ATNAUJINIMAS – Leidinys 1375.2

Vertimas lietuvių kalba bus įkeltas kiek vėliau, kai tik gausime vertimo tekstą.

Overview: Improvement to village list sorting, unified map.sql, fixed sitters favourite tabs and more.

🆕 Changes:
TL-10202 – Villages in the farmlists page and in the trade route creation dropdown will follow the order decided by the player in the village list.

TL-10097 – Important for map tool makers: we unified the map.sql file structure in all game versions. This is a file used to create external map tools with data from game. The file contains various data about player villages on the map and is updated daily.

In the past the file was slightly different for Tides of Conquest compared to regular gameworlds, as it included data about cities, capitals and Victory Points. Now all files will have all data, but in case the gameworld doesn’t support a specific feature, the data will be set to NULL. For example on a regular gameworld it will have NULL in the place for Victory Points amount.

🛠️ Bugfixes:

TL-10306 – A mystery was solved. Unknown error when creating a new farmlist is not longer unknown. You will see a proper error message if you try to create a new farmlist with an already used name.

TL-10296 – Fixed layout issue with “Best value” banners in the Gold shop in some languages.

TL-10317 – Sitters were not able to set favourite tabs in buildings. We fixed it and sitters will be able to set their own favourites. This won’t affect favourites of the account owner nor the sitter’s own account.

⏲️ Rollout plan (Downtime ~10 min)

10.01 ~10:03 UTC — International6, International10, International21
12.01 ~10:03 UTC — International*
12.01 ~12:03 UTC — RU, CZSK, NL, Balkans

13.01 ~10:03 UTC — Arabics
13.01 ~12:03 UTC — Europe

14.01 ~10:03 UTC — TR, Asia
14.01 ~12:03 UTC — America

17.01 ~10:03 UTC — Tournament Finals

*Excluding the gameworlds listed separately.
