150 soldiers, 150 tweets

Join the third Spartan Marathon and unlock a shiny reward together!

This time, we’re calling out all soldiers willing to spread the word of Glory of Sparta on Twitter. All you need to do is to raise your voice and be heard out loud, Spartan-style! HA-OOH!

This time, the community stretch goal is to reach 150 tweets. Are you ready for the challenge? (In other words: Are you ready for some extra Gold? 😉)

How can I participate?

“Post a tweet containing something related to Travian: Glory of Sparta. Here you can find some ideas for what you could post about:

  • Advice for other players
  • Artwork related to the game
  • In-game screenshots
  • A hero profile picture
  • Your favorite feature of Travian: Glory of Sparta

To be eligible, your tweet needs to mention our Twitter account @TRAVIAN_News. It must also include the hashtags #GloryOfSparta and #TravianLegends.

Only one tweet per user will be taken into account. Retweets and messages considered to be offensive, or spam, won’t be taken into account for the final count.

What’s the reward for this community stretch goal?

20 Gold will be rewarded to all accounts registered on any of the Travian: Glory of Sparta gameworlds at the time and date the rewards are sent out.
We will keep you posted on your overall progress! So, keep those tweets coming!
After reaching 150 eligible tweets, the 20 Gold reward will be sent out as soon as possible.

Wait a second: What’s a community stretch goal again?
We explained all that here. 😄

If you all raise your voices, you will reach this goal in no time! See you all on Twitter for the third Spartan Marathon!
