New hero interface and much more!

Spring is the time for new beginnings! 

Your wardrobe feels old and needs some new style? Well, we thought it was also about time to give some love to the hero’s style and the rankings. We’re also going to implement a few changes to the confederacy system to tackle some weaknesses.

Eager to know more details? Get ready!

All new gameworlds that start after 1st May 2022 will receive the following changes:

Hero interface

The hero profile has received some care and attention; it now has an entirely new look and new functionalities that will make it easier and more fun to create your hero profile.

Limited switching between alliances

Switching between alliances will be limited to reduce the effectiveness of particular strategies that work around the player limit in an alliance and confederacy.

New members of the alliance will not be able to leave (or be removed) during the first 24 hours.

When a player leaves an alliance, or the alliance leaves a confederacy, the reinforcements from the former allies or confederacy members will be sent back after 1 hour. Previously it was 12 hours.

Changes to the rankings

We’ve also planned some changes to the rankings to make them more fun and resistant to manipulation.

The top 10 attacker ranking will be split into two rankings. The points will be earned the same way as it is currently, but they will go to either one of these two new rankings, depending on the target:

  • PvE (Player versus Environment) of the week: earned during offensive battles against unoccupied oases and Natars.
  • PvP (Player versus Player) of the week: everything else.

The new top 10 rankings will grant medals every week, similar to the old top 10 rankings. At the same time, the top 10 climbers’ statistics will be removed.

When defending, killing weak attacking units won’t grant points for the defense ranking anymore. All attacking units with a base attack of 15 or less will not count toward the defender’s ranking. Smithy upgrades and other bonuses do not matter here.

For example, getting attacked by a slave militia (base attack value of 10) won’t provide any points to the defender. Please note that this change does not affect how hero experience is gained.
