Обновление ~ POLARBEAR 1207.1

Что будет в следующем обновлении? Ниже вы найдете список изменений релиза Polarbear 1207.1. Не забудьте прочитать до конца и сохранить даты обновления в своем календаре!

🛠️ Исправленные ошибки:
TL-9828 – Fixed issue where the reinforcing troop icons were missing in a tooltip on the map.

TL-9806 – Fixed an issue with the hero level up process if hero gained enough XP for the next level from 2 simultaneous events.

TL-9222 – Fixed the error message when you try using a bucket during the cooldown since the previous use. It was missing the date when the bucket usage will be possible again.

TL-9799 – Fixed issue where reports become inaccessible if village gets destroyed while it’s being reinforced by troops from adventure.

TL-9804 — Fixed the possibility for alliances to be in confederacy and at war at the same time.

TL-9680 — Fixed the white background of troop movements, production and units in the village view. The background was sometimes stretched unnecessarily.

TL-9798 — Fixed an issue that would in rare cases cause an adventure to become inaccessible.

⏲️ План обновления ( игра может быть недоступна ~5 мин)

09.08 ~10:03 GMT+1 — Balkans10, DE2, IT2, International81
11.08 ~10:03 GMT+1 — DE, IT, Balkans, International°
11.08 ~12:03 GMT+1 — NL, RO, FR
11.08 ~14:03 GMT+1 — Lusobrasileiro
12.08 ~10:03 GMT+1 — Nordics, Asia (local), RU
12.08 ~12:03 GMT+1 — Arabics (local), Baltics, Europe°
12.08 ~14:03 GMT+1 — HU, New Year Special, Asia (region)°
13.08 ~10:03 GMT+1 — TR, IL, CZ, Arabic (region)°
13.08 ~12:03 GMT+1 — Hispano, Anglosphere, America°
13.08 ~14:03 GMT+1 — COM, Shadow Empires, America3, America30, Arabics2, Asia3, Asia50, Europe3, International4, International31
16.08 ~10:03 GMT+1 – Отборочные раунды Турнира

°исключая миры, перечисленные отдельно
