🆕 Quality of Life Changes:
This has several improvements for the farmlist, based on the feedback from the community. Normally it would be a bigger patch, but it was decided to do as hotfix to get it up and running quickly.
TL-12879 We have significantly improved performance of the farmlist feature. This means that it will run faster in general, with lesser delay when selecting targets, no freezing or crashing when sending raids, faster starting of all farmlists and better memory usage overall. However, keep in mind this is a complex feature that handles a lot of data. Especially for players with many farmlists, if they expand them all at the same time, it may still be slow (as with the old farmlist interface).
TL-12873 As GD – Based on the feedback we received from the community, we changed the sorting farmlists, so that the active village is no longer forced to be at the top. All farmlists will be sorted based on the village sorting.
TL-12874 As GD – We added a requested feature to the context menu in the bottom left of a farmlist. If you click it without selecting any targets, it will show options to deactivate or activate all targets.
TL-12878 As GD – Farmlist will show available number of troops next to the number of troops required for the selected targets (like in the old farmlist interface).
TL-12876 As GD – The tooltip with information about bounty shown on the farmlist target (in the last raid column) will include the maximum capacity of the troops.
TL-12875 As GD – We added a second „select all“ checkbox at the bottom of the farmlist.
Soon, a hotfix will be rolled out as soon as it has been approved there is no fixed schedule.
International and Finals will still be excluded – with the exception of CW gameworlds, which started with 2304 update already, so they will get this hotfix.