Travian: Northern Legends – General Information

🧭 Map, Regions and Victory Points🧭

Map 🆕
The game takes place on a map of Ancient Europe divided into 87 regions.

In Northern Legends the balance of victory shifts among artifacts and victory points. Some regions that hold the most valuable artefacts (boots, eyes, trainer etc) now grant very few victory points, emphasizing the value of pure Victory Points territories.

Regions with vast territory give an additional 500 points in compare to the smaller regions with similar effect.

More information about map changes, updated map and spawn order you can find here: Reimagining a Battlefield.

Decentralized Spawning
Instead of spawning in the center, there are four spawning positions on the map, one for each quadrant. The regions around the spawn site will be unlocked in a certain order. Only once all spawn sites of the first region are filled will the villages start spawning in the next region. 
Settling in the regions
Not all regions are available for settling from the start. Settling in the region is possible if

  • It’s your spawn village region
  • The region settling status has changed to “yes”. This happens once the top 5 biggest alliances in the region or in a neighboring one have at least 4000 population altogether in the region. 
Victory points
Victory points are accumulated by the alliance that dominates a region.

To dominate a region, an alliance needs to have >50% territorial control and must wait for the “securing” cool-down timer (24 hours) to run out.

The alliance’s victory points are the sum of all points held in all villages of this alliance. The alliance’s victory points can be lost, conquered or destroyed. Players marked with red and gray dots in the alliance list (i.e. players inactive for longer than 72 hours) do not receive victory points for their villages. 

World Wonders and End of Gameworld
There are no World Wonders in this type of scenario. The game world ends at specific time after 180 days for 1x speed, 120 days for 2x speed, and 80 days for 3x speed. The alliance, that holds the most victory points by the end of the gameworld, wins.

⚔️ Tribes, Units and their Unique abilities ⚔️

This year, the fearless Vikings descend upon Ancient Europe for the first time. Their unmatched warrior spirit and seafaring mastery promise to reshape the tides of conquest and glory.

More detailed information about this legendary tribe can be found here: The Vikings

Other Tribes🆕
Travian: Northern Legends features 6 tribes:

Vikings Romans Gauls Huns Egyptians Spartans

Teutons will be replaced with the Vikings and do not take part in the Northern Legends battles.

Troop merging
Yes – unlimited with resources – Gold usage limited to 50 Gold per day per village. More information is available here.
Troop forwarding 
Yes. Details on how to forward troops can be found here.

When you forward troops from a harbor village with available ships, you can provide your ships with the selected reinforcements so that they can travel faster. It doesn’t matter whether the troops belong to you or another player or whether they originate from a harbor or a regular village. After reinforcements arrive at the target village, the ships immediately reappear in the harbor village. 

Improved Legionnaires🆕 Legionnaires underwent extensive training to face the Norse threat and now got the new parameters.

New Legionnaire training ensured

  • Legionnaires’ defense against cavalry increased from 50 to 70.
  • Base training time was reduced from 26:40 to 22:40.
  • Movement speed increased from 6 to 7 fields per hour.

These changes apply only to worlds where Vikings replace Teutons. No other units stats were changed in compare to classic world scenario.

🤝Alliances and Diplomacy🤝

No confederacies 
Travian: Northern Legends is an ultimate battle of marine conquerors where everyone fights only for their own alliance. The diplomatic agreements are limited by non-aggression pacts and wars only.
Commerce bonus increases trading speed🆕
Commerce bonus now increases trading speed and capacity of merchants and trade ships.

  • The bonus will grant an additional 30-60-90-120-150% to merchants/trade ships capacity and speed depending on the alliance Commerce bonus level. 
  • This bonus will also affect return times. 
Philosophy bonus adds Culture Points to Celebrations and Artworks🆕 
The Philosophy bonus now increases Culture Points granted by Town Hall celebrations and Artworks by 4-8-12-16-20% respectively. For instance, a Philosophy bonus level 1 will enhance the CP gained from celebrations and artworks by an additional 4%.
Visibility of alliance list attacks
The alliance member list will only show attacks and raids where the number of incoming troops is equal to or larger than the rally point level. 
Trade routes
You can create routes only to your own villages.

⚓ Harbors and pathfinding ⚓

You will be able to build harbors in villages that are located on shores next to “deep waters”. Harbors, in turn, will allow you to send trade ships, raid ships and warships at increased speed when they travel through deep waters.
The ships now go straight from one tile to another. The game calculates how many “regular” tiles and “deep water” tiles the ship crosses while traveling from point A to point B and applies the speeds separately based on the ratio of regular to deep water tiles.

  • Deep water movement is a static 18 fields per hour for x1 speed game worlds (36 for x2-x5, 72 for x10) and cannot be boosted.
  • Land movement is not altered and while on land, all movement bonuses (hero items, tribe bonuses, tournament square, and artifacts) still apply.
  • Traveling through deep waters is not affected by hero items (i.e. boots, standards, etc.) except for the map.
  • The tournament square only affects land movement. This means the army must travel 20 fields on land before the tournament square takes effect.
More information…
More detailed information about harbors and pathfinding can be found here:

🌊 The ships 🌊

Trade ships
Trade ships provide additional trading capacity to your harbor village. They do not need merchants to transfer resources and are not limited to 20 units.

Speed capacity factor, alliance bonuses and Trade office bonus are applied to the trade ships.

Warships and decoy warships
Warships and decoy warships are used for sending armies (attacks, raids, settlers, and reinforcements). Decoy warships are very similar to warships, but can carry only up to 60 units.
Raid ships and ships farming🆕
With Northern Legends Scenario the 4th type of ships – Raid Ships – have been added to the game.

Raid Ships can carry up to 200 units and can only be used for raid missions.  

Those ships are available for all tribes, though Vikings raid bonus increases their speed to 24 compared to usual 18 fields per hour for the other tribes on x1 gameworld.  Raid ships are the only ships that can be added to the farm list.

More information…
More detailed information about ships can be found here: Ships

🏛️ Cities 🏛️

Villages can be upgraded into a city with a Townhall at level 20.

  • The city requires 2 settlement (CP) slots.
  • The city gains 3 additional building slots.
  • Resource fields can be upgraded to level 12 in non-capital cities.
  • Walls can be upgraded with Watchtowers.
Only available in cities.

The Watchtower is not a separate building, but a wall extension, which can be upgraded up to level 20. Each level of the Watchtower adds 1% of defense bonus, up to 20% at maximum level.

In Travian: Northern Legends, waterworks can only be built in Egyptian cities.
More information…
More detailed information about the cities can be found here: Cities

🏆 Ancient powers (artifacts) 🏆

Here, artifacts are called ancient powers.
Architects’ secret, Titan boots, Eagles eyes, Diet control, Trainers talent, Storage masterplan, Rivals confusions.
Alliances with >50% territorial control gain access to the ancient power, which can be activated in a village containing a big enough treasury.
Power restrictions
Ancient power needs to be activated manually every 24 hours. The same ancient power can be activated once for each alliance member (effect with account scope) and once for each alliance member’s village (effect with village scope).

Ancient powers can be activated as soon as a player’s alliance has achieved >50% territorial control and has held the territory for 24 hours. To activate an ancient power, an alliance member just needs a treasury at level 10 for ancient powers with an effect for the village, or a treasury at level 20 for ancient powers with an effect for the avatar.

There are naturally a few restrictions: For each village, only one ancient power may be activated, and for each avatar only one avatar-wide ancient power may be activated. Thus, a total of two ancient powers can have an effect on one village.

🏠 Settling 🏠

Settling 3 first villages with different tribes 🆕
With the spirit of the North guiding their choices, players now have the power to select their tribe for the first three settled villages.  

This feature has the following limitations: 

  • Conquered villages do not count towards the first three selections. If you settle a second village, then conquer the third, you’ll still be able to select tribe for the next 2 settled villages. 
  • If the settling fails (due to other settlers being faster), you can still select the tribe.
  • If the settlement was successful, but the settled village then destroyed or conquered, the feature is not re-enabled.
Settling other villages
When settling the 4th and other villages, the village created belongs to the tribe of the settler’s village.
Settling with ships
You can send your settlers on ships to found a new village if their home village is a harbor.
Settling location
You can only settle in regions that have a neighboring region with more than 4,000 alliance population.

🔱 Conquering 🔱

When conquering a village that belongs to an avatar of another tribe, the village keeps that tribe. The tribe-specific buildings are kept unless they are destroyed in battle. Your avatar will stay as the tribe you picked during registration.
When conquering a Natar village, the village will belong to the tribe of the chief’s village.
Keep tribe on conquer
A full description of the feature can be found here: Keep tribe after conquering


Reduced construction time 🆕

Heeding the counsel of our community, we’ve reduced construction times for key buildings by 25%.

This adjustment affects: 

  • Main Building
  • Granaries and Great Granaries
  • Warehouses and Great Warehouses
  • All resource fields: Woodcutters, Clay Pits, Iron Mines, Croplands 
Respawn feature 🆕 This new feature allows players to start anew with a fresh avatar and village location in the same gameworld immediately if their initial choices prove insufficient.

  • Possibility to abandon your current avatar and create a new one in the same gameworld within the same lobby account.
  • Possibility to select a different map quarter, tribe, and avatar name with that.
  • Unspent purchased Gold transfers automatically to the new avatar.

For more details on this feature, check out our Knowledgebase article: Abandon Avatar and Respawn.

Permanent medal To get a medal at the end of the game world, players should meet the following requirements:

  • Have an avatar at the end of the game round.
  • Be part of the winning alliance that has the most victory points when the game world ends.
  • Be part of an alliance continuously for the last 30 days (x1 and x2 speed) and 15 days (x3 and x5 speed) before the game world ends.

📅Gameworld Calendar📅
