As a part of Quality-of-Life changes, we worked on a farm list rework.
Starting from October 2023 the farm list will be updated to be in line with other windows and will receive new features and functionality.
What’s new?
Total sum of resources
It’s now easier to evaluate your farm efficiency thanks to the new tools that are added into each farm entry.
- Total sum of resources (all types) per entry stolen in the last raid
- Total sum of resources per entry stolen today
Please note: Both features calculate only resources obtained via exact farm list. Raids sent via different farmlists are counted separately. Separate raids sent manually are not counted.
More filter options – added next attack and total bounty
Two new options have been added to the farm list sorting menu. In addition to sorting by combat result, last attack, and last bounty it’s now possible to sort also by total bounty and next attack.
New context menu and duplicate entry
Edit farm list entry button has been replaced with the context menu. We kept edit, deactivate and delete options and added the possibility to duplicate a certain entry into the new farm list, keeping troop values. Duplicate entry is a very useful feature if for example you want to diversify farm list by raiding the same target from multiple villages.
The dropdown farm list menu currently shows farm lists that have reached the maximum number of entries. Those farm lists are deactivated for adding new entries. Sorting, merging and combining farm lists became easier as well.
Keeping troop values
When you move the farm list to another village or duplicate selected targets, you can keep troop values assigned to a certain entry. If the new attacking village belongs to another tribe, you will be able to adjust troop values after.
Deactivated targets
When the target changes owner (i.e., village has been chiefed, oasis has been conquered/released) the targets are automatically deactivated. In addition to this, a special infobox message within the farm list will display links to those targets which will lead to the position details on the map.
The list of displayed targets will be reset when the player closes the infobox.
New sticky footer
Start all and create new farm list buttons have been moved to the sticky footer at the bottom that is always visible regardless of whether the farm lists are expanded or collapsed.
New feature – Abandoned farm lists
Creating a great set of farm lists takes a lot of time. Therefore, when a player loses a farming village due to zeroing or conquering, sometimes the army’s loss has way less impact on their game than the loss of all the farm lists created in that village.
So, we decided to address that and implement abandoned farm lists.
What is an abandoned farm list?
- When a player loses a village that has assigned farm lists, all those farm lists will be moved to the “Abandoned farm list” category.
- Players can move these farm lists to existing villages and re-activate them.
- The abandoned farm list category is not visible by default. It appears only if it has at least one farm list. Once you move all the lists to existing villages, this category will disappear.
- The abandoned farm lists will keep their original names and targets. But there won’t be any troops assigned to them, and they won’t show the distance to the target village. They will still include information about the last raid.
Miscellaneous farm list features
- It will now be possible to sort occupied and unoccupied oases separately in the farm list.
- We added a more visible village header to separate one village farm list from another.
- Collapse all button has been added on top of farm lists that allows to collapse all farm lists from a certain village.
New Icons
The troop icons for all tribes, as well as Natars and Nature units have received a new look. We did our best to keep them as recognizable as possible. Unfortunately, the old icons did not fit well to the App that we are currently developing and had to be replaced.
Relevant Timelines
Mid-October – we will launch the new PTR gameworld with all mentioned features. After thorough testing an updated farm list will go live on all other gameworlds.