Finals 2017: Player Interviews – STIC (TÆQUILA™) & Dźemik (nTPl O)

Welcome back to the 2018’s first instalment of Player Interviews, we hope you had epic new years celebrations! This time, Safiren interviews top defensive players from the tournament.

I was invited to TÆQUILA™’s alliance chat during the truce around the new year. As always, it’s nice to meet new players. I asked them for their best defender to interview and they said STIC should be the choice. He was rank 16 on Monday and rank 1 in qualification on Germany.

For our second interviewee, I chose to write to a leader in nTPl O, the rank 1 alliance on the defender table, player Dźemik on rank 4 answered the questions.

What can you tell us about yourself? For how long have you been Defending villages in Travian?

STIC: My name is Jacopo, I am 27 years old. I’ve been playing Travian for 10 years now and I’ve almost always been a defender.

Dźemik: My name is Monika I’m mum of a 9yo girl. I’ve been playing defence since the beginning. There were some crazy servers when I played offence and special offence for WW though.

Would you say that there are people you’ve met from Travian that you could safely call friends Outside of the game?

STIC: For me, Travian, as well as any game, has always been a “place” in which you can make new friends and meet many beautiful people. We also organize meetings to meet everyone in a city and have fun together. Obviously with a pc or a smartphone always at hand.

Dźemik: Obviously I have a handful of friends from Travian that I keep in touch with. Some of them I met in real life. It is incredible that you can meet so many intriguing people, I know cases where couples and families all play.

Why do you like playing as a defender? What is it about this playstyle that you enjoy so much?

STIC: The role of the defender is very important within an alliance. It is often said that everyone can be a defender. It could be true, but while there are many good defenders, there are few excellent defenders. I play almost always in this role because I like to help my allies and the confederate when you are under attack. It is always a great satisfaction to open the reports and see main crashes thanks to their defences.

Dźemik: Always def, always Gaul. Well placed defence and striking down huge offence force is great, especially now after changes with counting points. You can see yourself in the top 10 and it’s really motivating.

What makes it hard to identify real attacks from fake waves? What strategies do you use to identify them?

STIC: It is very difficult to understand the target mission chosen by the enemies, especially when there are many fakes. By studying the various situations well you can still restrict the field of objectives. Everyone has his method and I have mine; obviously, it also takes a little luck and praying to your saint during the attacks is another thing that can help.

Dźemik: Well-coordinated attacks are close to impossible to catch, usually you bet the attackers mistakes. If not, it’s a lottery and intuition.

Imagine if you could see every rally point of your alliance members. What would you do?

STIC: I would try to cross the various bases to understand what could be the target of the mission and build on the data we have about the offender opponents. 

Dźemik: Knowing every single attack in your alliance is important for good defence plan. But let’s snap back to reality where some people just don’t see/report attacks. That happens and it’s making defending much harder.

If you were going to be sent to a deserted island for a year, what three things would you bring with you?

STIC: It is always difficult to answer such a question. I would like to start by saying what I would not take for sure, that is, an internet connection and a PC to finally be able to detoxify me from Travian. However, among the 3 things to bring you cannot miss: water, one kit for fishing (alive at sea) and finally not a thing, but a beautiful girl.

Dźemik: Comfy bed, PC, internet and my daughter as a companion.

Thank you for reading our defender focused Player Interviews, we hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for our next instalment in the coming weeks!


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