What’s coming in our next update? Find out in our changelog of release Polarbear 1067.5. Don’t forget to read until the end to save the release schedule in your calendar!

🛠️ Features:

TL-9293 – Added a short loading screen to the task system to indicate when the game is loading the feature.

🛠️ Bugfixes:

TL-9075 – Farmlists now update available troop numbers after sending raids through other farmlists from that village.

TL-9132 – Fixed missing mention of rivals confusion artifact support in the battle report when no bounty is stolen

TL-8978 – Trade routes are now sorted by the time they are sent.

TL-9335 – Paginator with dots was added to the auctions page.

TL-9208 – Useful tips & information message at the start of the game is now based on the player’s language and not the server default language.

TL-9340 – Fixed an issue where making a bid in an auction that is lower than the maximum price offered by another player, would not update the displayed minimum bid value.

An “insufficient silver” message may still appear even if you have enough silver to make a higher bid. This feature will be updated in the future.

TL-9148 – Improved plus support / refer a friend pop-up window for mobile resolutions.

TL-9319 – Building images are now sharper.

TL-9345 – Map.sql file that is used by external tools is now updated after endgame to provide correct data.

TL-9165 – Stackable items in the hero inventory can now be applied by hitting enter when the input field is focused.

TL-9161 – Player’s culture points are correctly calculated and displayed in General Stats.

TL-9303 – Fixed Natarian artifact villages building warehouse in the spot for the wall

TL-9295 – Fixed lack of information about resources rewarded after killing nature troops in the oasis in some battle reports

TL-9300 – One Time Offer red notification was still shown after the offer expired

TL-8831 – Fixed an issue when buying gold as a sitter and the shop would stay in the “almost done” stage even though the purchase was completed.

TL-9401 – Fixed an issue that prevented opening “sent” in-game messages folder.

TL-9403 – It’s possible to save notes again.

⏲️ Rollout plan (Downtime ~15 min)

30.03 ~11:03 GMT+2 — PL4, RU2, FR1, International1

01.04 ~11:03 GMT+2 — PL, RU, FR
01.04 ~13:03 GMT+2 — IT, DE, NL
01.04 ~15:03 GMT+2 — Lusobrasileiro, Balkans, HU

06.04 ~11:03 GMT+2 — RO, Arabics (both local and regionals), Baltics
06.04 ~13:03 GMT+2 — Nordics, Asia (both local and regionals)
06.04 ~15:03 GMT+2 — All NYS Gameworlds, Europe1

07.04 ~11:03 GMT+2 — COM’s 1-10 & COMX, TR, IL
07.04 ~13:03 GMT+2 — Hispano, CZSK, Europe30
07.04 ~15:03 GMT+2 — All LSS, MSS + Anglosphere
