Tell us your Name / Nickname and how old you are
My name is Michael and I´m 37 years old. During my time as an active player I called myself ForFour (like the car!)
What is your profession?
LOL! I´m a geriatric nurse and due to this predestinated for this job 😉
How long have you been working for Travian?
I started as a volunteer in 2006. Since 2007 I´m an employee of Travian Games and since march 2008 I´m working in munich.
What’s your job at Travian? (Or what did they told you?)
I´m in charge of the social media department. I supervise the social networks of Travian, Epic Arena and Travian Games.
What’s your favourite genre and game?
Online role-playing game or fantasy-MMO like “World of Warcraft”
What was your first experience in online gaming?
Um! Travian was my first browsergame as well as my first online game.
What is the biggest challenge for you in Travian ?
Surviving the first two weeks. 😉
What would you do once you’ve achieved world domination?
Drop it
What should be the next invention?
Short Questions:
Tee or Coffee? Coffee
Dog or Cat? Fishes
Pop or folk music? Rock
Mobile- or Boardgame? Board games
Console or Browser? Console
Shoutout (Write what you want):
Who the hell invented this survey?