Hello community players, here are some statistics and a map about Europe 7, South-East sector.
The data was collected 3 days after the Europe 7 North-East statistics article.
Let us see alliances « one by one ». I have merged on the same map, alliances that seem to have chosen the same location:
U-LOV, W-L, W-S, Squad, BIRRA: center
9mm, 9cm: the arc of a circle passing through 100/-100
[U], NH, Hunt™, Fox: the entire area behind the 9mm 9cm circular arc
Birds, B², K&Co: scattered in the center and southwest of the quadrant
Here is the data on November 5th:
With graphics, it’s easier to have a look:
Evolution’s data:
Military’s data:
Personal opinion
The South-East appears to be a homogeneous quadrant.
The population averages are well grouped, unlike the NorthEast which was heterogeneous.
We have 2 evolution groups: one of 7 alliances with an average of 1800 to 2500, containing alliances of different META, and another group of 7 alliances with an average below 1500, also containing different META alliances.
There are also very few deleted accounts, a sign of stability, unlike the NorthEast which contained a lot of deleted accounts and movements.
On the military part, there are 2 particularly active alliances: 9cm and [U] in both offensive and defensive parts.
Then there are 7 very active alliances with similar offensive points: U-Lov, W-S, Squad, Birds, NH, Hunt™, Fox.
All those facts are a sign of a quadrant that will be bloody and heavily contested.
This quadrant promises to offer us some great battles. I hope you’ll enjoy being part of those 😉
I had interviewed the 13 alliances, one kindly agreed to answer. Here is their opinion :
Hello, I have decided on the best course of action for my allies and me given the realities of the server.
As to what we will do, I prefer to keep it to myself.
But suffice to say I do not think this server, given the large number of accounts, will be won in the normal way. Normally in my experience, each quad ends up under the control of 1 major alliance, as in the southeast is under the control of U-LOV for example.
This server is too populated, I do not see any major power right now able to gain full control of the southeast for example. I think with the vast number of players on the smaller map, you will end up with quads that are split between the control of several powers. I believe this server will be won by the pen not the sword, even though, both will have their role.
To be continued.