Tea@Three: Stefan

Tell us your name / nickname and how old you are.
Hi, I am Steverino and I’m 41 years old. Yeah, unfortunately I didn’t mix that up. According to my wife I’m “always in the right age” and if you’d ask my parents they’d probably say that I “never grow up”. So, just pick a number that you like.

What is your profession?
My official title at Travian is Brand Marketing Manager and I have no idea what that means. For the past 15 years I’ve been a journalist for several magazines and was involved in PR work.

How long have you been working for Travian?
I’ve just started, where is the coffee machine?

What’s your job at Travian? (Or what have they told you?)
I’m on the hunt for good content and interesting stories that we can present to the players. I’m trying to figure out cool events, news about the game and our team and to find the right channel to show it. Some things are better and more interesting in a video. In other cases you just show a picture and that tells a whole story. By the way: I’m always looking for cool stories from our community. Just as an example: You are married and got to know each other playing Travian or you are in an ally that meets every week in real life to play soccer – you get the picture – drop me line and let’s talk about it!

The job description said something different though. I was hired as a bodyguard for T5 reporter Maxi. Just in case he decides to fly to Malaga again – spontaneously – on a Tuesday night.

What’s your favorite genre and game?
I can find something good and fun games in any genre. Strategy, a shooter or a rhythm game like Rockband. My favorite is probably the Mass Effect Trilogy. At the moment I replay Dragon Age: Origins and I just finished playing South Park: The stick of truth.

What was your first impression of online games?
That was an early MMO called Meridian 59. I played it day and night back then. That must have been sometime during the nineties. It was a new experience to play a game with players from all over the world back then. And in Germany the internet was “the new thing”. We used regular phone lines to connect to the internet. The phone bill at the end of every month was a real fiasco.

What is the biggest challenge in Travian for you?
Easy to learn, hard to master. That’s what I’m looking for in games and Travian is just that. Every day I experience new challenges. Most of the time I don’t have enough time to really become that master, but I try to get better anyway.

What would you do once you achieved world domination?
I’d ask myself why my wife gave up that position.

What should be the next invention?
Definitely beaming. If you live in a town like Munich you know the problems. Traffic jams, no parking space and public transportation is not always an alternative.

Quick questions:
Tee or coffee? Coffee in the morning, tea for the rest of the day.
Dogs or cats? Definitely cats!
Pop or folk music? Guns n’ Roses, Iron Maiden, The Offspring
Mobile or board games? I’m oldschool in that point. If enough friends are there – Boardgames!
Consoles or browsers? Why “or”?

Eat. Sleep. Conquer. Repeat.
