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🆕 Changements type « Qualité de Vie :
Cette mise à jour introduit une deuxième série d’améliorations dans différents domaines du jeu, qui facilitent l’exécution de diverses tâches ou la recherche d’informations importantes, sur la base des commentaires des joueurs.
Nouvelle interface pour la liste de pillage
Nous présentons la nouvelle interface pour les listes de pillage. Pour en savoir plus sur les changements, consultez notre blog: Révision de la liste de pillage.
Des joueurs ont eu l’occasion de faire des tests sur le serveur PTR. Cela nous a permis d’affiner cette fonctionnalité et de corriger les différents bugs qui nous ont été signalés.
TL-12768 – Report icons color take into account trapped troops. If there were trapped units, the icon is yellow even if there were no other losses. If all troops were trapped, or some lost and the rest trapped, the icon is red.
TL-11219 – When joining a new alliance, there is a new confirmation pop-up with information about the 24 hours countdown before the player can leave the alliance.
TL-12178 – When you enter combat simulator from a report, simulate the battle and click “send troops”, the coordinates of the target village are filled out based on the original report.
TL-11240 – The player profile shows how many days passed since the player started playing on this gameworld.
TL-10378 – When the hero is moving to change their home village, this information is provided in the information about the movement in the rally point.
TL-11726 – When using Tablets of law, it is now possible to enter number that’s higher than the possible amount you can use. This means you can prepare this action in anticipation of an attack that will lower loyalty, to use the tablets immediately after the battle. The limit of loyalty that can be gained with tablets has not changed.
Autres changements
TL-12765 – We have improved the travel simulator. There are now options to add hero ability that affects speed and to select hero’s horse. Troops speed list is now updated to reflect the gameworld’s speed. A new button allows to quickly reverse source and target. With Plus account enabled, you can click the coordinates on your village list to quickly put them in the target field.
TL-12706 – Sending resources in the marketplace is no longer a separate pop-up. It is shown within the marketplace “send resources” tab.
TL-12505 – We have a new icon to indicate all interface elements that can be dragged and dropped.
Nouvelles icônes
Toutes les unités du jeu ont reçu de nouvelles icônes. En voici un aperçu :
🆕 Corrections :
TL-12515 – We have fixed an issue with moving the map in Firefox, which would sometimes cause unnecessary scrollbar to appear.
TL-12311 – “Password forgotten?” link on the login page of the gameworld was not available, we restored it.
TL-12006 – Clicking the plus or minus buttons in marketplace with a touchpad would add or remove the resources twice. This should be now fixed.
TL-12804 – Swapping consumable items was not working, if the hero had been equipped with all items of the specific type. It was fixed.
TL-12788 – Combat simulator was not prepared to handle some simulations that involved an artefact effect that reduces strength of spying units. This won’t cause unexpected errors anymore.
TL-12478 – We fixed some missing spaces between icon and text in the reports with spying results.
⏲️ Calendrier (Durée de la maintenace~5 min) :
21.11 ~ 10:03 (UTC) – America2, 4, 30
23.11 ~ 10:03 (UTC) – America
23.11 ~ 12:03 (UTC) – Asia
24.11 ~ 10:03 (UTC) – Europe, LUSOBR, Eterni, Wimpel, Garuda, Alpler
24.11 ~ 12:03 (UTC) – Arabics
27.11 ~ 10:03 (UTC) – International
28.11 ~ 10:03 (UTC) – Finals