Ha-ooh! We’ve successfully reached the second step of our ingame stretch goal and by now have settled 39257 villages. Are you ready for the final battle?
The time has come! The last step is to settle 55 000 villages and get the final prize!
Be a real Spartan with a unique Spartan Tattoo that will be unlocked for every Glory of Sparta account after the goal has been reached. Decorate yourself and fight brave for your victory!
„There’s no room for softness… not in Sparta. No place for weakness. Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans. Only the hard, only the strong.“ (c) Dilios
Those who have missed the start of this event and are curious what it is all about, here are some explanations:
⚔️ What a stretch goal is is explained ➡️ here.
⚔️Previous step results and the rewards are announced ➡️ here.
⚔️Full overview of all our planned stretch goals are ➡️ here.