Travian special CZSK server – details

Are you ready for a new adventure? Join your friends and feel the thrill of fighting together again. Times of war, conquest and excitement are coming: Travian special CZSK server starts on May 17 at 10:00 GMT+2!

General server information:
Start 17.05.2022
Start time 10:00 GMT+2
Version T4.6 Legends (3 tribes)
Map 401×401
Speed 1x
Languages CZ, SK
GTL — Inbound From all gameworlds
GTL — Outbound To all new regional gameworlds (Arabics, America, Asia, Europe, International)
Beginner protection 5 days
Beginner protection extension 3 days
Spawn artifacts 15.08.2022
Spawn of building plans 13.11.2022
Natars finish creating their Wonder 22.01.2023

*Please note that the spawn dates for artefacts, plans and wonders are a rough estimate based on server duration and the actual date may vary by +– 1-2 days.

Important server information:

🔶 Gold vouchers can be used on this server

🔶 Players who play until the last stage of the server will be credited with a permanent medal.

Image of the Medal:

This is how it will appear on the profile:

You can meet and chat with other players by joining our Discord channel. You can also discuss server policies or share your battle reports on the open channel #travian-czsk for our special server.

But not only that! if you want to present your alliance (or are looking for one) you will also find a space for that!

The server will have version 4.6, if you have doubts you can check this article:

Travian: Legends 4.6 ~ All you Need to Know

See you on the battlefield!

The Travian Legends Team
