Farewell to Forums

There’s no easy way to announce this, but still, we have to do it somehow. Starting from June 7th, 2021, we’ll be saying farewell to our Travian: Legends forums.

We know some of you still use them regularly and appreciate the atmosphere and energy they foster. Indeed, we all have lots of memories that involve our forums. For instance, when we posted our first ever battle report, prepared a server analysis, or crafted our first meme. And how can we forget all the epic forum talk that sometimes occupied us more than actual events in the game? Many of us formed tight bonds, found real friendships, and even met soulmates among all those threads.

However, after looking at the forums’ statistics over the past couple of years, it has become clear that the popularity of this platform has declined significantly. Players have mostly migrated to other communication channels like Discord, WhatsApp, and Skype, for example.

At the same time, our official Travian: Legends Discord channel, launched just over one year ago, recently reached 30,000 users, and its population keeps growing. It’s becoming more and more the new home of our vibrant community.

We have to face reality: The online world is moving towards instant messaging, and platforms like Discord facilitate connections with the team and developers, plus they allow us to discuss game topics in real-time even through voice channels, which we plan to use more frequently. Alongside a multilingual blog, we now see Discord as our primary platform for interacting with the community.

What’s next?

June 7th – The Travian: Legends forums will be put into read-only mode, but they will still be fully accessible. Make sure to save anything you want to keep!

July 7th – The forums go offline. All threads and files will become inaccessible. The old forum archives will also become inaccessible at this point.

What’s going to happen with important threads like guides, feature descriptions, and other relevant information?

A while ago, our Community Managers started working on preserving essential forum threads and moving them to the Travian: Legends blog. We’ll continue adding important information from the forum to the blog that we wish to keep. If you identify a specific thread that needs to be moved there, get in touch with your Community Manager, and they’ll handle your request.

Will the blog and Discord be English-only?

Some announcements, especially urgent ones, will be in English. Nevertheless, our aim is to provide all of you with comprehensive information and give you options to discuss topics in your native languages.

The blog will be available in all the main interface languages of Travian: Legends. Local sections for a lot of our communities have already been added on Discord, so you’ll be able to talk in your native language.

The following communities have a local section that you can visit:

  • Germany
  • France
  • Russia
  • Hispano
  • Poland
  • Turkey
  • Italy
  • Hungary
  • Balkans
  • Nordics
  • Asia
  • Arabics
  • Lusobrasileiro
  • CZ/SK
  • Baltics
  • Romania
  • Netherlands

What if I want to post an extensive server analysis or an interview? Discord does not have the editor tools I need.

If it’s a one-time post that you need, please contact your Community Manager, and they’ll post it on our blog and credit you. For enthusiastic players who regularly contribute to the community by creating detailed guides, analyses, interviews, or detailed battle overviews, we’ll introduce a unique role: the Content Creator. This role will give you the right to add content to our blog yourself.

In the upcoming weeks, we’ll post detailed information on how to become a Content Creator.

We can’t wait to have you onboard on this new adventure!
