J1mb0 S-WW
Building Plan Holder Knigtbird S-WW
Building Plan Holder Lordelox TC WW
Building Plan Holder Neun S-WW
Building Plan Holder Rosie TC WW
Building Plan Holder uglyduckling GGA!
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Building Plan Holder unknown unknown
Artefact Player Alliance
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 5056872
Natars Defending 1492282

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. kastrioti 14638 22 579585
2. Tomecik 19884 27 564496
3. BennyBlanco 26711 34 467830
4. runningwolf 27538 35 408429
5. neun 29904 39 373939
6. redstag 19065 22 307501
7. Sera 21686 29 307405
8. Ethelred 20237 22 298619
9. markyd 16155 20 283065
10. bikeric 22453 27 265604
Player Population Villages Points
1. Lordelox 34598 47 6793055
2. J1mb0 1346 4 3823668
3. neun 29904 39 2345323
4. uglyduckling 24063 34 1608825
5. Knigtbird 19426 25 1362008
6. Charliehorse 26831 33 789414
7. Greybeard 18081 28 361919
8. maleorderbride 40253 47 313364
9. millie 5788 11 278453
10. CullenD 2475 8 274956
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. maleorderbride S-Phi 47 40253
2. Augustus Caesar S-Phi 39 37882
3. Lordelox TC WW 47 34598
4. dottore TC V 32 32397
5. Robmilton TC 33 31707
6. Artock TC 36 31612
7. Krull TC-S 35 30287
8. neun S-WW 39 29904
9. gfunk67 S-Phi 33 29764
10. creampuff TC V 35 29493
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. Catmando 15574 Roman 339400860
2. bikeric 22453 Roman 325358471
3. neun 29904 Teuton 275682142
4. gfunk67 29764 Gaul 262721405
5. Tomecik 19884 Teuton 249080363
6. Nicie 27759 Roman 245734880
7. redstag 19065 Roman 225978094
8. uglyduckling 24063 Roman 187716962
9. Ethelred 20237 Teuton 163724558
10. Sera 21686 Teuton 160522000
Hero Name Player Level Kills
Player Population Villages
1. maleorderbride 40253 47
= Lordelox 34598 47
2. Augustus Caesar 37882 39
= neun 29904 39
3. Artock 31612 36
4. krull 30287 35
= creampuff 29493 35
= runningwolf 27538 35
5. BennyBlanco 26711 34
= isky 25121 34
= uglyduckling 24063 34

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. TC 55 88959 4892756
2. S DA 51 55134 2811842
3. S-Phi 50 45624 2281184
4. TC FFH 53 41184 2182768
5. S-Alpha 45 39891 1795103
6. TC TSTยฒ 47 32973 1549732
7. TC TR-R 37 31795 1176403
8. S – olo 6 189911 1139468
9. S Delta 52 20013 1040658
10. GGA 52 17661 918360
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. S-WW 3 2510333 7530999
2. TC WW 2 3396753 6793506
3. GGA! 2 940549 1881097
4. S DA 51 28190 1437689
5. TC FFH 53 23987 1271326
6. S-Phi 50 24581 1229026
7. TC 55 19825 1090400
8. S Delta 52 19596 1018990
9. TC V 10 92773 927732
10. S Eagle 43 15666 673637
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. TC 55 13258 729172
2. S-Phi 50 13924 696180
3. TC FFH 53 10147 537776
4. S DA 51 9683 493836
5. S-Alpha 45 9997 449867
6. GGA 52 8066 419423
7. TC TSTยฒ 47 8277 389011
8. TC TR-R 37 9093 336435
9. S Delta 52 6248 324876
10. TC TSTยณ 46 6439 296182
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. TC 55 35132922 1932310696
2. S-Phi 50 25476510 1273825478
3. S DA 51 23415941 1194213015
4. S-Alpha 45 19770507 889672800
5. TC TSTยฒ 47 13999717 657986685
6. TC FFH 53 11380409 603161699
7. S – Phi3 46 10966294 504449529
8. TC TR-R 37 11607102 429462756
9. GGA 52 8028143 417463419
10. S – olo 6 66891878 401351265

UK3 Round 2

Uk3, Round 2 Server Information

Server Start 31.10.2008
Artefacts none
World Wonders 27.08.2009
Building Plans unknown
Server Finish 21.11.2009
T-Version T3.1
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 3338
Server Length 387 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 1892 57%
Teutons 515 15%
Gauls 930 28%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. NFL 46 40506
2. allie 36 39017
3. The Darknessie 41 34142
4. stu_be_do 37 32606
5. wiltshire 33 31540
6. uglydaredevil 43 31220
7. Buddhaa 34 30826
8. Ruff 36 30669
9. rjacko 35 30062
10. Fayt Leingod 40 29826
Player Vill. Pop.
1. EaRthQuAk3 49 47911
2. Peter rabbit 45 44380
3. tot 44 40745
4. antlers 39 39070
5. NormanRock 40 36157
6. Y_Man 43 34729
7. tintinsnowy 40 34682
8. cicero 38 34661
9. slaughter 34 33928
10. Lord Elite 37 30782
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Norris Bronson 52 41926
2. breetai 45 40972
3. Crystal 41 36142
4. deos 38 33635
5. Bonehead 38 33222
6. Bellsbeach 38 32939
7. Rosie 35 30115
8. manee 34 29090
9. uk3 36 28785
10. ebag 33 28329

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Balu The Coalition (10|-56) TC WW 100
2. bekler The Coalition (114|-71) TC WW 96
3. Banjax Ying Tong Iddle I Po (62|116) NE WW 95
4. uglydaredevil JeeWhizz (-53|-20) NMS E 94
5. Fireblade Defiance WW (53|16) TC 50
6. Krull TC Spectre Simopolis (42|-198) TC WW 5
7. Talia Phoenix (-19|53) NMS E 0
= chipster1 (198|31) NS-FFH 0
= Plague Dog (-66|-118) WOT-TF 0
= JamesDS (-191|-66) LZ TRT 0
= Natars (-39|200) 0
= Natars (-110|74) 0
= Natars (-14|18) 0
Player Alliance
Artefact Player Alliance
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 5613196
Natars Defending 1211064

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. GiZmo 4355 6 529247
2. Lord Elite 30782 37 454876
3. deedee21 24937 30 454350
4. Jameson 24060 29 443477
5. Peter rabbit 44380 45 441786
6. BennyBlanco 27759 37 439001
7. kitkat 25881 30 414479
8. Ghengis 15728 23 391330
9. tot 40745 44 383757
10. MadMax01 22742 34 369852
Player Population Villages Points
1. bekler 9404 26 7113795
2. uglydaredevil 31220 43 6730622
3. Banjax 10637 27 4702492
4. Balu 27630 40 2999855
5. shenanigans 21258 29 870313
6. Krull 24636 33 817670
7. Fireblade 14402 23 563063
8. Rati 12932 18 431063
9. Jameson 24060 29 404203
10. BennyBlanco 27759 37 357739
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. EaRthQuAk3 TC 49 47911
2. Peter rabbit NMS DASW 45 44380
3. Norris Bronson TC 52 41926
4. breetai TC 45 40972
5. tot NMS DA 44 40745
6. NFL TC SSE2 46 40506
7. antlers NMS DA 39 39070
8. allie TC 36 39017
9. NormanRock NE 40 36157
10. Crystal NE 41 36142
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. Daveyboy 17659 Gaul 454862410
2. GiZmo 4355 Teuton 433389676
3. Boiorix 17525 Teuton 415066288
4. deedee21 24937 Teuton 390174545
5. Peter rabbit 44380 Teuton 389826747
6. Y_Man 34729 Teuton 360348315
7. tot 40745 Teuton 291359183
8. breetai 40972 Gaul 268199871
9. chipster1 19508 Gaul 254799581
10. wayne02920 14304 Roman 203213103
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. Bekler bekler 106 571792
2. Cmdr. Jameson Jameson 97 482428
3. Sir Terry BennyBlanco 95 456655
4. Captain Jessy jessy7884 91 419003
5. Bells uk3 87 391074
6. BOOM BOOM POW ! MadMax01 86 376199
7. Dude Bellsbeach 84 361833
8. Gelert stu_be_do 83 355977
9. antlers rolls tot 83 353017
10. Mr Elite Lord Elite 83 351249
Player Population Villages
1. Norris Bronson 41926 52
2. EaRthQuAk3 47911 49
3. NFL 40506 46
4. Peter rabbit 44380 45
= breetai 40972 45
5. tot 40745 44
6. Y_Man 34729 43
= uglydaredevil 31220 43
7. Crystal 36142 41
= The Darknessie 34142 41

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. TC 50 128069 6403455
2. NMS DA 54 114824 6200507
3. NMS DAS 48 84229 4043011
4. TC SSE1 50 75909 3795470
5. TC TSTยฐ 52 72316 3760438
6. NMS DSW 47 57193 2688073
7. NE-TWolf 45 53806 2421254
8. TC TST 48 48962 2350190
9. NMS DA2 38 61438 2334626
10. NMS DASW 52 44098 2293085
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. TC WW 5 2206462 11032312
2. NMS E 5 1417617 7088085
3. NE WW 2 2353092 4706184
4. TC 50 65197 3259847
5. NMS DA 54 53651 2897140
6. NE-TWolf 45 42626 1918190
7. FGE-TF 38 46265 1758053
8. WOT-TF 37 45465 1682194
9. NMS DAS 48 34268 1644841
10. NE-Angel 59 26649 1572295
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. TC 50 20638 1031885
2. NMS DA 54 17211 929415
3. TC TSTยฐ 52 15575 809898
4. TC SSE1 50 15371 768563
5. TC TST 48 13450 645599
6. NE 38 16222 616424
7. NMS DAS 48 12443 597270
8. NMS DASW 52 10756 559299
9. NE-Angel 59 9047 533773
10. NMS DA2 38 14024 532929
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. TC 50 40833724 2041686193
2. NMS DA 54 30786237 1662456822
3. NMS DSW 47 29380076 1380863576
4. NMS DA2 38 29045907 1103744447
5. TC TSTยฐ 52 20954256 1089621336
6. TC SSE1 50 20310796 1015539805
7. NMS DAS 48 17378222 834154644
8. NMS DASW 52 15601364 811270907
9. TC SSE3 45 14432379 649457037
10. TC SSE2 33 18703951 617230387

[align=’center’]WWKs and WWRs[/align]

Overall: Wheat

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1 PureTallent NMS Teuton 328,378
2 Shenanigans NE Gaul 256,991
3 Breetai TC Gaul 246,796
4 Tobes TC Teuton 237,718
5 Ricven TC Roman 223,147
6 Tot NMS Teuton 217,608
7 Christmas Elf TC Roman 192,236
8 MadMax01 TC Teuton 186,111
9 Norris Bronson TC Gaul 179,500
10 Bellsbeach TC Gaul 170,608

Overall: Attack Strength

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1 PureTallent NMS Teuton 14,186,895
2 Shenanigans NE Gaul 11,419,505
3 Tobes TC Teuton 10,765,420
4 Breetai TC Gaul 9,521,575
5 Ricven TC Roman 9,408,235
6 Tot NMS Teuton 8,875,965
7 Christmas Elf TC Roman 8,275,305
8 MadMax01 TC Teuton 7,646,200
9 Norris Bronson TC Gaul 7,116,880
10 Bellsbeach TC Gaul 7,041,370

Overall: Quantity

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1 PureTallent NMS Teuton 192,605
2 Tobes TC Teuton 137,802
3 Shenanigans NE Gaul 135,577
4 Tot NMS Teuton 123,069
5 Breetai TC Gaul 111,712
6 Norris Bronson TC Gaul 99,056
7 Ricven TC Roman 96,322
8 MadMax01 TC Teuton 93,157
9 Christmas Elf TC Roman 86,486
10 Bellsbeach TC Gaul 85,296

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Swordsman Shenanigans NE 90,863
Theutates Thunder Norris Bronson TC 25,945
Haeduan Shenanigans NE 34,050
Rams HarLi NE 10,800
Catapults Breetai TC 14,877

Army Breakdown: Roman

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Imperian Sweet-TDLS NE 60,400
Equites Imperatoris Christmas Elf TC 4,514
Equites Caesaris Ricven TC 24,177
Rams Ricven TC 4,000
Catapults Bfc1912 TC 10,262

ArmyBreakdown: Teuton

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Clubswinger PureTallent NMS 58,106
Axeman Tobes TC 100,301
Teutonic Knight PureTallent NMS 43,057
Rams Sett TC 12,965
Catapults PureTallent NMS 9,064

Army Breakdown: Rams

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1 Sett TC Teuton 12,965
2 Kastrioti NE Teuton 12,136
3 HarLi NE Gaul 10,800
4 Bellsbeach TC Gaul 10,474
5 Deos TC Gaul 9,480

Army Breakdown: Catapults

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1 Breetai TC Gaul 14,877
2 Shenanigans NE Gaul 10,663
3 Norris Bronson TC Gaul 10,316
4 Bfc1912 TC Roman 10,262
5 Ricven TC Roman 9,259

UK3 Round 3

Uk3, Round 3 Server Information

Server Start 09.12.2009
Artefacts 12.05.2010
World Wonders 16.09.2010
Building Plans 30.09.2010
Server Finish 13.11.2010
T-Version T3.6
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 1044
Server Length 340 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 441 42%
Teutons 257 25%
Gauls 345 33%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. The Darknessie 40 31940
2. NFL 39 31042
3. jimagic 31 30602
4. Anoxic3 32 29435
5. coolman2 33 28720
6. Suds 34 28428
7. N.S.N.O 35 27934
8. sujj 32 26950
9. Blibble 32 24652
10. Lenny19 28 24216
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Comprissent 38 35717
2. JamesR 41 35179
3. Thelord 34 31356
4. Role 33 31328
5. ciumegu 35 28642
6. Thundercats 33 26455
7. Blade 31 25104
8. ronbosh 30 23852
9. Yoda 27 23726
10. spliff 27 23436

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Magnus Northern Farms WW (9|66) A&ร WW 100
2. ronbosh ร Wonder (-75|141) A&ร WW 99
3. HarLi An Angelic Wonder II (147|62) A&ร WW 96
4. Suds Mount Doom (225|-77) TC CIA 1
5. twotime In-wait for it-deed (64|-24) Angels 0
= Repkiller Suds is the real one (84|-141) TC_WW 0
= ciumegu I wanna 3.14 (-233|49) A&ร WW 0
= chevelle (49|233) Higher 0
= Natars (11|5) 0
= Natars (-13|-66) 0
= Natars (-138|-80) 0
= Natars (-42|-239) 0
= Natars (-158|99) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder twotime Angels
Building Plan Holder vengance ร A
Building Plan Holder mini Angels-K
Building Plan Holder Magnus A&ร WW
Building Plan Holder ronbosh A&ร WW
Building Plan Holder ciumegu A&ร WW
Building Plan Holder Bundle Angels-T
Building Plan Holder HarLi A&ร WW
Building Plan Holder Rue Angels
Building Plan Holder Natars
Building Plan Holder Natars
Building Plan Holder Natars
Building Plan Holder Natars
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement JUST COLD TC CIA
Architects’ Secret ronbosh A&ร WW
Artefact of the Fool LOTR ASBO
Diet, The ciumegu A&ร WW
Hawk’s Eyesight Jameson TC_WW
Military Haste pucky ASBO
Rival’s Confusion HarLi A&ร WW
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 7436751
Natars Defending 2567371

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. binary01010 13440 18 931776
2. pucky 17666 24 789746
3. attila 17544 27 723827
4. LOTR 16677 26 663108
5. JUST COLD 15803 25 569823
6. Jameson 14298 18 556997
7. stevieval 15735 22 530988
8. TheRider 23192 31 505132
9. DevilMayCry 16657 21 499360
10. sky 28411 33 487855
Player Population Villages Points
1. Repkiller 18093 25 6705851
2. Magnus 3478 10 6517041
3. ronbosh 23852 30 5001455
4. Jameson 14298 18 4114753
5. HarLi 4881 15 3603026
6. Suds 28428 34 1896095
7. binary01010 13440 18 778483
8. Krull 29995 38 567527
9. JUST COLD 15803 25 514580
10. ciumegu 28642 35 468372
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Comprissent Angels 38 35717
2. JamesR ASBO 41 35179
3. Mariposa TC CIA 35 32733
4. The Darknessie ASBO 40 31940
5. Thelord ASBO 34 31356
6. Role TC CIA 33 31328
7. NFL TC CIA 39 31042
8. jimagic ASBO 31 30602
9. Bekler TC CIA 38 30546
10. Krull TC 187 38 29995
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. JUST COLD 15803 Teuton 318438991
2. ratbag 22201 Roman 281595251
3. Comprissent 35717 Teuton 268120872
4. pucky 17666 Teuton 265116120
5. Si-tron 20419 Teuton 261648401
6. binary01010 13440 Gaul 239308009
7. deedee21 17587 Teuton 237062942
8. attila 17544 Teuton 236461982
9. Daveyboy 0 Gaul 222345405
10. Slick 13969 Roman 194669323
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. Binathor binary01010 131 869438
2. Askepot pucky 108 597126
3. BurritoConChili ciumegu 99 499091
4. Forget Me Not TheRider 98 491097
5. Jack Daniels stevieval 95 456690
6. Hitman II rsilver 89 407245
7. Mogwai Comprissent 89 401056
8. Waylander Rue 88 397842
9. BRuCE Si-tron 88 393404
10. Gene Ghengis 88 393095
Player Population Villages
1. JamesR 35179 41
2. The Darknessie 31940 40
3. NFL 31042 39
4. Comprissent 35717 38
= Bekler 30546 38
= Krull 29995 38
5. Mariposa 32733 35
= ciumegu 28642 35
= N.S.N.O 27934 35
6. Thelord 31356 34
= Suds 28428 34

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. ASBO 60 220870 13252217
2. Angels 60 92165 5529901
3. TC SAS 47 78750 3701257
4. TC CIA 44 75136 3305962
5. Angels-D 53 52932 2805406
6. รE 8 342396 2739168
7. Angels-T 48 52692 2529197
8. Angels-K 56 39292 2200373
9. ร A 50 41261 2063035
10. TC 187 48 38005 1824244
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. A&ร WW 4 3897474 15589894
2. TC_WW 2 5410302 10820604
3. TC CIA 44 86632 3811822
4. ASBO 60 54654 3279237
5. TC SAS 47 56961 2677178
6. TC 187 48 43680 2096628
7. ร A 50 40445 2022232
8. NLG 28 60032 1680892
9. รE 8 192184 1537468
10. Angels-T 48 27570 1323364
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. ASBO 60 16189 971353
2. Angels 60 12741 764462
3. TC SAS 47 13971 656650
4. TC 187 48 13194 633310
5. Angels-K 56 11268 630988
6. Angels-D 53 11899 630666
7. TC CIA 44 13627 599570
8. Angels-T 48 11737 563378
9. ร A 50 10165 508227
10. ร A ~ ร‹ 57 7464 425429
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. ASBO 60 32120448 1927226891
2. Angels 60 24010837 1440650206
3. รE 8 123849766 990798127
4. TC CIA 44 18454873 812014400
5. Angels-T 48 10549206 506361910
6. Angels-D 53 9195896 487382463
7. TC SAS 47 8674538 407703264
8. TC TBA 35 11642528 407488464
9. Angels-K 56 6798087 380692889
10. TC 187 48 7088471 340246602

[align=’center’]WWKs and WWRs[/align]

Overall: Wheat

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1 attila Angels Teuton 326,182
2 deedee21 รE Teuton 291,324
3 L-RV Angels Teuton 258,360
4 Lucretia Borgia Gaul 233,137
5 Tarasclaws Angels Teuton 208,000
6 Dreadnought Angels-D Roman 202,948
7 Moleinski TC SAS Roman 192,503
8 ruddyblue Angels Roman 188,811
9 ciumegu A&ร WW Teuton 186,917
10 King Bruce Angels Teuton 185,929

Overall: Attack Strength

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1 attila Angels Teuton 13,597,105
2 deedee21 รE Teuton 12,662,750
3 L-RV Angels Teuton 11,612,320
4 Lucretia Borgia Gaul 10,385,000
5 Dreadnought Angels-D Roman 9,158,915
6 ciumegu A&ร WW Teuton 8,559,680
7 Tarasclaws Angels Teuton 8,396,120
8 Moleinski TC SAS Roman 8,366,440
9 Role TC CIA Teuton 7,999,870
10 King Bruce Angels Teuton 7,620,350

Overall: Quantity

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1 deedee21 รE Teuton 171,517
2 attila Angels Teuton 167,746
3 L-RV Angels Teuton 141,633
4 Lucretia Borgia Gaul 133,723
5 Tarasclaws Angels Teuton 129,878
6 King Bruce Angels Teuton 115,708
7 DonkeyStyle Angels Teuton 105,737
8 ciumegu A&ร WW Teuton 100,525
9 Role TC CIA Teuton 99,891
10 Repkiller TC_WW Teuton 91,442

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Swordsman Lucretia Borgia 100,000
Theutates Thunder brian boru Angels 30,562
Haeduan Lucretia Borgia 22,064
Rams brian boru Angels 16,848
Catapults Lucretia Borgia 10,657

Army Breakdown: Roman

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Imperian Beetrootkiller TC 187 54,370
Equites Imperatoris Beetrootkiller TC 187 25,175
Equites Caesaris Dreadnought Angels-D 27,242
Rams Ice Angels 2,400
Catapults ruddyblue Angels 11,245

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Clubswinger DonkeyStyle Angels 80,500
Axeman attila Angels 111,115
Teutonic Knight attila Angels 40,884
Rams Tarasclaws Angels 16,000
Catapults attila Angels 15,059

Army Breakdown: Rams

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1 brian boru Angels Gaul 16,848
2 Tarasclaws Angels Teuton 16,000
3 deedee21 รE Teuton 14,000
4 King Bruce Angels Teuton 12,684
5 Role TC CIA Teuton 2,842

Army Breakdown: Catapults

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1 attila Angels Teuton 15,059
2 ruddyblue Angels Roman 11,245
3 Lucretia Borgia 0 Gaul 10,657
4 L-RV Angels Teuton 8,376
5 Moleinski TC SAS Roman 7,666

UK3 Round 4

Uk3, Round 4 Server Information

Server Start 20.12.2010
Artefacts 05.05.2011
World Wonders 08.09.2011
Building Plans 22.09.2011
Server Finish 04.11.2011
T-Version T3.6
Natar Spawning Random
Total Players 737
Server Length 320 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 320 43.4%
Teutons 178 24.2%
Gauls 238 32.3%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Caesar 31 31,156
2. Nadspapa 31 26,176
3. Ados 28 21,768
4. Roley 30 21,662
5. apumi 27 21,372
6. bakebean 26 19,948
7. chuckles 24 19,618
8. Brox 24 19,037
9. Black Dragon 27 18,520
10. Angelic Diablo 22 18,240
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Lotn 37 30,277
2. PorkyPieFace 30 26,993
3. sandy9 27 23,201
4. Ill Repute 30 22,331
5. The Nut Squad 29 19,518
6. Magnus 25 18,807
7. The DonNod 26 18,032
8. Kaosboi 22 17,985
9. mohican 23 17,328
10. Nyarlathotep 23 17,316
Player Vill. Pop.
1. IronCurtain 39 34,435
2. Travian Freak 38 32,402
3. SPL00GE 35 27,853
4. geomatrix 29 25,108
5. destrade 28 23,154
6. nokkiy 28 23,006
7. WiTchY 32 22,840
8. fredderf 28 22,227
9. Shafty 27 22,142
10. deedee21 24 20,844

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Magnus TOBES (-90|-140) Angels 100
2. Neuro Armageddon (-61|-33) Angels 94
3. Roley Caesar’s Palace (-132|96) FICC 5
4. iTz Sierra 117 WONDER FOOLS (-32|60) FOOLSโ„ข 2
5. Andronico The Miracle (51|-241) WWW 1
6. PorkyPieFace Its only WHEAT (-241|-65) Wolfpack 0
= Natars (139|-87) 0
= Natars (14|-66) 0
= Natars (2|-14) 0
= Natars (237|77) 0
= Natars (-51|239) 0
= Natars (63|25) 0
= Natars (93|137) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Andronico WWW
Building Plan Holder Brubarron Angels
Building Plan Holder everest FICC
Building Plan Holder il barca WWW
Building Plan Holder iTz Sierra 117 Foolsโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Magnus Angels
Building Plan Holder Natars
Building Plan Holder Natars
Building Plan Holder Natars
Building Plan Holder neuro Angels
Building Plan Holder PorkyPieFace Wolfpack
Building Plan Holder ratatouille caesar
Building Plan Holder rizzler Angels
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement SPL00GE Angels
Architects’ Secret neuro Angels
Artefact of the Fool Nyarlathotep Wolfpack
Diet, The Mantracker Angels
Hawk’s Eyesight Ill Repute Angels
Military Haste Binary Angels
Rival’s Confusion Magnus Angels
Player Statistic Points
Natars Attacking 3,993,259
Natars Defending 2,336,539

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. PorkyPieFace 26,993 30 1,009,342
2. Binary 10,171 19 952,075
3. Nyarlathotep 17,316 23 901,452
4. JUST COLD 8,456 16 833,158
5. Ill Repute 22,331 30 673,821
6. Mantracker 12,714 20 666,457
7. The DonNod 18,032 26 600,176
8. RAGE 15,254 22 519,476
9. marxbrothers 13,777 20 479,689
10. Legion 14,120 19 466,089
Player Population Villages Points
1. Magnus 18,807 25 5,258,971
2. Roley 21,662 30 3,639,687
3. neuro 14,287 19 2,918,206
4. iTz Sierra 117 15,591 22 1,236,656
5. PorkyPieFace 26,993 30 827,645
6. Andronico 11,529 17 676,060
7. JamesR 7,016 15 394,225
8. ratatouille 19,417 26 375,667
9. tryri 15,663 22 362,813
10. Timekiller 9,629 14 309,192
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. IronCurtain RASE 39 34,435
2. Travian Freak Demons 38 32,402
3. Caesar Demons 31 31,156
4. Lotn Wolfpack 37 30,277
5. SPL00GE Angels 35 27,853
6. PorkyPieFace Wolfpack 30 26,993
7. Nadspapa Wolfpack 31 26,176
8. geomatrix Angels 29 25,108
9. sandy9 Wolfpack 27 23,201
10. destrade OI 28 23,154
Player Population Tribe Resources
1. Mantracker 12,714 Teuton 288,865,007
2. PorkyPieFace 26,993 Teuton 250,563,549
3. mohican 17,328 Teuton 245,272,356
4. tryri 15,663 Teuton 238,987,093
5. Ados 21,768 Roman 214,994,502
6. sebot 16,101 Teuton 185,159,918
7. JUST COLD 8,456 Teuton 174,130,937
8. The DonNod 18,032 Teuton 172,082,312
9. Black Dragon 18,520 Roman 151,484,496
10. Mr Grumbly 15,012 Gaul 113,481,163
Hero Name Player Level Kills
1. Porkstโ˜†r PorkyPieFace 131 865505
2. Nightgaunt Nyarlathotep 112 643975
3. Slaughter Ill Repute 108 599472
4. Shenanigans Mantracker 104 555129
5. PMS Missus The DonNod 102 530726
6. Albahollys Hero Albaholly 100 508682
7. Suicide Sid JamesR 94 452472
8. martin riggs leem101 92 436729
9. Jimmy Page tryri 90 414983
10. Sparky niicks speed 89 404899
Player Population Villages
1. IronCurtain 34,435 39
2. Travian Freak 32,402 38
3. Lotn 30,277 37
4. SPL00GE 27,853 35
5. WiTchY 22,840 32
6. Caesar 31,156 31
= Nadspapa 26,176 31
7. PorkyPieFace 26,993 30
= Ill Repute 22,331 30
= Roley 21,662 30

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. Angels 56 174,196 9,754,997
2. Wolfpack 50 149,433 7,471,642
3. US 48 73,432 3,524,759
4. Demons 55 44,035 2,421,921
5. caesar 54 31,167 1,683,030
6. Immortal 33 38,335 1,265,060
7. Foolsโ„ข 29 33,506 971,686
8. FICC 3 161,847 485,542
9. WWW 40 7,939 317,566
10. OI 2 155,048 310,095
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. Angels 56 183,795 10,292,532
2. FICC 3 1,295,855 3,887,566
3. US 48 67,050 3,218,414
4. Wolfpack 50 42,313 2,115,662
5. Foolsโ„ข 29 64,844 1,880,465
6. Immortal 33 47,553 1,569,263
7. caesar 54 26,583 1,435,476
8. WWW 40 21,478 859,106
9. Demons 55 14,145 778,002
10. Mad Kit 7 47,595 333,168
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. Angels 56 13,660 764,981
2. Demons 55 12,158 668,715
3. Wolfpack 50 11,347 567,378
4. caesar 54 8,652 467,253
5. US 48 8,694 417,315
6. Immortal 33 8,853 292,165
7. Foolsโ„ข 29 6,495 188,375
8. Caesar3 55 2,363 129,983
9. coreโ„ข 19 5,789 110,006
10. WWW 40 2,740 109,615
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources
1. Angels 56 30,411,367 1,703,036,553
2. Wolfpack 50 22,145,646 1,107,282,275
3. US 48 14,226,628 682,878,134
4. Immortal 33 20,403,733 673,323,194
5. caesar 54 10,665,178 575,919,619
6. Demons 55 4,782,450 263,034,776
7. Foolsโ„ข 29 5,984,852 173,560,700
8. coreโ„ข 19 4,046,274 76,879,202
9. WWW 40 1,772,592 70,903,685
10. Caesar3 55 1,033,118 56,821,477

[align=’center’]WWKs and WWRs[/align]

Overall: Wheat

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1 Mantracker Angels Teuton 537,001
2 sebot Angels Teuton 342,107
3 geomatrix Angels Gaul 302,746
4 Rapunzel Mad Kit Teuton 211,682
5 deedee21 Angels Gaul 207,815
6 Jurassic2 Wolfpack Roman 207,692
7 Impan Angels Teuton 203,633
8 RON D Angels Teuton 203,278
9 slim Teuton 201,000
10 FlowerPower Mad Kit Roman 196,326

Overall: Attack Strength

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1 Mantracker Angels Teuton 21,719,655
2 sebot Angels Teuton 14,342,710
3 geomatrix Angels Gaul 13,058,455
4 Rapunzel Mad Kit Teuton 9,359,625
5 deedee21 Angels Gaul 9,289,610
6 Jurassic2 Wolfpack Roman 8,956,070
7 RON D Angels Teuton 8,897,895
8 slim Teuton 8,173,220
9 FlowerPower Mad Kit Roman 8,023,955
10 Impan Angels Teuton 7,976,265

Overall: Quantity

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1 Mantracker Angels Teuton 320,700
2 sebot Angels Teuton 205,740
3 geomatrix Angels Gaul 152,321
4 slim Teuton 133,201
5 deedee21 Angels Gaul 114,079
6 Rapunzel Mad Kit Teuton 113,990
7 RON D Angels Teuton 108,806
8 Jurassic2 Wolfpack Roman 102,135
9 Impan Angels Teuton 98,249
10 destrade OI Gaul 78,121

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Swordsman geomatrix Angels 94,371
Theutates Thunder destrade OI 15,249
Haeduan geomatrix Angels 40,433
Rams deedee21 Angels 13,494
Catapults geomatrix Angels 12,636

Army Breakdown: Roman

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Imperian Jurassic2 Wolfpack 59,147
Equites Imperatoris Jurassic2 Wolfpack 35,644
Equites Caesaris FlowerPower Mad Kit 25,180
Rams Master Brewer caesar 5,151
Catapults FlowerPower Mad Kit 9,267

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Clubswinger Mantracker Angels 140,550
Axeman Mantracker Angels 100,253
Teutonic Knight Mantracker Angels 60,845
Rams Rapunzel Mad Kit 18,185
Catapults Mantracker Angels 18,836

Army Breakdown: Rams

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1 Rapunzel Mad Kit Teuton 18,185
2 sebot Angels Teuton 15,298
3 deedee21 Angels Gaul 13,494
4 muzzy Angels Teuton 10,031
5 mmad Wolfpack Teuton 8,840

Army Breakdown: Catapults

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1 Mantracker Angels Teuton 18,836
2 geomatrix Angels Gaul 12,636
3 Impan Angels Teuton 11,239
4 FlowerPower Mad Kit Roman 9,267
5 RON D Angels Teuton 7,800

UK3 Round 5

Thanks to Anonymous The Third for keeping a copy of the data, without her this hall of fame would not be possible!

Uk3, Round 5 Server Information

Server Start 06-Feb-2012
Artefacts 27-May-2012
World Wonders from start
Building Plans 15-Sep-2012
Server Finish 14-Jan-2013
T-Version T4.0
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 757
Server Length 344 days

Tribe Statistics

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 210 27.7%
Teutons 135 17.8%
Gauls 403 53.2%
Player Vill. Pop.
1. Harlequinn 49 50,651
2. steveo 32 30,564
3. Passman 32 27,643
4. GeeWai 31 27,216
5. Blibble 32 26,428
6. makkone 36 25,451
7. Emchso 29 24,140
8. Lanky 27 21,384
9. IEATyouAlive 28 20,803
10. Dominiq 27 20,254
Player Vill. Pop.
1. TmHZ 48 45,779
2. speedygonzales 35 35,918
3. Womble2 37 35,022
4. Death and Taxes 36 32,988
5. The Godfather 31 29,593
6. gemmells_heroes 33 26,332
7. crixus 30 24,548
8. Redclover. 28 23,581
9. sandy9 29 23,013
10. ZIPKIN 26 22,913
Player Vill. Pop.
1. CouerDeLion 42 41,214
2. littlenick 39 37,925
3. NormanRock 39 34,156
4. magic 34 32,132
5. Herman 35 28,035
6. degski 34 27,881
7. Binge Swimmer 40 27,286
8. CrazyScot 32 27,138
9. mysi 31 26,549
10. Hoska 29 26,020

End-Game Statistics

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Herman We Are Titanium (-2|12) NMS DA 100
2. Lanky HATEs Big Pile (15|-15) HATEโ„ข 49
3. Lanky Lank’s big one… (21|0) HATEโ„ข 4
4. berty I’m a hacker (15|15) NE 0
5. AzraelZ Try Hard (0|-21) HATEโ„ข 0
6. Natars (9|-8) 0
7. Natars (0|21) 0
8. Natars (-15|-15) 0
9. Natars (-12|2) 0
10. Natars (-21|0) 0
11. Natars (-5|-11) 0
12. Natars (-15|15) 0
13. Natars (11|6) 0
Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Lanky HATEโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Lanky HATEโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Lanky HATEโ„ข
Building Plan Holder AARDMAN Hostile
Building Plan Holder Blibble NMS DA
Building Plan Holder zenix NMS DA
Building Plan Holder Mikie F.A
Building Plan Holder Herman NMS DA
Building Plan Holder Lanky HATEโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Serendipity NMS DA
Building Plan Holder Lanky HATEโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Lanky HATEโ„ข
Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement CouerDeLion NE
Architects’ Secret Harlequinn NE
Artefact of the Fool magic NMS DA
Diet, The korkysporky Hostile
Hawk’s Eyesight TmHZ HATEโ„ข
Military Haste Blibble NMS DA
Rival’s Confusion Lanky HATEโ„ข

Top10 Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. ZIPKIN 22,913 26 1,825,809
2. Eragon 19,858 27 1,686,293
3. Death and Taxes 32,988 36 1,071,075
4. magic 32,132 34 978,294
5. Orannis 20,598 28 964,790
6. Storm 19,604 25 943,085
7. crixus 24,548 30 912,973
8. mushoo 13,756 18 874,733
9. AzraelZ 10,414 17 782,897
10. TmHZ 45,779 48 730,365
Player Population Villages Points
1. Herman 28,045 35 23,144,089
2. berty 16,292 29 10,498,870
3. Lanky 21,384 27 2,098,256
4. Redclover. 23,581 28 548,520
5. Flipflopmaster 15,560 21 391,494
6. Storm 19,604 25 344,123
7. trin 9,107 18 341,074
8. Death and Taxes 32,988 36 331,978
9. nosnow 15,878 21 297,263
10. magic 32,132 34 291,613
Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Harlequinn NE 49 50,651
2. TmHZ HATEโ„ข 48 45,779
3. CouerDeLion NE 42 41,214
4. littlenick NE 39 37,925
5. speedygonzales NE 35 35,918
6. Womble2 NE 37 35,022
7. NormanRock NE 39 34,156
8. Death and Taxes Hostile 36 32,988
9. magic NMS DA 34 32,132
10. steveo Hostile 32 30,564
Player Population Villages Resources
Player Level Kills
1. Eragon 233 1,368,054
2. crixus 230 1,331,654
3. Death and Taxes 222 1,243,789
4. AzraelZ 221 1,231,305
5. IEATyouAlive 211 1,128,329
6. ZIPKIN 202 1,030,249
7. magic 193 942,605
8. Orannis 192 934,277
9. Storm 188 890,296
10. TmHZ 182 832,779
Player Population Villages
1. Harlequinn 50,605 49
2. TmHZ 45,764 48
3. CouerDeLion 40,496 41
4. Binge Swimmer 27,246 40
5. littlenick 37,912 39
= NormanRock 34,103 39
6. Womble2 34,997 37
7. Death and Taxes 32,986 36
= makkone 25,381 36
8. speedygonzales 35,904 35
= Herman 28,015 35
9. magic 32,473 34
= degski 27,879 34
10. gemmells_heroes 26,311 33

Top10 Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. HATEโ„ข 38 366,528 13,928,068
2. NMS DA 46 155,251 7,141,565
3. Hostile 47 130,604 6,138,386
4. NE 60 75,340 4,520,406
5. NMS BG 33 18,706 617,288
6. F.A 9 56,204 505,838
7. +NE+ 18 21,664 389,950
8. LOSTBOYS 13 28,746 373,697
9. Lost 1 214,342 214,342
10. Faith 9 4,351 39,158
Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. NMS DA 46 540,329 24,855,138
2. NE 60 219,325 13,159,508
3. HATEโ„ข 38 122,088 4,639,330
4. Hostile 47 44,543 2,093,499
5. LOSTBOYS 13 64,012 832,159
6. +NE+ 18 31,209 561,755
7. NMS BG 33 16,996 560,874
8. Faith 9 22,955 206,597
9. F.A 9 7,460 67,138
10. Turkey 2 24,089 48,178
Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. NE 60 15,015 900,907
2. NMS DA 46 14,389 661,885
3. Hostile 47 13,113 616,292
4. HATEโ„ข 38 15,786 599,866
5. NMS BG 33 7,227 238,480
6. +NE+ 18 6,355 114,396
7. LOSTBOYS 13 7,673 99,747
8. F.A 9 9,637 86,736
9. Faith 9 3,315 29,831
10. Lost 1 22,334 22,334
Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

[align=’center’]WWKs and WWRs[/align]

Overall: Wheat

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 388,192
2 TmHZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 292,133
3 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 279,166
4 Emchso Hostile Roman 265,636
5 AzraelZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 233,302
6 Mikie F.A Gaul 224,475
7 CrazyScot HATEโ„ข Gaul 201,546
8 Death and Taxes Hostile Teuton 199,279
9 Herman NMS DA Gaul 188,743
10 TmHZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 179,561

Overall: Attack Strength

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 18,771,485
2 TmHZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 14,044,775
3 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 12,544,190
4 Emchso Hostile Roman 11,908,660
5 Death and Taxes Hostile Teuton 9,441,920
6 Mikie F.A Gaul 9,257,305
7 AzraelZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 8,807,765
8 CrazyScot HATEโ„ข Gaul 8,668,220
9 TmHZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 8,503,505
10 Herman NMS DA Gaul 8,389,305

Overall: Quantity

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 246,975
2 TmHZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 171,421
3 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 151,486
4 AzraelZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 147,816
5 Emchso Hostile Roman 113,866
6 Mikie F.A Gaul 113,195
7 Death and Taxes Hostile Teuton 113,150
8 CrazyScot HATEโ„ข Gaul 107,927
9 Herman NMS DA Gaul 99,405
10 TmHZ HATEโ„ข Teuton 99,137

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Swordsman Mikie F.A 72,932
Theutates Thunder CouerDeLion NE 25,973
Haeduan Herman NMS DA 25,332
Rams zenix NMS DA 9,485
Catapults Mikie F.A 11,321

Army Breakdown: Roman

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Imperian Emchso Hostile 67,570
Equites Imperatoris d989 NMS DA 5,405
Equites Caesaris Emchso Hostile 35,697
Rams d989 NMS DA 8,534
Catapults Emchso Hostile 7,828

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Clubswinger AzraelZ HATEโ„ข 106,114
Axeman Orannis NMS DA 191,365
Teutonic Knight Orannis NMS DA 45,000
Rams numnuts HATEโ„ข 5,537
Catapults Orannis NMS DA 10,000

Army Breakdown: Rams

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1 zenix NMS DA Gaul 9,485
2 d989 NMS DA Roman 8,534
3 magic NMS DA Gaul 8,300
4 CrazyScot HATEโ„ข Gaul 6,236
5 numnuts HATEโ„ข Teuton 5,537

Army Breakdown: Catapults

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1 Mikie F.A Gaul 11,321
2 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 10,000
3 Orannis NMS DA Teuton 9,313
4 Emchso Hostile Roman 7,828
5 Herman NMS DA Gaul 7,384

UK3 Round 6

[align=’center’]UK3, Round 6[/align]

Server Information: Dates

Server Start 10 Apr 2013
Artefacts 30 Jul 2013
World Wonders from start
Building Plans 18 Nov 2013
Server Finish 17 Apr 2014

Server Information: General

T-Version T4.2
Natar Spawning Central
Total Players 495
Server Length 373 days

Server Information: Tribe Distribution

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 165 33.3%
Teutons 81 16.4%
Gauls 248 50.1%

Largest Roman Players

Player Vill. Pop.
1. Harlequinn 50 51,660
2. Castor 37 31,527
3. SU1 38 30,843
4. frederj 34 29,862
5. Hawkery 35 29,574
6. lfcfan1979 35 28,709
7. Lucifer68 35 28,566
8. WDDL 35 27,291
9. Sombre 30 25,809
10. Lex Loofah 32 25,319

Largest Teuton Players

Player Vill. Pop.
1. Aula 53 54,911
2. Womble2 44 42,052
3. Yorkie 35 33,454
4. Neo 34 33,188
5. Death and Taxes 31 27,981
6. Woody 36 26,270
7. DNA 33 26,033
8. Lord Pan 37 23,590
9. Demon 29 23,358
10. Herman 30 22,897

Largest Gaul Players

Player Vill. Pop.
1. Stormwarrior 57 54,806
2. mart68 46 43,075
3. Jicebox51 47 38,309
4. mufasa 39 34,470
5. Arrow 40 34,196
6. Oyd 37 30,165
7. I M Banks 30 29,289
8. Dagoth Ur 34 28,935
9. toxicpaint 34 28,276
10. skanky 33 28,121

End-Game Statistics

World Wonders

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1. Death and Taxes The Mighty Erection! (-15|-15) SMASH! 100
2. Harlequinn The Phoenix Rebirth (15|15) GutPathโ„ข 77
3. Raichu The True Underdogs (-21|0) GutPathโ„ข 11
4. KittyKat Excalibur (-15|15) Apex! 0
5. Natars (21|0) 0
6. Natars (15|-15) 0
7. Natars (0|-21) 0
8. Natars (0|21) 0
9. Natars (11|6) 0
10. Natars (9|-8) 0
11. Natars (-5|-11) 0
12. Natars (-12|2) 0
13. Natars (-2|12) 0

Building Plan Holders

Player Alliance
Building Plan Holder Death and Taxes SMASH!
Building Plan Holder Demon SMASH!
Building Plan Holder devient halfwits
Building Plan Holder Harlequinn GutPathโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Henry SMASH!
Building Plan Holder I M Banks GutPathโ„ข
Building Plan Holder JacquesdeMolay
Building Plan Holder KittyKat Apex!
Building Plan Holder madwomanne Abms
Building Plan Holder Mrgreengenes GutPathโ„ข
Building Plan Holder Raichu GutPathโ„ข
Building Plan Holder The Reactor GutPathโ„ข
Building Plan Holder typhlo Apex!

Unique Artefact Holders

Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Sniff SMASH!
Architects’ Secret Death and Taxes SMASH!
Artefact of the Fool WormS 3D SMASH!
Hawk’s Eyesight Setback SMASH!
Military Haste Sam GJ SMASH!
Rival’s Confusion Wharfe SMASH!

Top10 Players

Top Attacking Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Sniff 24,364 32 2,058,767
2. Lord Pan 23,590 37 1,858,360
3. WormS 3D 18,217 22 1,254,577
4. Setback 16,668 30 1,243,181
5. Death and Taxes 27,991 31 1,053,288
6. DOJO 9,637 13 952,166
7. antiqua malum 18,762 23 807,871
8. Demon 23,358 29 749,064
9. Xentil 14,149 22 738,073
10. Lex Loofah 25,319 32 696,429

Top Defending Players

Player Population Villages Points
1. Raichu 6,974 12 9,080,822
2. Death and Taxes 27,991 31 8,453,216
3. Harlequinn 51,660 50 5,475,186
4. KittyKat 17,957 27 4,369,561
5. Henry 15,963 22 1,058,923
6. DOJO 9,637 13 985,120
7. Dark Death 11,147 16 796,758
8. unho 14,413 20 640,334
9. Sniff 24,364 32 585,305
10. WormS 3D 18,217 22 423,333

Top Simming Players

Player Alliance Villages Population
1. Aula SMASH! 53 54,915
2. Stormwarrior GutPathโ„ข 57 54,806
3. Harlequinn GutPathโ„ข 50 51,660
4. mart68 NorPath 46 43,075
5. Womble2 GutPathโ„ข 44 42,052
6. Jicebox51 GutPathโ„ข 47 38,309
7. mufasa GUT 39 34,470
8. Arrow SMASH! 40 34,196
9. Yorkie NorPath 35 33,454
10. Neo HATEโ„ข 34 33,188

Top Raiding PlayersInformation not accessible on T4.0 servers yet.

Player Population Villages Resources

Top Player Heroes

Player Level Kills
1. Sniff 309 2,402,256
2. Lord Pan 282 2,005,592
3. Death and Taxes 260 1,709,293
4. Setback 241 1,469,991
5. DOJO 222 1,244,425
6. WormS 3D 215 1,170,049
7. Xentil 197 982,118
8. antiqua malum 192 933,024
9. Demon 192 930,633
10. unho 189 904,330

Top Developing Players

Player Population Villages
1. Stormwarrior 54,806 57
2. Aula 54,911 53
3. Harlequinn 51,660 50
4. Jicebox51 38,309 47
5. mart68 43,075 46
6. Womble2 42,052 44
= Pony Up 26,468 44
7. Arrow 34,196 40
8. mufasa 34,470 39
9. SU1 30,843 38
10. Castor 31,527 37
= Oyd 30,165 37
= Lord Pan 23,590 37

Top10 Alliances

Top Attacking Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1. SMASH! 47 354,257 16,650,098
2. HATEโ„ข 39 259,902 10,136,171
3. Apex. 14 441,654 6,183,151
4. WarPathโ„ข 1 4,237,655 4,237,655
5. GUT 34 97,402 3,311,678
6. GutPathโ„ข 53 38,200 2,024,604
7. HATEDโ„ข 1 1,566,827 1,566,827
8. Apex! 49 31,966 1,566,314
9. M.F.H 10 144,622 1,446,220
10. V GUT 2 554,705 1,109,410

Top Defending Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Def Total Defence
1. SMASH! 47 340,602 16,008,293
2. GutPathโ„ข 53 242,186 12,835,874
3. HATEโ„ข 39 157,790 6,153,811
4. Apex! 49 118,908 5,826,503
5. Apex. 14 407,235 5,701,286
6. WarPathโ„ข 1 4,906,470 4,906,470
7. V GUT 2 534,516 1,069,031
8. GUT 34 20,631 701,442
9. NorPath 44 15,660 689,057
10. Tranquil 7 72,980 510,858

Top Simming Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Pop Total Pop.
1. GutPathโ„ข 53 16,673 883,690
2. SMASH! 47 17,690 831,437
3. HATEโ„ข 39 15,119 589,623
4. NorPath 44 12,760 561,453
5. Apex! 49 9,439 462,495
6. GUT 34 13,585 461,892
7. Apex. 14 15,113 211,583
8. M.F.H 10 16,445 164,447
9. halfwits 13 8,170 106,215
10. Tranquil 7 2,927 20,487

Top Raiding AlliancesInformation not accessible on T4.0 servers yet.

Alliance Members Av. Res Resources

[align=’center’]WWKs and WWRs[/align]

Overall: Wheat

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1 Sniff SMASH! Roman 261,000
2 DOJO SMASH! Roman 250,420
3 Sniff SMASH! Roman 248,708
4 frederj SMASH! Roman 194,258
5 Aula SMASH! Teuton 191,467
6 WormS 3D SMASH! Roman 182,729
7 Dreadnought Apex. Roman 166,265
8 Demon SMASH! Teuton 166,020
9 herbman smuggla SMASH! Gaul 159,008
10 dog SMASH! Gaul 156,131

Overall: Attack Strength

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1 Sniff SMASH! Roman 13,147,500
2 DOJO SMASH! Roman 9,843,310
3 Sniff SMASH! Roman 9,192,805
4 WormS 3D SMASH! Roman 8,593,945
5 frederj SMASH! Roman 8,375,840
6 Demon SMASH! Teuton 8,028,600
7 Aula SMASH! Teuton 7,566,405
8 Dreadnought Apex. Roman 7,432,805
9 dog SMASH! Gaul 7,355,745
10 herbman smuggla SMASH! Gaul 7,324,025

Overall: Quantity

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1 Sniff SMASH! Roman 135,001
2 Aula SMASH! Teuton 112,529
3 Demon SMASH! Teuton 96,041
4 Sniff SMASH! Roman 95,160
5 frederj SMASH! Roman 94,943
6 DOJO SMASH! Roman 93,619
7 dog SMASH! Gaul 84,452
8 herbman smuggla SMASH! Gaul 82,623
9 WormS 3D SMASH! Roman 77,074
10 Death and Taxes SMASH! Teuton 75,923

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Swordsman dog SMASH! 51,665
Theutates Thunder Sniff SMASH! 0
Haeduan herbman smuggla SMASH! 27,411
Rams herbman smuggla SMASH! 7,282
Catapults pOp SMASH! 2,463

Army Breakdown: Roman

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Imperian Sniff SMASH! 90,000
Equites Imperatoris DOJO SMASH! 65,293
Equites Caesaris Sniff SMASH! 34,500
Rams Sniff SMASH! 10,000
Catapults Sniff SMASH! 10,505

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Clubswinger Aula SMASH! 79,000
Axeman Demon SMASH! 45,800
Teutonic Knight Demon SMASH! 28,500
Rams Delson Apex. 11,111
Catapults Aula SMASH! 3,961

Army Breakdown: Rams

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1 Delson Apex. Teuton 11,111
2 Sniff SMASH! Roman 10,000
3 herbman smuggla SMASH! Gaul 7,282
4 Xentil SMASH! Roman 5,275
5 Demon SMASH! Teuton 5,240

Army Breakdown: Catapults

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1 Sniff SMASH! Roman 10,505
2 DOJO SMASH! Roman 5,216
3 Dreadnought Apex. Roman 4,057
4 Aula SMASH! Teuton 3,961
5 frederj SMASH! Roman 3,848

UK3 Round 7

[align=’center’]UK3, Round 7[/align]

Server Dates

Server Start 14-Jul-14
Artefacts After 100 days
World Wonders N/A
Building Plans N/A
Server Finish 01-Feb-15

Server Information

T-Version T4.4 Ancient Europe
Natar Spawning N/A
Total Players 653
Server Length 233 days

Tribe Distribution

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 240 37%
Teutons 118 18%
Gauls 29400% 45%

[align=’center’]End-Game Statistics[/align]

Victory Points

Alliance Players Cities Influence
1 .II. 60 45 51,320
2 DC 58 28 48,520
3 WWW 1 0 8,130
4 SAS 2 0 4,390
5 T~M 17 1 620
6 S.L 1 0 500
7 Roids 3 1 470
8 -II- 36 0 170
9 Ursus 47 7 160
10 ~FOX~ 12 0 160

Unique Artefact Holders

Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Teamkk .II.
Architects’ Secret Podamnator Ursus
Artefact of the Fool Teamkk .II.
The Diet Chrissie DC
Hawk’s Eyesight nick .II.
Rival’s Confusion Nightstalker .II.

Natar Information

[align=’center’]Top 10 Players[/align]

Top Attacking Players

Player Population Villages Points
1 DEADLY ASSASIN 27,984 30 717,568
2 zeddicus 13,007 16 534,697
3 Teamkk 20,196 24 527,697
4 Trouble 4,927 6 493,168
5 Hangover 17,755 24 434,243
6 MissHappyMonday 14,538 19 428,002
7 maecus 11,013 15 397,841
8 Smasher 15,326 19 397,229
9 M4H7R 12,326 17 380,272
10 Stumo 8,887 12 37,419

Top Defending Players

Player Population Villages Points
1 Chrissle 10,332 15 864,806
2 Iain 12,675 16 630,050
3 MissHappyMonday 14,538 19 465,405
4 nomis 11,175 18 432,193
5 Rumble Fish 17,723 19 412,879
6 Teamkk 20,196 24 358,313
7 Desmond 11,391 16 354,408
8 Stumo 8,887 12 298,268
9 Chess Maestro 7,753 9 289,172
10 fufu 31,087 33 286,409

Top Simming Players

Player Alliance Villages Population
1 Nightstalker .II. 37 32,876
2 fufu R.A.S 33 31,087
3 Gerry Steeltoes DC 31 28,815
4 DEADLY ASSASIN R.A.S 30 27,984
5 Pendragon DC 32 27,589
6 BOB P.R 30 27,189
7 Bunsen Honeydew T~M 31 24,531
8 WiccaWitch .II. 27 24,444
9 meadowbhoy DC 27 24,180
10 ainasir .II. 29 23,071

Top Developing Players

Player Population Villages
1 Nightstalker .II. 37
2 fufu R.A.S 33
3 Pendragon DC 32
4 Gerry Steeltoes DC 31
5 Bunsen Honeydew T~M 31
7 BOB P.R 30
8 ainasir .II. 29
9 WiccaWitch .II. 27
10 meadowbhoy DC 27

Largest Roman Players

Player Villages Population
1 Nightstalker 37 32,876
2 fufu 33 31,087
3 DEADLY ASSASIN 30 28,815
4 BOB 30 27,189
5 Bunsen Honeydew 31 24,531
6 WiccaWitch 27 24,444
7 ainasir 29 23,071
8 Hangover 24 17,752
9 Pup 20 16,614
10 Azorius 21 15,998

Largest Teuton Players

Player Villages Population
1 Pendragon 32 27,589
2 Teamkk 24 20,190
3 sandy9 23 19,740
4 St George 23 19,269
5 hughhayter 25 18,759
6 LizHard 21 17,126
7 deadlock 20 15,629
8 Pepe the Prawn 20 15,048
9 Exit 19 14,817
10 BigAl 17 14,361

Largest Gaul Players

Player Villages Population
1 Gerry Steeltoes 31 32,876
2 meadowbhoy 27 24,180
3 Podamnator 21 19,843
4 coops2k3 24 19,023
5 Jakes Hitch 21 19,016
6 Soifong 20 18,857
7 Leonidas 24 18,717
8 nick 21 18,621
9 Nora 21 18,262
10 Rumble Fish 19 17,751

Top Player Heroes

Player Level Kills
1 Chrissle 161 653,913
2 Hangover 157 625,136
3 Gerry Steeltoes 147 549,138
4 Mutley 147 548,899
5 maecus 146 543,547
6 soifong 146 542,740
7 Trouble 143 520,978
8 DEADLY ASSASIN 137 475,305
9 PJR 132 444,430
10 Teamkk 131 432,891

Top Raiding Players

[align=’center’]Top 10 Alliances[/align]

Top Attacking Alliances

Alliance Members Average Attack Total Attack
1 DC 58 157,093 9,111,366
2 .II. 60 109,160 6,549,603
3 -II- 36 88,027 3,168,988
4 WWW 1 2,740,791 2,740,491
5 P.R 60 20,726 1,243,583
6 T~M 17 59,614 1,013,432
7 Ursas 47 19,328 908,417
8 R.A.S 19 28,745 546,163
9 S.L 1 475,667 475,667
10 ~FOX~ 12 29,405 352,861

Top Defending Alliances

Alliance Members Average Defence Total Defence
1 DC 58 118,180 6,854,417
2 .II. 60 66,470 3,988,212
3 P.R 60 22,562 1,353,745
4 Ursas 47 26,521 1,246,472
5 -II- 36 24,174 870,270
6 R.A.S 19 31,638 601,126
7 S.L 1 377,690 377,690
8 WWW 1 350,585 350,585
9 SL.S 12 26,718 320,620
10 NMS DA 1 252,743 252,743

Top Simming Alliances

Alliance Members Average Population Total Population
1 DC 58 12,216 708,502
2 .II. 60 11,590 695,425
3 Ursas 47 8,931 419,758
4 P.R 60 6,607 396,415
5 -II- 36 7,062 254,229
6 R.A.S 19 9,891 187,936
7 T~M 17 8,448 143,609
8 SL.S 12 4,864 58,373
9 BDS 10 4,961 49,611
10 ~FOX~ 12 2,433 29,191

Top Raiding Alliances

UK3 Round 8

[align=’center’]UK3, Round 8[/align]

Server Dates

Server Start 17/05/2015
Artefacts 25/09/2015
World Wonders From Start
Building Plans 03/01/2016
Server Finish 18/02/2016

Server Information

T-Version T4.4
Natar Spawning Mixed
Total Players 318
Server Length 247 days

Tribe Distribution

Tribe Registered Percentage
Romans 112 35%
Teutons 60 19%
Gauls 145 46%

[align=’center’]End-Game Statistics[/align]

World Wonders

Tribe Player Wonder Name Coords Alliance Level
1 Teuton veqe santas workshop (100|-100) ISS 100
2 Teuton Hannibal CLOWN ZONE – DANGER! (-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž ISS. 13
3 Teuton venom Tin Hats ready…… (100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž Resurgam 0
= Roman kettricken Can we do it? (-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž NMS DA&T 0
= Natars Natars (100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|0โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž 0
= Natars Natars (0โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž 0
= Natars Natars โ€Ž(-100โ€ฌโ€ฌ|0โ€ฌโ€ฌ) 0
= Natars Natars (0โ€ฌโ€ฌ|100โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž 0
= Natars Natars (11โ€ฌโ€ฌ|6โ€ฌโ€ฌ) 0
= Natars Natars (9โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-8โ€ฌโ€ฌ) 0
= Natars Natars (-5โ€ฌโ€ฌ|-11โ€ฌโ€ฌ)โ€ฌโ€Ž 0
= Natars Natars (-12โ€ฌโ€ฌ|2โ€ฌโ€ฌ) 0
= Natars Natars (-2โ€ฌโ€ฌ|12โ€ฌโ€ฌ) 0

Building Plan Holders

Player Alliance
Mad Ibrowz ISS.
venom Resurgam
madwomanne Resurgam
Thorny ISS
Hannibal ISS.
Cez ISS.
Fizzlebomber Resurgam
Simon Resurgam
kettricken NMS DA&T
veqe ISS
musim ISS
venom Resurgam
Injury20 ISS

Unique Artefact Holders

Artefact Player Alliance
Academic Advancement Noro ISS.
Architects’ Secret veqe ISS
Artefact of the Fool burkay ISS.
The Diet Chemical Chaos ISS
Hawk’s Eyesight Fizzlebomber Resurgam
Military Haste Nomad Resurge2
Rival’s Confusion Injury20 ISS

Natar Information

[align=’center’]Top 10 Players[/align]

Top Attacking Players

Player Pop. Vil. Points
1 Noro 24360 30 767038
2 Vengeance 20814 26 707801
3 Marx 14699 19 668682
4 Iron123 24458 27 605423
5 ComfyPanda 20561 24 587667
6 Nomad 17271 21 562209
7 Kamile 1086 1 557763
8 Lufia55 15375 21 550663
9 venom 16103 21 541702
10 dryzabone 16407 22 502704

Top Defending Players

Player Pop. Vil. Points
1 venom 16103 21 8845683
2 veqe 18320 23 7828703
3 Hannibal 21930 27 3422286
4 kettricken 15787 23 1196778
5 Thorny 22646 25 283491
6 Spirit 13140 18 263227
7 run away 34384 39 257912
8 Lufia55 15375 21 228757
9 Vanderbahh 22619 27 213383
10 ComfyPanda 20561 24 149715

Top Simming Players

Player Alliance Villages Population
1 gbest ISS. 38 35567
2 run away Resurge2 39 34384
3 No Quarter ISS 33 33024
4 Injury20 ISS 32 29226
5 juggins Resurge2 34 27718
6 madwomanne Resurgam 33 27227
7 Taff1 Resurgam 29 26428
8 Fia Resurge2 34 25271
9 Odins Vrede ISS. 30 24585
10 Iron123 ISS. 27 24458

Top Developing Players

Player Population Villages
1 run away 34384 39
2 gbest 35567 38
3 juggins 27718 34
= Fia 25271 34
5 No Quarter 33024 33
= madwomanne 27227 33
7 Injury20 29226 32
8 Odins Vrede 24585 30
= Noro 24360 30
10 Taff1 26428 29
= 2957macca 23849 29
= Sensei 19735 29

Largest Roman Players

Player Villages Population
1 gbest 38 35567
2 run away 39 34384
3 No Quarter 33 33024
4 juggins 34 27718
5 madwomanne 33 27227
6 Odins Vrede 30 24585
7 Iron123 27 24458
8 pjs 24 21689
9 croxx 24 21270
10 ads 27 21142

Largest Teuton Players

Player Villages Population
1 Taff1 29 26428
2 Fia 34 25271
3 Elitz 25 21258
4 ComfyPanda 24 20561
5 baby-boy 25 19598
6 veqe 23 18320
7 Fragment 24 18095
8 burkay 24 17120
9 Jimwig 21 16327
10 venom 21 16103

Largest Gaul Players

Player Villages Population
1 Injury20 32 29226
2 Noro 30 24360
3 2957macca 29 23849
4 Chewgreen 24 22661
5 Thorny 25 22646
6 Vanderbahh 27 22619
7 Cez 26 22508
8 Hannibal 23 21930
9 Stix the barber 25 21816
10 Sensei 29 19735

Top Player Heroes

Player Level Experience
1 venom 215 1164994
2 Nomad 186 873028
3 Noro 182 837195
4 run away 170 727325
5 Vengeance 169 719785
6 ComfyPanda 165 689384
7 terrapin 164 682278
8 Kamile 163 672761
9 Spirit 162 663382
10 Iron123 162 661082

Top Raiding Players

[align=’center’]Top 10 Alliances[/align]

Top Attacking Alliances

Alliance Members Average Atk Total Attack
1 Resurge2 43 147261 6332210
2 ISS. 53 113509 6015984
3 ISS 48 102462 4918157
4 Resurgam 37 98047 3627728
5 NMS DA&T 24 52247 1253931
6 PIRATES 1 998022 998022
7 Havoc 2 207888 415776
8 NOMAD 1 317879 317879
9 NA 2 138841 277681
10 STINGยงยง 3 91231 273694

Top Defending Alliances

Alliance Members Average Def Total Defence
1 Resurgam 37 274557 10158597
2 ISS 48 207083 9939969
3 ISS. 53 60306 3196244
4 Resurge2 43 43439 1867859
5 NMS DA&T 24 60281 1446751
6 Havoc 2 181433 362866
7 TU 16 11847 189545
8 PIRATES 1 155111 155111
9 NA 2 61203 122406
10 SPQR~WW 1 95457 95457

Top Simming Alliances

Alliance Members Av. Atk Total Attack
1 ISS. 53 13448 712725
2 ISS 48 12909 619647
3 Resurge2 43 13366 574724
4 Resurgam 37 12192 451121
5 NMS DA&T 24 8781 210751
6 TU 16 4316 69056
7 Fagins 2 10966 21932
8 BangBoys 4 4860 19439
9 NA 2 8738 17475
10 Forge 1 11126 11126

Top Raiding Alliances

WWKs and WWRs


Overall: Wheat

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1 ComfyPanda ISS Teuton 340,380
2 burkay ISS. Teuton 327,243
3 madwomanne Resurgam Roman 313,747
4 Chemical Chaos ISS Gaul 309,530
5 Iron123 ISS. Roman 274,174
6 The Fruit Bowl ISS Roman 256,180
7 No Quarter ISS Roman 242,085
8 Fizzlebomber Resurgam Teuton 241,475
9 Yuice ISS. Roman 232,385
10 Run Lola Run Resurgam Teuton 229,180

Overall: Attack Strength

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1 burkay ISS. Teuton 16,080,315
2 madwomanne Resurgam Roman 13,238,055
3 ComfyPanda ISS Teuton 13,149,240
4 Chemical Chaos ISS Gaul 12,331,105
5 Iron123 ISS. Roman 11,830,580
6 No Quarter ISS Roman 10,757,280
7 The Fruit Bowl ISS Roman 10,712,615
8 Noro ISS. Gaul 10,441,620
9 Yuice ISS. Roman 10,081,930
10 dryzabone Resurge2 Roman 9,790,455

Overall: Quantity

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1 ComfyPanda ISS Teuton 201,819
2 burkay ISS. Teuton 188,162
3 Fizzlebomber Resurgam Teuton 143,289
4 Chemical Chaos ISS Gaul 141,629
5 Run Lola Run Resurgam Teuton 139,708
6 Noro ISS. Gaul 128,380
7 madwomanne Resurgam Roman 123,433
8 Iron123 ISS. Roman 119,346
9 terrapin ISS Teuton 117,371
10 Toaly ISS Teuton 109,968

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Swordsman Noro ISS. 88,484
Theutates Thunder Nomad Resurge2 27,964
Haeduan Chemical Chaos ISS 40,467
Rams Nomad Resurge2 11,466
Catapults Chemical Chaos ISS 17,286

Army Breakdown: Roman

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Imperian Iron123 ISS. 69,069
Equites Imperatoris Gladiator Resurge2 20,038
Equites Caesaris madwomanne Resurgam 39,708
Rams dryzabone Resurge2 10,966
Catapults madwomanne Resurgam 11,363

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Rank Player Alliance Quantity
Clubswinger ComfyPanda ISS 132,537
Axeman burkay ISS. 118,620
Teutonic Knight burkay ISS. 52,270
Rams ComfyPanda ISS 29,934
Catapults Fizzlebomber Resurgam 7,792

Army Breakdown: Rams

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1 ComfyPanda ISS Teuton 29,934
2 burkay ISS. Teuton 17,271
3 Toaly ISS Teuton 15,420
4 Nomad Resurge2 Gaul 11,466
5 dryzabone Resurge2 Roman 10,966

Army Breakdown: Catapults

Rank Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1 Chemical Chaos ISS Gaul 17,286
2 Bre&Bui ISS Gaul 12,876
3 madwomanne Resurgam Roman 11,363
4 The Fruit Bowl ISS Roman 10,231
5 Iron123 ISS. Roman 9,640

UK3 Round 9


Server Information

Started 03.04.2017
Finished 09.01.2018
Duration 281 days
Artifacts 12.07.2017
Construction Plans 20.10.2017
Version T4.4-1x
Players 16-Aug-00


Tribe Registered Percent


Romans 97 0.3


Teutons 26 0.24


Gauls 105 0.46

Wonders of the World

Player Name Alliance Level
Crunch Iโ€™m with stupid โ†‘ R D 100
mutley Level 6 barracks ftw MFH&NMS 98
Or24214 Null WW null 76
Madog ‘THE DOGS’ R D 52
Natars Wonder Of The World 31
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0
Natars 0 0

Unique Artefacts

Artefact Player Alliance


The architects unique secret (โ€ญ5ร—โ€ฌ) Crunch R D


The Unique Titan Boots (2x) brexit R D


The eagles unique eyes (โ€ญ10ร—โ€ฌ) Boom! R D


Unique diet control (โ€ญ1โ€ฌ/โ€ญ2โ€ฌ) Crunch R D


The trainers unique talent (โ€ญ1โ€ฌ/โ€ญ2โ€ฌ) Bertyrubble R D


Rivals unique confusion (โ€ญ500ร—โ€ฌ) Madwomanne R D


Artefact of the unique fool (โ€ญ200ร—โ€ฌ) HeWhoDaresWins R D

Construction Plans

Player Alliance
Crunch R D
Ouija R D
Crunch R D
Moogle MFH&NMS
Repent MFH&NMS
Brexit R D
motley MFH&NMS
Madog R D
Madwomanne R D
Or24214 null
Adishko null
kettricken MFH&NMS

[align=’center’]The Best Players[/align]

The largest players

Player Alliance Population Villages
Bertyrubble R D 42 37287
Wookie R D 39 35560
sajidlife R D 36 35337
Pad null 40 34536
brexit R D 35 31363
Aegon MFH&NMS 34 30613
Digga MFH&NMS 31 28312
Croxx MFH&NMS 31 28249
Large jack null 35 27506
Kangaroo MFH&NMS 33 27228
1.21 Gigawatts R D 26642 #REF!
Nasty R D 26272 #REF!
tommymurcha null 26021 #REF!
Madog R D 25590 #REF!
wigys R D 25309 #REF!
Boom! R D 25219 #REF!
Misho MFH&NMS 24720 #REF!
BabaPapa R D 24672 #REF!
billyisgod MFH&NMS 24582 #REF!
Adishko null 24564 #REF!

The most successful attackers

Player Population Villages[ Points
Boom! 25219 31 1411695
1.21 Gigawatts 26642 32 1218489
Moogle 18313 24 980324
Ayath 23684 30 947195
the stig 21360 27 814130
Khazix 11876 17 770363
Madog 25590 32 707718
Ca1 14880 20 689814
hag n raki 15553 21 606558
BabaPapa 24672 29 564549
el presidente 20937 23 495397
Jekyll & Syn 16680 20 481933
brexit 31363 35 467188
Bertyrubble 37287 42 418571
mutley 18276 25 418322
egoisti 7605 14 #REF!
Repent 13900 23 401375
billyisgod 24582 30 375610
Madwomanne 17057 24 372807
seunggee 726 2 363539

The most successful defenders

Player Population Villages Points
mutley 18276 25 16949668
Crunch 22040 27 12874746
Or24214 15061 20 10723990
Madog 25590 32 2985899
Khazix 11876 17 284216
Repent 13900 23 238750
1.21 Gigawatts 26642 32 231144
hag n raki 15553 21 201895
Aegon 30613 34 191266
giffo 12089 20 156174
the stig 21360 27 154077
Lundy 10886 18 141230
wiseman 14058 18 141069
Ayath 23684 30 136668
Ichi 15561 25 133280
Sponge 12732 17 127188
Bertyrubble 37287 42 126452
Jekyll & Syn 16680 20 125433
Ca1 14880 20 119712
Armchairgroover 13628 21 110907

The most experienced heroes

Player Level Experience
Madog 243 1487667
Boom! 240 1457464
1.21 Gigawatts 231 1343418
sibh 216 1172770
DRS 212 1130933
Ayath 202 1033519
HeWhoDaresWins 196 965752
Moogle 194 949525
hag n raki 194 945917
el presidente 192 934159
seunggee 190 913061
mutley 189 903747
Typhon 188 895348
giffo 185 861625
Gingergirl 184 857581
Khazix 179 813781
Lundy 179 810400
the stig 179 806935
Bertyrubble 178 797549
Madwomanne 176 781840

The Biggest Gauls

Player Population
Bertyrubble 37,187
sajidlife 35,102
Wookie 34,893
Aegon 30,613
Cross 28,208
Kangaroo 26,934
Misho 24,718
BabaPapa 24,645
Adishko 24,492
infection 23,506

The Biggest Romans

Player Population
Pad 34,442
brexit 30,689
Digga 28,278
tommymurcha 25,867
Madog 25,573
Boom! 25,219
wigys 24,824
billyisgod 24,569
Ra and Angel 24,117
Ayath 23,682

The Biggest Teutons

Player Population
Large jack 27,501
1.21 Gigawatts 27,467
Nasty 26,209
the stig 21,356
Crunch 21,189
Fain 18,559
Moogle 18,313
MBCHB 17,738
diana86 17,068
HeWhoDaresWins 16,843

[align=’center’]The Best Alliances[/align]

The largest alliances

Alliance Players ร˜ Points
MFH&NMS 60 15,172 9127790
R D 50 16,499 7381150
null 36 15,015 6238801
CareBear 2 7,776 1485318
PiNoY 1 4,546 214135
S.O.G. 1 3,535 127394
lol 1 2,649 13961
DENCH 1 1,976 4381
Kid 1 1,148 3733
DB 1 778 879
steve5 1 624 0
m.l.p.p. 1 621 0
ASEAN BL 1 128 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

The best alliances (off)

Alliance Players ร˜ Points
R D 50 182556 9127790
MFH&NMS 60 123019 7381150
null 36 173300 6238801
DENCH 1 1485318 1485318
CareBear 2 107068 214135
PiNoY 1 127394 127394
lol 1 13961 13961
DB 1 4381 4381
Kid 1 3733 3733
S.O.G. 1 879 879
ASEAN BL 1 0 0
m.l.p.p. 1 0 0
steve5 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

The best alliances (def)

Alliance Players ร˜ Points
MFH&NMS 60 325601 19536059
R D 50 359149 17957439
null 36 317167 11418021
DENCH 1 578619 578619
lol 1 63039 63039
CareBear 2 24560 49120
S.O.G. 1 10434 10434
PiNoY 1 8730 8730
steve5 1 7427 7427
m.l.p.p. 1 5254 5254
DB 1 4328 4328
Kid 1 2633 2633
ASEAN BL 1 434 434
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

[align=’center’]The Greatest Armies[/align]

Overall: Wheat

Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1.12 Gigawatts R D Teuton 584,980
Boom! R D Roman 432,385
Repent MFH&NMS Gaul 419,110
1.21 Gigawatts R D Teuton 415,592
Ayath MFH&NMS Roman 393,515
Ca1 Null Roman 370,131
brexit R D Roman 345,872
Frustration R D Gaul 293,708
Babapapa R D Gaul 277,884
Khazix MFH&NMS Roman 273,740

Overall: Attack Strength

Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1.12 Gigawatts R D Teuton 27,042,835
Boom! R D Roman 20,700,660
Repent MFH&NMS Gaul 18,517,575
Ayath MFH&NMS Roman 16,923,965
1.21 Gigawatts R D Teuton 16,519,725
brexit R D Roman 14,424,990
Ca1 Null Roman 13,915,620
Babapapa R D Gaul 13,416,180
Frustration R D Gaul 12,832,090
egoisti R D Roman 12,547,705

Overall: Quantity

Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1.12 Gigawatts R D Teuton 320,254
1.21 Gigawatts R D Teuton 269,428
Repent MFH&NMS Gaul 208,375
Boom! R D Roman 194,308
Moogle MFH&NMS Teuton 192,367
Ayath MFH&NMS Roman 189,525
Bertyrubble R D Gaul 151,871
Ca1 Null Roman 149,986
Babapapa R D Gaul 149,269
Frustration R D Gaul 143,861

Overall: Rams

Player Alliance Tribe Rams
HeWhoDaresWins R D Teuton 21,669
Boom! R D Roman 16,359
the stig MFH&NMS Teuton 14,351
Moogle MFH&NMS Teuton 11,475
egoisti R D Roman 10,702

Overall: Catapults

Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
Ca1 Null Teuton 21,669
Repent MFH&NMS Roman 16,359
brexit R D Teuton 14,351
1.12 Gigawatts R D Teuton 11,475
Ayath MFH&NMS Roman 10,702

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Swordsman Repent MFH&NMS 126,773


Theutates Thunder Bertyrubble R D 44,742


Haeduan Repent MFH&NMS 63,740


Rams Babapapa R D 5,324


Catapults Repent MFH&NMS 16,087

Army Breakdown: Roman

Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Imperian Boom! R D 109,757


Equites Imperatoris Ayath MFH&NMS 71,149


Equites Caesaris Boom! R D 66,082


Rams Boom! R D 16,359


Catapults Ca1 Null 17,056

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Troop Player Alliance Quantity


1.21 Gigawatts R D R D 208,901


1.12 Gigawatts R D R D 208,466


1.12 Gigawatts R D R D 88,099


HeWhoDaresWins R D R D 21,669


1.12 Gigawatts R D R D 13,983

UK3 Round 10


Server Information

Started 30/04/2018
Finished 14/01/2019
Duration 259
Artifacts 43320
Construction Plans 16/11/2018
Version T4.4
Players 286


Tribe Registered Percent



Romans 103 36%



Teutons 44 15%



Gauls 138 48%

Wonders of the World

World_Wonder_64x65.png Player Name Alliance Level
1.png Rogue Infinity Stone G0T 100
2.png Crumbled Dreams Goon Squad 4 Life S4TW 79
3.png PixieMuffin Electric Boogaloo MM 54
4.png Furor Teutonicus The Unintended NMS DA 49
5.png Natars Wonder Of The World 9
6.png HERA The Lady Tower G0T 1
7.png Natars 0
8.png Natars 0
9.png Natars 0
10.png Natars 0
11.png Bone Collector Wonder Of The World G0T 0
12.png Natars 0
13.png Natars 0

Unique Artefacts

illuicons_3_lock_64x64.png Artefact Player Alliance



The architects unique secret(5ร—) Crumbled Dreams S4TW



The unique titan boots(2ร—) Bone Collector G0T



The eagles unique eyes(10ร—) Attack S4TW



Unique diet control(1/2) Rogue G0T



The trainers unique talent(1/2) Dr.Strange G0T



Rivals unique confusion(500ร—) zambuk G0T



Artefact of the unique fool(500ร—) Krypto G0T

Artefacts by Alliance

illuicons_3_lock_64x64.png Alliance Unique Large Small Total
1.png G0T 5 12 27 44
2.png S4TW 2 4 13 19
3.png MM 0 3 13 16
4.png NMS DA 0 2 2 4

Construction Plans

Construction_Plan_63x65.png Player Alliance
1.png Dr.Strange G0T
2.png HERA G0T
3.png Mighty Mouse G0T
4.png Crumbled Dreams S4TW
5.png lastclem S4TW
6.png Furor Teutonicus NMS DA
7.png Black widow G0T
8.png m00n G0T
9.png Rogue G0T
10.png smith & jones G0T
11.png Mike The Mule MM
12.png PixieMuffin MM
13.png crow MM

[align=’center’]The Best Players[/align]

The largest players

Population_63x65.png Player Alliance Population Villages
1.png Blaze S4TW 40004 41
2.png Achilles G0T 38060 38
3.png suredive G0T 37585 41
4.png Black widow G0T 32798 41
5.png Vitesse NMS DA 30992 35
6.png slade MM 30608 35
7.png Attack S4TW 29398 34
8.png Tantric Ritual S4TW 28909 32
9.png lastclem S4TW 28578 34
10.png Equanimity S4TW 28305 35
11.png Happy G0T 27380 31
12.png Tazar G0T 27123 34
13.png PixieMuffin MM 26564 32
14.png Deadpool G0T 26135 35
15.png Chuckles S4TW 25959 35
16.png Hosser MM 25054 29
17.png Beast G0T 24371 29
18.png Silos MM 24302 28
19.png Trelph S4TW 24147 31
20.png Templehill4 MM 24035 32

The most successful attackers

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Population Villages[ Points
1.png Bone Collector 15263 20 1544932
2.png Groot 14554 19 854093
3.png Happy 27380 31 853413
4.png Hulk 21519 28 823328
5.png AzraelZ 13542 20 744036
6.png Trelph 24147 31 639407
7.png Crumbled Dreams 15081 21 629686
8.png Dr.Strange 15012 19 625085
9.png Beast 24371 29 620039
10.png SemiChronicClap 20523 26 612857
11.png Monstrosity 23851 29 574605
12.png Derran 19380 26 505791
13.png Skeletor 20862 29 488078
14.png ChinaNumbaWon 6581 12 484406
15.png Hosser 25054 29 473680
16.png Krypto 16941 25 #ERROR!
17.png Pyro 19006 27 461771
18.png White Walker 19540 24 455902
19.png Baldur 11720 19 447525
20.png Hdoc 7970 14 443214

The most successful defenders

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Population Villages Points
1.png Tazar 27123 34 2195507
2.png Morph 19694 26 2062517
3.png PixieMuffin 26564 32 1837291
4.png Ohh La La 20347 27 1348454
5.png Panda 17840 25 1276029
6.png crow 15833 20 1043211
7.png Richard 17481 22 1041488
8.png lastclem 28578 34 1005614
9.png Loki 12257 15 888180
10.png dawgs 13650 17 737190
11.png JoeMan 8687 17 592829
12.png Griller 19688 26 575010
13.png katanga 20908 26 571690
14.png Tantric Ritual 28909 32 570465
15.png Mystique 18146 27 534383
16.png Monstrosity 23851 29 486793
17.png TrickedYOU 9468 17 460403
18.png knock.knock. 10775 17 434751
19.png Templehill4 24035 32 403909
20.png Pinnochio 20513 28 402178

The most experienced heroes

Hero_64x65.png Player Level Experience
1.png AzraelZ 327 2683336
2.png Bone Collector 270 1842721
3.png Trelph 222 1246411
4.png Hulk 217 1184992
5.png Monstrosity 200 1005957
6.png Groot 192 932484
7.png Beast 191 922654
8.png Dr.Strange 186 874977
9.png PixieMuffin 185 869214
10.png SemiChronicClap 182 837560
11.png Crumbled Dreams 179 807058
12.png Skeletor 173 756517
13.png crow 172 750428
14.png Hosser 171 741525
15.png Pyro 171 737527
16.png Chuckles 171 737131
17.png Krypto 168 714473
18.png ChinaNumbaWon 167 709529
19.png OhhLaLa 163 674108
20.png Deadpool 162 667202

The Biggest Gauls

Gaul_T4.png Player Population
1.png Blaze 40,000
2.png suredive 37,387
3.png Vitesse 30,984
4.png Tantric Ritual 28,909
5.png lastclem 28,520
6.png Tazar 27,123
7.png Hosser 25,054
8.png Templehill4 24,026
9.png GalaxyBoy2018 23,213
10.png Walter 20,508

The Biggest Romans

Roman_T4.png Player Population
1.png Achilles 38,060
2.png Black widow 32,796
3.png slade 30,608
4.png Attack 29,398
5.png Equanimity 28,305
6.png Happy 27,434
7.png Deadpool 26,133
8.png Chuckles 25,951
9.png Silos 24,250
10.png Trelph 24,077

The Biggest Teutons

Teuton_T4.png Player Population
1.png PixieMuffin 26,564
2.png Beast 24,371
3.png zambuk 23,274
4.png dsv 21,275
5.png Ralf03 20,745
6.png Rico Dredd 20,548
7.png jimbobcooter 19,927
8.png Morph 19,694
9.png Derran 19,380
10.png Pyro 19,006

[align=’center’]The Best Alliances[/align]

The largest alliances

Population_63x65.png Alliance Players ร˜ Points
1.png G0T 60 16,707 1,002,430
2.png MM 59 12,959 764,609
3.png S4TW 37 16,450 608,640
4.png NMS DA 34 12,041 409,404
5.png GoT 9 5,372 48,349
6.png MM! 9 5,371 48,343
7.png The CORE 4 9,382 37,526
8.png SG1 2 12,461 24,921
9.png IRS 2 10,407 20,814
10.png TYME 1 14,462 14,462
11.png Lost 1 8,365 8,365
12.png M~O~M 1 7,930 7,930
13.png UFP 1 5,420 5,420
14.png TCTSTยฐ 1 4,341 4,341
15.png BSM 1 4,058 4,058
16.png P-H-P 1 3,268 3,268
17.png Gremlin 1 1,348 1,348
18.png kuras11 1 1,023 1,023
19.png matic_1 1 995 995
20.png b0tanic 1 984 984

The best alliances(off)

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Alliance Players ร˜ Points
1.png G0T 60 198338 11900294
2.png MM 59 109430 6456363
3.png S4TW 37 150403 5564927
4.png NMS DA 34 58584 1991842
5.png BSM 1 826766 826766
6.png GoT 9 90250 812254
7.png MM! 9 51468 463213
8.png IRS 2 130820 261640
9.png SG1 2 123870 247740
10.png TYME 1 116570 116570
11.png POO 1 81113 81113
12.png The CORE 4 19893 79571
13.png UFP 1 42481 42481
14.png TCTSTยฐ 1 41236 41236
15.png Lost 1 24702 24702
16.png P-H-P 1 16312 16312
17.png M~O~M 1 15039 15039
18.png The 300 1 1757 1757
19.png Gremlin 1 202 202
20.png lisigen 1 0 0

The best alliances(def)

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Alliance Players ร˜ Points
1.png G0T 60 234864 14091856
2.png MM 59 184777 10901853
3.png S4TW 37 242062 8956277
4.png NMS DA 34 248477 8448224
5.png MM! 9 153009 1377084
6.png GoT 9 126360 1137237
7.png IRS 2 87473 174946
8.png TYME 1 127506 127506
9.png POO 1 58467 58467
10.png SG1 2 24570 49140
11.png Lost 1 48042 48042
12.png BSM 1 44083 44083
13.png TCTSTยฐ 1 30637 30637
14.png M~O~M 1 28186 28186
15.png The CORE 4 6539 26156
16.png The 300 1 4417 4417
17.png UFP 1 2130 2130
18.png ginga 1 1,003 1,003
19.png tytyd 1 905 905
20.png P-H-P 1 892 892

[align=’center’]The Greatest Armies[/align]


Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1.png Hulk G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 863,580
2.png Crumbled Dreams S4TW Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 558,107
3.png Bone Collector G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 515,074
4.png Chuckles S4TW Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 470,109
5.png Dr Strange G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 435,556
6.png Pyro G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 434,128
7.png smith & jones G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 403,921
8.png Groot G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 373,927
9.png Krypto G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 371,560
10.png WindUpBird G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 348,141

Overall:Attack Strength

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe AttackStrength
1.png Hulk G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 39,674,650
2.png Crumbled Dreams S4TW Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 22,376,445
3.png Bone Collector G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 20,485,865
4.png Chuckles S4TW Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 19,926,670
5.png Dr Strange G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 18,713,310
6.png smith & jones G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 17,870,940
7.png Pyro G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 17,332,940
8.png Krypto G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 16,578,700
9.png Groot G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 16,480,930
10.png Bahubali G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 15,091,125


Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1.png Crumbled Dreams S4TW Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 397,287
2.png Hulk G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 363,595
3.png Bone Collector G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 335,353
4.png Pyro G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 284,677
5.png Bone Collector G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 211,196
6.png smith & jones G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 202,857
7.png Krypto G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 193,581
8.png Chuckles S4TW Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 193,567
9.png Azraelz MM Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 191,238
10.png White Walker G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 169,987


Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1.png Bone Collector G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 27,037
2.png Crumbled Dreams S4TW Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 26,198
3.png Pyro G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 25,476
4.png Bone Collector G0T Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 19,737
5.png dsv 00.MM Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 19,005


Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1.png Chuckles S4TW Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 19,728
2.png Hulk G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 17,000
3.png Dr Strange G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 15,238
4.png smith & jones G0T Gaul_Icon_T4.png Gaul 15,000
5.png Skeletor G0T Roman_Icon_T4.png Roman 14,393

Army Breakdown:Gaul

Gaul_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity



Swordsman Krypto G0T 125,140



Theutates Thunder DS9 UFP 11,883



Haeduan smith & jones G0T 61,731



Rams n3kr0s66 MM 3,017



Catapults smith&jones G0T 15,000

Army Breakdown:Roman

Roman_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity



Imperian Hulk G0T 203,407



Equites Imperatoris White Walker G0T 62,436



Equites Caesaris Hulk G0T 129,596



Rams Wingzer S4TW 18,851



Catapults Chuckles S4TW 19,728

Army Breakdown:Teuton

Teuton_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity



Clubswinger Crumbled Dreams S4TW 317,594



Axeman AzraelZ MM 139,878



Teutonic Knight Bone Collector G0T 57,867



Ram Bone Collector G0T 27,037



Catapult AzraelZ MM 13,059
