Travian: Glory of Sparta first round Facts and Figures!

The Spring round gameworlds start today and it’s a good time to recall intensive fights and glorious battles of the Autumn. What was the biggest army that was still alive after the gameworld ended? What was the biggest survived zoo? And one of the most interesting figures – how many troops (both PvP and PvE) fell in the battles? Look into the infographics below out of the most populated Autumn gameworlds and find them out.

Will players be able to beat those numbers on Spring Gameworlds? Don’t forget to register and support your favourite region!

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Europe Glory of Sparta
April 3rd, 15:00 UTC+1  Sign Up here!
Asia Glory of Sparta
April 3rd, 09:00 UTC+1  Sign Up here!
America Glory of Sparta
April 3rd, 17:00 UTC+1  Sign Up here!
Arabics Glory of Sparta
April 3rd, 13:00 UTC+1  Sign Up here!
International Glory of Sparta
April, 5th, 15:00 UTC+1 Sign Up here!