Pino#7725 — AnV Leader
Winner Tides Of Conquest — Europe (1x)
Q — Who were the heroes of your Alliance, any special mentions?
It will sound like a cliché, but we won as a team. Everyone has done their best. But of course, we had a lot of great individuals. Special thanks go to JetFirek (acc.Krotitele duchu) who in addition to planning off actions at the end, also took part in leadership, our main def coordinator Jonni, Denis who planned the majority of our off actions and players such as Ládin (acc TimLadin), Lamator/Omeek, Kirito boys and last but not least sr4nd4 and company who have done much dirty work.
My respect also belongs to all our def players, who have done a great job. And of course, to our allies Werin and Coks who helped us a lot.
Q — Did you notice any special tactics or moves your competitors used against you?
I believe we did. The new concept of calculating the victory points created a space for unknown tactics so far. When GRAAL lost the majority of their hammers in Numantia while trying to deactivate our large confusion, they changed tactics and began to reduce our pop in certain regions with mass attacks, but only in some selected villages, so the others started to produce more victory points per day. At the same time, they sent their best «paratroopers» to our regions with defensive arts such as large eyes or large confusion. They probably wanted to deactivate this artefact and chief our villages with the most accumulated victory points at the end. Fortunately, this never happened.
Unfortunately, we also had to face unfair practices in the early game when someone broke into the account of one of our players, destroyed his whole infrastructure through the main building and sent his troops to death. It was probably the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in Travian.
Q — About your team, how much of it was formed before the game world started?
To be honest, I was afraid we could even gather at least 40 players before the start. Fortunately, there was a snowball effect shortly before the game world started. We managed to form almost a full alliance. We recruited only 5 players from the server, and 2 of them finished the game world with us. Good job Tek and Sajuri.
Q — How do you educate new recruits in the ways of AnV?
The newbies have a lot of opportunities to learn from experienced players. When we recruit someone we focus more on personality than skills. We emphasise to newcomers the importance of teamwork, mutual respect and our motto «Acta non-Verba» which is I believe self-understandable.
Q — Who was the “class clown” with all the best jokes?
Well, this is a tricky question, because we are a quite funny bunch overall, but I would like to mention Pavlik, who had his own discord thread with memes, Pilnick, Zoe, Kelna and our «pro» Kirito boys, who often made us laugh, though not always intentionally.
We also had a discord thread called «Llama of the week», where we used to vote for the funniest fail of the week and we usually had more than enough candidates.
Q — Did you get enough sleep during endgame?
January and early February were critical, but it was totally worth it. We had a lot of fun and unforgettable nights on our Discord. Even though the next day we were not very productive at work!
Q — Will there be AnV on future servers, and how should one apply?
I am pretty sure there will. Probably on the next autumn special. If anyone would like to play with us, do not be afraid to write to me or any other AnV member on Discord, Skype or any other communication tool.
Q — Anything we forgot to ask, and you can’t wait to tell?
Yes, I would like to reveal one of the secrets of our success. I’m pretty sure, that we have the highest concentration of hot female players among all alliances, which motivates our boys to perform better and increases their morale in difficult times!
Thank you, Pino for this interview!
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