[Guide] Start x3 & x5 – Non-raiding version

Hello everyone,

Here I will share my version of “How to settle the second village as fast as possible.” For now, we will focus on the non-raiding version.

The best way is to play Egyptian with bonus production on the hero, but it also works with other tribes.

To rush as fast as possible, you will need around 180/200 Golds (instant completion of every building makes you win a lot of time).

No° serverStart.png Build Order Comments 
1 One of each field to Lvl 2 Start with the first adventure to get your horse.
2 Warehouse Lvl 1 At each level up, put all points of your hero into resources.
3 Granary Lvl 1 On 5x servers, troops are only 2x faster, so with all points to resources, you will have a similar income compared to hitting animals… But without random events, so it’s safer!
4 Embassy Lvl 1
6 Cranny Lvl 3
7 Main Building Lvl 3

  • Egyptian Hero: +50% more resources production
8 Wall Lvl 3

  • Hun Hero: +3 Base Movement Speed when going with cavalry (+6 on Speed)
Market Lvl 3 Roman_Icon_T4.png

  • Roman Hero: +20% strength per point, so he hits more
All Crops at Lvl 2 Gaul_Icon_T4.png

  • Gallic Hero: +5 Base Movement Speed ​​(+10 on speed) when equipped with the horse.
11 All Woods at Lvl 2 Teuton_Icon_T4.png

  • German Her : He loots +20% in Crannys.
12 All Clay Lvl 2 You unlock the 50 Pop quest by adding an iron 1.
13 All Iron Lvl 2
14 One Crop at Lvl 4
15 One Wood at Lvl 4
16 One Clay at Lvl 4
17 One Iron at Lvl 4
18 Barracks Lvl 1
19 Main Building Lvl 7
20 Warehouse Lvl 3
21 Granary Lvl 3
22 All Woods at Lvl 3 You unlock the quest 50 CP with the first Wood 3.
23 All Irons at Lvl 3
24 All Clay at Lvl 3
25 Barracks Lvl 3 You unlock the quest 100 Pop!
26 Academy Lvl 1
27 All Crops to Lvl 3
28 Residence Lvl 1
29 Cranny Lvl 10
Market Lvl 7
Academy Lvl 10
Workshop Lvl 1
33 TownHall Lvl 1  Note: You need Main Building 10.
34 Residence Lvl 10
35 Train 3 Settlers  Note: Upgrade warehouse and granary according to your need; each tribe is different.
36  Small Celebration Tips: If you need 5/10 or more culture points, you can build one or more crannies before the celebration (+1cp Lvl 1, +2cp Lvl 3).
37    Build a New Village Tips: On x3, wait for 24h after the server start to get +50CP with the daily reward.

Did you know?

The first 10 adventures always yield the same items and same order.

1. A horse
2. Resources
3. 3 Base Units
4. Silver
5. Ointment
6. Book of wisdom
7. Resources
8. Silver
9. Cages
10. Only experience

It’s now your turn to get your place in the Hall of Fame; share your times on discord!



By Tikiii971
