Travian Loop: Natars behaviour

Since the beginning of Travian Era Natars, the mysterious tribe, gets a lot of attention from the players. Some love them, some hate, but there are barely people in Travian Universe who are indifferent to the magic of Natars. 

That’s why this Travian Loop turned out one of the most controversial in the series! 

Let’s look into Players Feedback and Game Centre answers more closely. 

➡️ – Players’ feedback 

⬅️ – Game Centre Answer 

Grey area

➡️ Players would like to have more action in the gray zone. Majority of the players think it is too easy to settle in the gray zone and it has not enough benefit to fight for the croppers in it. Majority of players would like more fights and bigger challenges.  

⬅️ More fights and bigger challenges are wished by name, but to achieve that we would need more rewards, so that it’s worth fighting over there! A spontaneous idea would add some early game artifacts which are unmovable in the grey area, and an ongoing source of conflict. Let us know what you think about that! 

➡️ Some players would like that it is impossible to settle in the gray zone at the beginnging of the gameworld, changing the attack power of those villages so that it is worth it to settle the 5th village there only, while other players disagree with that as there is already a lack of multi croppers on the servers.   

⬅️ It’s an interesting development that some players are „forced“ to go grey as the rest of the map is already taken! 

Spawning and conquering Natars 

The opinions are divided into 2 groups.  

➡️ Players would like more Natar villages.  


All deleted accounts’ villages should turn into Natars, not just randomly and not capitals only.  

⬅️ That’s not an argument, that’s a suggestion. Why should all deleted accounts total villages should turn into Natars? In our opinion, adding more non-player characters would make the game overall less challenging and focused on PvE side of battle instead of PvP. Natar independent villages while being part of the game, still should be an exception rather than a rule. 

Natars villages all over the map are needed not only in locations where players’ villages exist.  

Natar raiding impacts the server heavily especially on smaller servers, more Natars are needed.  

⬅️ Do we understand correctly that players would like to have a baseline of Natars that are not attached to deleted accounts, so that even on small servers there is a stable population of those? If yes, we would recommend adding this suggestion to the suggestion channel so that we could see what other players think about it.  

➡️ Players would like to have Natars eliminated.  


We have more enemies, and Natar is a plus. In the current regional set up, I don’t want that.  

⬅️ As Travian is a PvP game at its core, we agree. 

Conquering a Natar village is too easy.  

⬅️ It’s easier for sure than conquering a player village. Still it’s awesome for newer players to experiment and train the basics for conqering a village. 

Natars are useless, except deff points.  

⬅️ And yet, Natars have been here since the beginning of the world, almost. However, if you’re strong about this, we recommend you post it as a suggestion so that we could see what other players think about it.  

➡️ Some players believe that it is too easy to conquer Natar villages now. There should be disadvantages like no expansion slots.  

⬅️ This would render those villages pretty useless, and increase the need to zero 15c ex capitals… 

Growing of Natar villages  

➡️ Players agree that there is no need for crannies in Natar villages. Everyone uses them for raiding.   

➡️ Players also think that residence and walls are not necessary.  

➡️ They would like Natar villages to grow faster than other players to provide free ready to take villages, risky farms with more production.  

➡️ Natars should have unique tribe buildings and we should be able to scout for them. This way, chiefing Natars, would make it more tempting.  

⬅️ Awesome suggestions! Could you please add those into our suggestion channel so that we could gather bigger opinion on that from the rest of community?

Troops of Natar 

➡️ Natars should attack with their offensive units and defend with their defensive units.  

 ⬅️ Yeah, we should teach them a few lessions for that 🙂 

➡️ Provide Natar villages with moderate count of troops, then when attacking them, players should receive resources depending on the power/count of their troops, same as the system works with animals in oases.  

➡️ Produce animals like oasis without construction or evolution in the villages that become Natar.  

➡️ Natar villages can easily be raided now. It should be changed. They should have more troops.  

 ⬅️ We are fully aware, that changes on growth of Natar villages and their troop development contradict each other. Therefore a bigger crowd should be asked to ensure a change the majority likes. That’s why we kindly ask you to add those suggestions to our process, so that we can get a bigger opinion from the community. 

Points for fighting Natars 

➡️ Players would like to have points for fighting natars counted or at least to have a separate visible overall statistics for that. Either having a new column or showing the number in brackets.  

⬅️ We consider adding PvE statistics (points gained for fighting against Natars and Nature units) into the game not only as Top-10 medals though but as an overall ranking.  

End game 

Concerning the end game and the size of Natar troops the opinions are divided too.   

➡️ Players would like to increase the impact of Natar attack:  

End game Natars seem a bit dumb it would be great if you can think of something to make Natars during the WW period be more interesting.  

In the WW phase, Natars should attack with all in one wave, so if you don’t have enough deff, they might knock something down, And every attack should contain 1-2k catas.  

Right now Natar attacks do nothing except delivering free deff points,   

➡️ Players would like to decrease the impact of Natar attack:  

In servers with few players, Natar offense damages more than PvP. It badly affects competition.  

Natar attacks on weaker WW builder allies have huge impact which leads to the fact that the weaker allies are weakened even more, the stronger ones need to invest less effort. This makes it unbalanced.   

⬅️ We understand the arguments, and we see the wish in both directions – in the end it comes down to the decision if we want to have more PvP or more PvE. 

➡️ Next to it there is a request that Natar plans should vary according to the server just like artifacts.  

⬅️ We already gave answer to this suggestion in our previous Travian Loop posts 

New wishes  

➡️ Make Natars attack players in their 7×7 weekly on x1 server, bi-weekly on speed. Attacks could be just regular hits if Natar village is below 400 pop and if above, hits would come with catas. Attacks don’t need to be strong, but people would still need to consider if they want Natar to grow for chiefing or keep it low pop / zero it.  

➡️ Independent Natar villages should have scouts.   

 ⬅️ Please add those suggestions to our process, so that we can get a bigger opinion from the community. 

➡️ On specials servers with keep tribe on conquer feature enabled, it would be fun keep the tribe of Natarian villages  

⬅️ Natars are not a playable tribe and are not produced or balanced for this. 
