Community Week – Restoring Rome

Two community week gameworlds „Restoring Rome“ are coming to us in December!

Special features
Regular features
December, 05th, 2023 New Roman Tribe balancing World Wonder, small map, no troop merging or forwarding
December, 06th, 2023 New Roman Tribe balancing World Wonder, small map, no troop merging or forwarding

What is special about them?

The new community week gameworlds got their name – Restoring Rome and include Roman tribe balancing. Quite a number of Roman units will get new values, crafted and suggested by the community. No other special features there: we want to test new Romans in their usual surrounding. So, it will be a World Wonder gameworld, small map, no special features, 5 tribes (Huns and Egyptians also joined to see how good the new Romans could be).

First time ever and only on Community Week worlds, meet the new Romans with changed parameters!

What will change?

  • Legionnaires values increased, and costs reduced.
  • Praetorians started walking faster and their cost was also reduced.
  • Imperians attack improved.
  • Equites Imperatoris attack values and speed increased, costs reduced.
  • Equites Caesaris attack value increased.

Below you’ll also find a consolidated table with new unit parameters. The changed parameters are given in bold.

Roman tribe – Consolidated table

Attack Pre-req
50 40 55 7 50 100 80 130 30 340 1 0:26:40 Barracks 1
30 65 35 6 20 100 120 150 60 430 1 0:29:20 Smithy 1

Academy 1

75 40 25 7 50 150 160 210 80 600 1 0:32:00 Smithy 1

Academy 5

Equites Legati
0 20 10 16 0 140 160 20 40 360 2 0:22:40 Stable 1

Academy 5

Equites Imperatoris
130 65 50 15 100 480 380 280 80 1220 3 0:44:00 Stable 5

Academy 5

Equites Caesaris
195 80 105 10 70 550 640 800 180 2170 4 0:58:40 Stable 10

Academy 15

Battering Ram
60 30 75 4 0 900 360 500 70 1830 3 1:16:40 Workshop 1

Academy 10

Fire Catapult
75 60 10 3 0 950 1350 600 90 2990 6 2:30:00 Workshop 10

Academy 15

50 40 30 4 0 30750 27200 45000 37500 140450 5 25:11:40 Rally point 10

Academy 20

80 80 5 3000 4600 4200 5800 4400 19000 1 7:28:20 Palace 10


Residence 10

Sharpen your Imperian swords and polish your shields! Pick out those units that are best suited to your future new Roman strategy!

To the battlefield!
