The Hawks and the Weasels – Day 2: Prepare to fight

By the Roman gods! The pace Kora made in the construction was incredible. Appius got up at dawn and only went to bed just before the sky on the horizon started to become brighter. He didn’t complain, though. Instead, for the very first time, in a very long while, he felt that his actions were meaningful. This meaning felt good.

He felt thankful to Kora, who was probably the only person in the village whose attitude hadn’t changed. Of course, Appius didn’t anticipate that his childhood friend and grand-uncle would be happy to hear about his deal with the Romans, but he couldn’t have foreseen that they would cut him entirely out of their lives. It was… painful.

On the other hand, Kora kept being her usual self: a cheerful, hard-working, tiny woman with crazy architectural ideas. Crazy but efficient ideas.

Not only did her restructured walls give them more space inside the settlement for granaries, but her idea of watchtowers was a stroke of genius. Although not adding much to the wall defenses, they improved the line of sight of any troops arriving at the place.

Marcus often visited their meeting chamber to chat with Kora, ignoring Appius completely. For Appius, these meetings were the only source of information about the other preparations for battle. In just a few days, Marcus managed to amass considerable forces here, with more coming by the day.

In a matter of a few weeks, both the village and the fortress could survive any attack. There was no question about it.

There was only one downside, however. They didn’t have those weeks. They could barely defend one of them.

 Task: The scouts are looking for the treasure chest to better prepare for battle! Help them find the treasures.

  • Join 🦅│hawks-and-weasels
  • All coordinates are within range (00|00) – (99|99).
  • The treasures are hidden in the north-east, which means there are no negative coordinates.
  • All coordinates are 4-digit numbers. A coordinate like (1|3) is expressed as !0103.
  • Simply post a coordinate in 🦅│hawks-and-weasels without any brackets or separators, with the exclamation mark + number; for example !5555.
  • You can answer once every 30 minutes.
  • Each prize can only be won once.
  • The event will last until all treasure keys are found.

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