Caesar’s Civil War — Five years that changed Rome

This conflict, also known as the Great Roman Civil War, was the last internal conflict of the Roman Republic which transformed Rome into the Roman Empire.

Julias Caesar had been serving for eight years in the Gallic Wars and was now one-third of the First Triumvirate along with Marcus Licinius Crassus and Pompey. The latter of which would soon be one of his opponents in the Civil War.

Jean Fouquet — The Flight of Pompey after the Battle of Pharsalus

When the Senate ordered Julius Caesar, who had become a champion of the people, to lay down the command of his army, Caesar instead marched on Rome – which was forbidden. Pompey fled in time to assemble an army in the south of Italy to confront those of Caesar.

During the five-year-long conflict, battles were fought in Greece, Egypt, Hispania, Africa, Illyria and of course Italy. Although Pompey was able to beat Julius Caesar in 48 BC at the Battle of Dyrrhachium, he suffered a bigger defeat that same year.

Although Caesar was at a disadvantage when it came to numbers and provisions, Pompey was forced by the Senate to attack instead of letting them suffer hunger and exhaust. Although Pompey’s men outnumbered those of Caesar two to one, it was Pompey’s decisive loss.

Many scholars agree that the Battle of Pharsalus may not have ended the civil war instantly but propelled Caesar to power and finally ended the Republic of Rome.

A historical reminder that the outcome of a single battle can be all that can decide who the winner will be — keep that in mind when playing Travian!

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