Meet the Team: Marianne, Community Manager

Welcome to another edition of Meet the Team! In this edition, we meet Marianne or sommerfuglen as she is more commonly referred to in the Travian world. She’s your Community Manager and CSR for Norway and has been playing Travian: Legends for over 10 years! She was kind of enough to give us a short interview so that we can get to know her and her background a bit better. Enjoy!

Hi sommerfuglen, thank you for letting us interview you! So, let’s start with the usual question, where are you from and for how long have you been working for Travian Games?

Hi there! I am from Oslo, the capital of Norway. As Community Manager, I started October 1st 2017, so I am relatively new, but I started as a volunteer for Travian: Legends in May 2010, as Multihunter. Then everything went quite fast: I became Moderator, SuperModerator, Head Multihunter and then Forum Admin.

How did you discover Travian: Legends?

I discovered Travian: Legends through my husband. He needed some help on his account in 2007 during an endgame, while he was at work. He got drawn into the game by our sons. Eventually, the whole family was playing in the same alliance, when a new gameworld started some weeks after that gameworld ended. So let’s say that at some point my husband, our 2 sons and 2 daughters played Travian: Legends, together with friends and other family members.

What kind of player are you?

I am a defense player. There are never enough def in the game, so I believe helping out the alliance that way is very important.

Can you share a particular highlight for you during your role as a CM for Travian?

I think the highlight must have been exactly when I got offered to take over the position as CM and CSR for Travian: Legends Norway. After such a long time playing and being invested in the community, it felt really good.

Lastly, what’s the funniest thing you have read on the forums?

The funniest thing I have read on the forums is a collection of battle reports, written as skaldic poetry. The player wrote in such a vivid way, with so much fantasy that I wish it could have been shared worldwide.
I have gone back to the thread several times, due to his magical words.

Thank you all for reading our interview with sommerfuglen, we hope you enjoyed it. If you have any question for her, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments below! Until next time, happy raiding! 

