Fire and Sand x3 Speed

In case you missed the announcement on our latest Ask Travian episode #3, Fire and Sand x3 Speed servers are starting in April!

Wondering when your country’s game world starts?
Each server’s start date will be posted on our Facebook page and on the forums next week, so stay tuned!



8 thoughts on “Fire and Sand x3 Speed

  1. Traditionally victory point servers last 200 days at regular speed and 140 days at 2x speed. How long will the 3x server last? I really hope its 100 or less, I think you will need that to attract the normal server 3x crowd.

  2. Hi I have a question

    1-When does the server finish?

    2-What are the advantages of fire and sand in the server?

    1. Hi,
      We’re not planning on starting any new Fire and Sand servers. The next special servers will be the Annual Special 2018 servers, starting later this year.

      1. Please do, i really enjoyed fire and sand 10 times more than normal servers and im anxiously waiting for the next one.

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