🧭 General Features 🧭 |
Map |
Ancient Europe with 87 regions to be conquered. Traveling over the edge is not possible. |
Victory points |
To dominate a region, an alliance needs to have >50% territorial control and must wait for the “securing” cool-down timer (24 hours) to run out. The alliance’s victory points are the sum of all points held in all villages of this alliance. The alliance’s victory points can be lost, conquered or destroyed. |
No victory points for inactive players |
Players marked with red and gray dots in the alliance list (i.e. players inactive for longer than 72 hours) do not receive victory points for their villages. Victory points for the regional control are distributed among other players’ villages in the region. Their population still counts toward regional control, however. |
Tribes |
Travian: Shores of war features 6 tribes:
World Wonders and End of Gameworld |
There are no World Wonders in this type of scenario. The game world ends at specific time after 180 days for 1x speed, 120 days for 2x speed, and 80 days for 3x speed. |
Troop merging |
Yes – unlimited with resources – Gold usage limited to 50 Gold per day per village. More information is available here. |
Troop forwarding |
Yes. Details on how to forward troops can be found here.
When you forward troops from a harbor village with available ships, you can provide your ships with the selected reinforcements so that they can travel faster. It doesn’t matter whether the troops belong to you or another player or whether they originate from a harbor or a regular village. After reinforcements arrive at the target village, the ships immediately reappear in the harbor village. |
Trade routes |
You can create routes only to your own villages. |
Visibility of alliance list attacks |
No confederacies |
⚓ Harbors and pathfinding ⚓ |
Harbors |
Pathfinding 🆕 |
More information… |
More detailed information about harbors and pathfinding can be found here: |
🌊 The ships 🌊 |
Trade ships |
Trade ships travel at a speed of 20 fields per hour on 1x speed game worlds (multiplied by the speed factor) for all tribes in deep waters. When traveling by land, they take the regular speed of the tribe that owns the harbor village. |
Warships and decoy warships |
More information… |
More detailed information about ships can be found here: Ships |
🏛️ Cities 🏛️ |
Cities |
Watchtowers |
Only available in cities.
The Watchtower is not a separate building, but a wall extension, which can be upgraded up to level 20. Each level of the Watchtower adds 1% of defence bonus, up to 20% at maximum level. |
Waterworks |
More information… |
More detailed information about the cities can be found here: Cities |
🏆 Ancient powers (artifacts) 🏆 |
Name |
Here, artifacts are called ancient powers. |
Effects |
Architects’ secret, Titan boots, Eagles eyes, Diet control, Trainers talent, Storage masterplan, Rivals confusions. |
Conquering |
Alliances with >50% territorial control gain access to the ancient power, which can be activated in a village containing a big enough treasury. |
Power restrictions |
Ancient powers can be activated as soon as a player’s alliance has achieved >50% territorial control and has held the territory for 24 hours. To activate an ancient power, an alliance member just needs a treasury at level 10 for ancient powers with an effect for the village, or a treasury at level 20 for ancient powers with an effect for the account. There are naturally a few restrictions: For each village, only one ancient power may be activated, and for each account only one account-wide ancient power may be activated. Thus, a total of two ancient powers can have an effect on one village. |
🔱 Conquering 🔱 |
Villages |
Natars |
When conquering a Natar village, the village will belong to the tribe of the chief’s village. |
Keep tribe on conquer |
A full description of the feature can be found here: Keep tribe after conquering |
🏠 Spawning and Settling 🏠 |
Spawning |
Instead of spawning in the center, there are four spawning positions on the map, one for each quadrant. The regions around the spawn site will be unlocked in a certain order. Only once all spawn sites of the first region are filled will the villages start spawning in the next region. |
Settling a second village (changing tribe) |
You can pick the tribe of your second village for your very first settlement.
Settling other villages |
When settling a new village, the village created belongs to the tribe of the settler’s village. |
Settling with ships |
You can send your settlers on ships to found a new village. |
Settling location |
You can only settle in regions that have a neighboring region with more than 4,000 alliance population. |
🦆Miscellaneous🦆 |
Cancelling deliveries |
Merchant and trade ship delivery can be cancelled within the first 60 seconds. |
Harbors in the map.sql |
The harbor status of the village is shown in the map.sql. More information about what the map.sql is can be found here. |
Flat map and the regions |
Regions on the other side of the map (like Volubilis and Hyperborea) are no longer considered “neighboring” and their population is not counted for region unlocking.
Hovering over the region name in the statistics and alliance profiles will enable regional map tool-tips to display its location. |
Travel time calculator |
The travel time calculator will help you calculate travel times between villages both for traveling on land and on ships. |
Permanent medal |
We hope this table will help you to dive right into the action on our Shores of War game worlds in April. See you on the battlefield!
Your Travian: Legends Team