Hi here. As part of today Wednesday guides we reworked important blog post, that already has been published about a year ago. We are talking about post Travian: Legends ~ 6 years changes at one glance!
We added there missing features players were asking about and most important recent changes that happened since May, 2023 when we first published our blog.
So, what was new that came to us in 2023 and 2024?
Farmlist rework
Farmlist has been completely reworked and now provides more information about your farming. Average farm income, total farm per day, possibility to copy target to multiple farmlists, automatic deactivation of the targets that changed owner and much more. You can see full description here: Farmlist rework.
In-game travel time simulator
A new tool has been added to the rally point. A travel time simulator that helps to calculate travel time between villages without the need to use external tools.
Naval battles in Travian Lands (only on Special gameworlds)
Harbors and Ships on an Ancient Europe map — your chance to go on a marine adventures in the familiar setting of Travian: Legends. In 2024 first World Wonders got added to the European map. Building World Wonder in Hibernia while fighting for artefacts in Massalia? With the new setting everything is possible.
New tribe balancing (only on Special gameworlds)
In 2023 new special Gameworld series — Community Week gameworlds — were added in addition to Annual Special and New Year’s Special versions. Only on this gameworlds players have option to play with rebalanced tribes. Romans, Gauls and Teutons received new unit parameters, which were based on the community suggestions and voting. Paladins as a farming unit? Legionnaire-Caesaris hammer? On community week gameworlds this makes total sense! You can find an overview of the changed tribe parameters here.