Travian Loop: Looking into the tribes

First ever feedback was dedicated to Travian: Legends tribes.

In their feedback Community has mainly focused on:

  •   The Roman tribe (too weak). 
  •   The Huns (too powerful). 
  •   The Paladin (useless). 

After reviewing the entries and remarks, we can consider that we mostly agree with what the community seems to think here! It does seem that, to some extent at least, Romans have become somewhat underpowered, Huns may be strong and the Teuton’s Paladins don’t seem to find their right spot with their current stats. Given this as an actual premise, we will try to address every specific point that you submitted to us:

➡️ – Players’ feedback

⬅️- Game Centre Answer

➡️Increase the cost of the Steppe Riders

⬅️ Huns are a strong choice, but they’re also the only tribe that has access to a cheap horse unit. We consider this to be a rather viable option and we aren’t comfortable changing this aspect.

➡️Remove 5 attack strengths from the Mercenary

⬅️This happens to be something more feasible, we don’t currently see a downside to it and we can actually consider it. Please keep in mind that it is, as of now, not part of any roadmap, but we can definitely move it to our list of considered suggestions.

➡️ Lower the cost of Equites Imperatoris

⬅️ We are not convinced by this just yet. We would need to evaluate it more carefully before we can agree with the suggestion or deny it.

➡️ Reduce Praetorian training speed (29:20 to 29:00) and/or increase its movement speed from 5 to 6 

⬅️ We think this can be a viable change. We will add this to our suggestion to be considered as we think it could be a worthy boost.

➡️ Increase the strength of the Legionnaires or reduce their training time

⬅️ We aren’t comfortable with this proposition because we feel we should not mix early game starters like Teutons, Huns and Gauls (def) with mid-game tribes such as Egyptians, Spartans, Romans. Starter tribes receive a troop boost early but pay for it with crop consumption mid-game. Romans, Spartans and Egyptians take longer early game, but mid-game are strong and crop-efficient. We need to also mention that altering too much balancing at one time has the tendency to disguise what the actual balancing changes can bring individually. A gradual approach is definitely more appropriate.

➡️ Reduce the Imperians’ training speed – (32:00 to 31:40) 

⬅️It seems this unit deserves a boost, we agree. Suggestion to be considered.

➡️ Give a CP bonus to the Romans 

⬅️CP production does not seem to be what the Romans suffer from: their ability to build faster than all other tribes already gives them an edge in regards to CP production.

➡️ Improve Equites Caesaris defensive stats – 80/105 to 100/100 

⬅️We believe this could turn this unit into a viable choice for both offensive and defensive play styles. Suggestion to be indeed considered.

➡️ Make Paladin stats similar to the Marksman

⬅️ We believe this unit (the Paladin) to be the least well balanced in its current state. As a result, it is the unit least trained in the game. We could consider a mix between its current stats and those of the Markman, eventually a “happy medium” between 55/100/40 and 110/80/70, such as (just a proposition to consider) 100/90/60, as Teutons also have access to the strong Spearmen for a defensive unit. 

➡️ Reduce the training speed of the Ballista

⬅️ We agree with the general consensus here. We could bring it down to what all the other tribes have it (2:30:00)

➡️ Special building to improve defensive power over a short period of time (similar to the brewery) – max +5%

⬅️This one particular topic will require a lot more brainstorming and numbers as it is a rather bigger change with more implications. For the time being, unfortunately, we cannot really give you a clear answer. But do not consider this topic to be lost, we have invested time in it before and whenever we’ll have the possibility, we’ll reinvest more time to sort out all the findings.

➡️ Waterworks: change its bonus to decrease consumption of Egyptian troops

⬅️ Here we will not be able to follow the suggestion. Such a change will really impair the overall troop balance. However, we could balance the current Waterworks bonus, for example limiting it to level 10 instead of 20.

🔁 Conclusion: 

In general, in terms of troop balancing/re-balancing, we would like to mention that the changes implied, the web of consequences forced onto the game from these specific changes is nothing to take lightly. Our approach on the topic would be to put the decided changes into the game design for a thorough conception, and then to apply them to an Annual Special server to give them a live test environment to finally estimate if we did the right thing or not. Depending on your feedback at that point, the said changes could eventually make their way into the regular World Wonder gameworlds permanently

We believe this to be the needed safeguard on topics that would make players change their play style, and possibly drastically.

We thank you for your valuable feedback.
