PATCH – Release 1598.6

Overview: A small patch to fix a few issues.

🛠️ Bugfixes:
TL-11062 Fixed an issue with training time, when sometimes an individual unit would finish training early while the whole group training end time didn’t change.

TL-10968 Troop movements in Overview tab of the Rally Point were ordered by default by the time they were sent, not by the arrival time. It was fixed.

TL-10975 Medals in the profile were always displayed with a line break between them, even if you put multiple medals in the same line. This should be fixed.

⏲️ Rollout plan (No downtime)

27.06 ~ Already done — International20, International5, International7

28.06 ~ 10:03 UTC+1– International°
28.06 ~ 12:03 UTC+1– Arabics, NL Schild
28.06 ~ 14:03 UTC+1– Asia, TR Alpler

29.06 ~ 10:03 UTC+1– Europe, Hispano Eternal, CZSK, Balkans United
29.06 ~ 12:03 UTC+1– America
29.06 ~ 14:03 UTC+1– Tournament

°Excluding the gameworlds listed separately.
