CHANGELOG – Verze 2471

Změny startovních zlatých, názvů malých artefaktů a další změny

Poznámka: brzy bude k dispozici český překlad.

🆕 Změny:

TL-13310   Changed the names of small artefacts for New Year Special and Annual Special to use roman numbers V to X. The names are now aligned with the “Vanilla” ones.

TL-13305  “Select your tribe” images are updated with new tribe images that match the questmaster’s ones.

TL-13219    For every Gameworld starting after 01.06, the merchants will make you work for your starting Gold. They will hide 100 out of your 130 Gold in the shop, and you will need to open the Gold shop to get it. That will also accomplish the new “Free Gold” task.

Free gold task

🆕 Opravy chyb:

TL-12923  Fixed a bug where it was possible to use the auction house during vacation mode.

TL-12578  AS 2023/NYS 24: The cropfinder calculated oases distances and details forgetting that the new world map is flat. This has been fixed.

TL-12930  Fixed a bug in Farmlists, where the distance to the targets would not update when a farmlist is reassigned to another village.

TL-12968  Fixed a bug where the “Forgot your password” function did not work properly on the logout page.

TL-13066  The link found under “Delete Avatar” for gold transfer will now land you in the correct Knowledgebase article.

TL-13169  Fixed an issue where Item info would not appear on Chrome v122 for Android.

TL-12934  Fixed an issue with the farm list’s next attack order. Now, if you sort a farm list’s slots by “next attack”, the default sort order is Ascending and the farm with the earliest next attack is on the top.

TL-12592  Fixed an issue where the Combat Simulator would display more losses than it should when wounded troops were present.

TL-13092  Fixed an issue where non-Gaul tribe players could trap troops in Gaul villages and go to vacation mode. Sorry people, less slacking, more trapping!

TL-13100  Fixed an issue in Settings where players cannot unselect “Own villages” for autocompletion.

TL-12922  Fixed an issue where troops coming back by ship from an attack that didn’t land, because of a destroyed village didn’t have the correct travel time.

TL-13301  Accidental spying: Fixed an issue where opening an alliance visible defensive report, would display the defender’s at-home troops when entering the combat simulator.

⏲️ Plán zavedení (odstávka ~5 min)

07.05 ~ 11:03 UTC+1 – Arabics2, 16, 4

10.05 ~ 11:03 UTC+1 – Arabics
10.05 ~ 13:03 UTC+1 – Asia  

13.05 ~ 11:03 UTC+1 – America
13.05 ~ 13:03 UTC+1 – Europe, Eterni, Alpler, France, Eternos, Nordics, CZSK

14.05 ~ 11:03 UTC+1 – International
