Tell us your Name / Nickname and how old you are
I’m Markus aka RedMax and I’m 36 years old
What is your profession?
I’m a programmer with a strong focus on PHP and JavaScript
How long have you been working for Travian?
I joined the company in the middle of 2006 and am the most senior employee regarding length of service here
What’s your job at Travian? (Or what did they told you?)
Currently I’m responsible for the technical aspects on Travian 5 (and one may call me technical lead)
What’s your favourite genre and game?
On my handheld devices I like puzzle/strategy games a lot. On my PC it’s more like shooters especially the Battlefield series
What was your first experience in online gaming?
I started my online game career with Counter Strike 0.3 on a 56k modem.
My first browser based game was “Inselkampf”, but I never really spent much time on those games
What is the biggest challenge for you in Travian ?
As we do a complete re-write of the Travian code, the biggest challenge is to find every hidden feature and implement everything as the player would expect it
What would you do once you’ve achieved world domination?
You will see. Very shortly. MUHAHAHAHA!!!!
What should be the next invention?
Time machines!
Short Questions:
Tee or Coffee? Coffee
Dog or Cat? Cat
Pop or folk music? Pop
Mobile- or Boardgame? Mobile
Console or Browser? Browser
Shoutout (Write what you want):
I don’t care