Обновление – Релиз 1405.3

Общее: Много исправленных ошибок в этом релизе. Испорченные запасы, (без)полезные всплывающие окна и другое!

🛠️ Исправленные ошибки:
TL-10364 Rearranging villages in the village list will no longer produce this very useful popup:

TL-10375 Bulk marking as read will now work properly on reports about settling a new village. Now nothing stops you from finally settling hundreds of villages per day without worry of getting spammed with reports.

TL-10335 When sending troops home, the travel time will update accordingly to the changes in the troops composition, before finalizing the order.

TL-10346 In the Quality of Life update in December we changed how losses and wounded are displayed in battle reports. The losses line now includes wounded. This change was not applied reports shown to supporting defenders in the «own troops» section. This was fixed.

TL-10398 We heard stories of mirages seen in the desert, of oases full of grand buildings. Catapult crews were able to aim at those buildings, but as they were unreal, it had no effect in battle. Turns out part of the troops supplies were rotten, fixing the supplies stopped the mirages.

⏲️ План установки (Игра недоступна ~15 мин)

31.01 ~10:03 UTC – International Tides of Conquest x1, International Tides of Conquest x2, International8

02.02 ~10:03 UTC – International°
02.02 ~12:03 UTC — RU, CZSK, NL, Balkans

03.02 ~10:03 UTC — Arabics
03.02 ~12:03 UTC — Europe

04.02 ~10:03 UTC — TR, Asia
04.02 ~12:03 UTC – America

07.02 ~12:03 UTC — Финал Турнира

°Исключая миры, перечисленные отдельно.
