T4.4 – Summary of the changes

Here you can find a summary of all the new features of today’s T4.4 version of the browser game Travian.

Summary of the new features:

  • 40% increased resource production
  • The maximum cranny capacity was increased to 2,000 (Romans, Teutons) and 3,000 (Gauls) respectively
  • Hero’s resource production per attribute point doubled
  • Natars start building a wonder of the world after a set amount of days
  • Wonder of the world villages are now no longer located only within the gray area
  • Halved crop consumption in wonder of the world villages once the construction plans are released
  • Adjustable trade routes to wonder of the world and/or artifact villages when players are in the same alliance or confederacy
  • Water bucket can only be used once every 24 hours
  • Number of adventures increased to over 400
  • Balancing regarding amount of troops, resources, tablets of law and bandages
  • Change to culture point calculation for celebrations (small maximum 500; large maximum 2,000)
  • Change for artworks: maximum of 2,000 culture points, but only appear after 14 days
  • 500 culture points starting credit at the start of a round
  • Map adopted from the birthday server
  • 5 days beginners protection with option to extend it by another 3 days
  • No attacking, reinforcing or scouting of other players during beginners’ protection and no option to exit protected status prematurely
  • No settler pushing or offense pushing during beginners’ protection; limited trading ability and only marketplace offers at the ratio 1:1 can be placed
  • Easy way to distinguish between incoming troop movements (attacks/raids, returning units and incoming reinforcements)
  • Easy way to distinguish between outgoing troop movements (attacks/raids, reinforcements and last sent)
  • Option to display more than ten troop movements per page

Now it’s time for you to develop your best strategy in light of these changes. See you on the next game world!

Yours, Maxi
