There is a new Contest! This time you can create your personal Travian:Legends Banner.
How it works? That’s simple: Take each part (Logo, Figur/Character and Button), wich you can find below and build a banner/picture, according to your ideas.
By clicking on an image, it opens and you can download it, to edit it. Post your finished images on our Facebook Page unter the Contest-Post until November, 18th 2015. We will present the best banners on facebook.
There is also something to win: Every winner will get an awesome price! Stay tuned.
The conditions of participation you can find here.
You can choose from the following parts:
1. “Logo White”
2. “Logo Black”
1. “Character”
2. “Character2”
3. “Character3”
1. “Button”
2. “Button2”
Let your creativity run wild.
We’re looking forward to see your pictures and banners and wish you a lot of fun!
Your Travian Team
Excellent article, and I totally agree that you have to put out great content that your audience will find valuable on a regular basis.