Respawn Feature available on all New Worlds soon

Starting on October 8th 2024, the Respawn Avatar feature will be active on all new game worlds. Whether you’re playing on a speed server or a classic world, this feature will give you more flexibility to restart your game with ease if your starting position doesn’t work out.

Please note that this feature will not be applied retroactively to any currently running game worlds. It’s exclusive to new rounds and servers that begin after the activation date.

Get ready to make your start even better, and enjoy the flexibility of respawning to find the perfect place to build your empire!

More information about Respawn feature can be found in our dedicated blog post: ➡️ Respawn feature – How it works

📌 Please, note, that starting after this date Rule Enforcement Team will no longer make exceptions for players who create multiple avatars from different lobby accounts to select better position. Those actions will be considered a rule violation and result in account penalty according to the game rules.
