Travian: Northern Legends – The Viking Warriors

In the days of old, the mightiest heroes and their fearless kin forged their names in the annals of history. The ancient legends passed down through the ages honored the warriors who shaped our destiny and brought glory to the northern people.

The Legendary Viking Warriors

Thralls, driven by the hope of freedom or the honor of dying a warrior’s death, raided with ferocity, seizing wealth and casting fear. Berserkers charged into battle with a recklessness that sowed terror, ensuring their enemies paid a heavy price. They were accompanied by beautiful and fearless riders. The Valkyries’ blessing ensured their strikes were deadly, and their courage unwavering. Jarls, embodying leadership and strategy, ruled their people with wisdom and strength, guiding them to victory and expanding their influence.

Shield maidens, steadfast defenders, protected their people with unbreakable resolve. They were not alone in that task. The Huskarl Riders guarded the borders with constant vigilance on their swift steeds, ready to fend off invaders if they dared to approach any of the territories they defended.

With the keen sight of the gods, Heimdall’s Eyes unveiled the secrets of distant lands and protected their homes from unwanted attention. Mighty rams smashed through the strongest fortifications, and catapults hurled destruction upon enemy strongholds from afar. Finally, the settlers ventured into unknown lands, laying the foundations of new villages and expanding the horizons of their clans.

These are the tales of valor and strength, of the warriors who shaped our destiny and brought glory to our people. These are the Vikings!

Vik-Thrall Card
Vik-Shields Maiden Card
Vik-Berserker card
's eye Card
Vik-Huskarl Rider card
Vik-Valkyrie card
Vik-Ram card
Vik-Catapult Card
Vik-Jarl Card
Vik-Settler Card
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