Travian Loop: Planned Quality of Life Improvements

Welcome back to another edition of the Travian Loop series! Today, we will have a look into some exciting Quality of Life (QoL) improvements suggested by you, the Travian: Legends community. These changes are designed to improve the game experience and make gameplay smoother and more intuitive. Below, you will find a breakdown of the top ideas along with player feedback and our responses.

We will use the following emojis to differentiate between given ideas, feedback points and responses:

💡 Idea
💬 Feedback Point
✅ Response from the Game Designer

1. Remove Village from All Farm Lists

💡 Idea:
Add a shortcut in the village detail view that allows players to remove a village from all farm lists with just one click.

💬 Player Feedback:

  • Comment 1: «Please add an opt-out for the confirmation popup, similar to how we can skip the ‘mark all reports read’ popup.»
  • Comment 2: «Can we make this available for any village, not just the active one with the current farm list?»
  • Comment 3: «This is a game changer. Whoever designed this deserves a Nobel Prize.»

✅ Response: This idea was well-received, and we are moving forward with it! We will also implement an option to bypass the confirmation popup, as requested. Additionally, we are making sure this functionality works regardless of which village or farm list you’re currently viewing. 🛠️

2. Cancel Troop Training

💡 Idea:
Allow players to cancel troop training within the first 90 seconds with full refund of the resources, similar to how players can cancel troop movements and marketplace transactions.

💬 Player Feedback:

  • Comment 1: «Should cancelling troops affect the daily 100 points task? If you cancel, the task points should also be cancelled.»
  • Comment 2: «This could be used to hide resources during a raid—cancel training to protect them.»
  • Comment 3: «I think refunding resources is unnecessary. Cancelling should be enough to fix mistakes.»

✅ Response: The majority of players love the flexibility this feature offers for fixing errors, like training the wrong troops. However, concerns about resource abuse were valid. After internal discussions, we have decided to proceed with the cancellation option. We will also implement the cancellation of the daily task points received for training troops. If needed, we will look into additional safeguards to prevent potential misuse in the future, but we are not yet willing to make a decision whether resources should be lost at this time. 🚧

3. Add Date Information to Training Queue

💡 Idea:
Show the completion date in training queues for longer tasks such as troop trainings, residence, town hall celebrations, traps training, hospital queues, providing more context on when the queue will finish.

💬 Player Feedback:

  • Comment 1: «It would be great to also show this for building queues that take more than a day.»
  • Comment 2: «Can we see this in the main building during demolitions?»

✅ Response: We are going ahead with adding date information to the training queues. This feature will help players better manage their time and resources. We have also added your suggestion to display dates in building queues and during demolitions to our user story for further review. 📅

4. Quad Selector in Cropper Finder

💡 Idea:
Add a «Quadrant» filter to the cropper finder, with options to narrow the search by specific quadrants (e.g., north-west, south-east).

💬 Player Feedback:

  • Comment 1: «Can we customize where a quadrant starts, like setting 15/15 as the north-west point?»
  • Comment 2: «How will croppers exactly on the ‘0’ line be handled?»

✅ Response:
We are moving forward with the quadrant filter, making it easier for players to target specific regions of the map. We will work on refining how the quadrants are defined and displayed, especially when it comes to border cases like the ‘0’ line. 🌍

5. Add Alliance Top 10 Rankings

💡 Idea:
Create a new «Alliance Top 10» rankings tab, allowing players to see internal statistics and performance within their alliance.

💬 Player Feedback:

  • Comment 1: «I think it would be even better if we could extend this ranking to the entire confederacy.»
  • Comment 2: «Players should be able to see more than just the top 5 to motivate everyone, like maybe a top 30.»
  • Comment 3: «Tracking contributions to alliance bonuses and troop production would add a lot of value.»

✅ Response:
This feature has great potential to boost competition and motivation within alliances. We are moving ahead with adding the ranking to the /alliance/overview page. The rest of the suggestions will be discussed with the game team. 📊

6. Village List: Group Villages

💡 Idea:
Allow players to group villages by collapsible sections for easier management and organization.

💬 Player Feedback:

  • Comment 1: «I would love collapsible groups, but make sure incoming attacks still show even if the group is hidden.»
  • Comment 2: «We need sub-groups based on regions or roles like resource villages and defense villages.»
  • Comment 3: «It’s a useful idea, but please keep it simple and intuitive.»

✅ Response:
We are actively investigating how to best implement this feature. Collapsible groups seem to be a popular request, and we are looking at ways to display important alerts (like incoming attacks) even when groups are collapsed. Depending on development timelines, this feature may either be included in an update this year or pushed to a future QoL release. ⚙️

We are excited about all these upcoming improvements and can’t wait to hear more of your thoughts as we refine these discussed features! Stay tuned for more updates and continue sharing your feedback. 

Thanks for being part of the community! 👑
