Anglosphere 7: Won by GoT (January 2019 – October 2019)


Server Information

Started 22-Jan-2019
Finished 9-Oct-2019
Duration 260
Artifacts 2-May-2019
Construction Plans 10-Aug-2019
Version T4.4 (3 tribes)
Players 367


Tribe Registered Percent


Gauls 155 โ€ญโ€ญ42.2โ€ฌ%โ€ฌ


Romans 143 โ€ญโ€ญ39.0โ€ฌ%โ€ฌ


Teutons 69 โ€ญโ€ญ18.8โ€ฌ%

Wonders of the World

World_Wonder_64x65.png Player Name Alliance Level
1.png Bronn #TryAgain GoT 100
2.png Cruiser Atlantis OBV- 88
3.png Bigfoot Courtesy Flush WW+DeI 83
4.png Daenerys You Win or You Die GoT 38
5.png DJ_XVI Noop’s Alcohol Stash OBV~ 35
6.png Bronn The Wall GoT 24
7.png Natars Wonder Of The World 10
8.png Natars 0
9.png Natars 0
10.png Natars 0
11.png Natars 0
12.png Natars 0
13.png TCristi Wonder Of The World DeI-WW 0

Unique Artefacts

illuicons_3_lock_64x64.png Artefact Player Alliance


The architects unique secret (5ร—) Bronn GoT


The unique titan boots (2ร—) Drogon GoT


The eagles unique eyes (10ร—) Metal Avenger WW+DeI


Unique diet control (1/2) Bronn GoT


The trainers unique talent (1/2) Samwell GoT


Rivals unique confusion (500ร—) Geo WW+DeI


Artefact of the unique fool (500ร—) Akuma OBV~

Artefacts by Alliance

illuicons_3_lock_64x64.png Alliance Unique Large Small Total
1.png GoT 4 13 21 38
2.png WW+DeI 2 3 15 20
3.png OBV~ 1 5 10 16
4.png OBV- 0 3 11 14
5.png DeI-WW 0 2 6 8
6.png The Hood 0 0 1 1
7.png Natars 0 1 0 1

Construction Plans

Construction_Plan_63x65.png Player Alliance
1.png Qujaho OBV-
2.png DarkTeuton OBV-
3.png Grim Reaper WW+DeI
4.png Bronn GoT
5.png Shae GoT
6.png Geo WW+DeI
7.png Shadow GoT
8.png Alphapup OBV~
9.png Cruiser OBV-
10.png Daenerys GoT
11.png Grey Wind GoT
12.png Bigfoot WW+DeI

The Best Players

The largest players

Population_63x65.png Player Alliance Population Villages
1.png Tequila WW+DeI 52367 52
2.png suredive GoT 52079 39
3.png mallard GoT 45160 49
4.png Geo WW+DeI 43296 44
5.png Yoren GoT 36712 40
6.png phunkey OBV~ 33564 40
7.png warmonger GoT 33200 37
8.png Stuzzcut HURT 32283 36
9.png faceless man GoT 30822 39
10.png Escanor OBV~ 30666 35
11.png The Dark Knight OBV~ 28428 36
12.png adaml47 OBV- 26536 33
13.png Trucker WW+DeI 26326 32
14.png Mayan WW+DeI 26252 32
15.png C.J. OBV~ 25797 35
16.png Stannis GoT 25534 29
17.png Akuma OBV~ 25140 30
18.png corydoras Camelot 24739 32
19.png RONIN GoT 24547 29
20.png The boss OBV~ 24524 32

The most successful attackers

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Population Villages Points
1.png Tequila 52367 52 1421883
2.png Verde 8053 12 1320050
3.png TCristi 15680 22 1261417
4.png The Mountain 21993 27 950590
5.png VijayDhanush 13321 21 914040
6.png marshon 15846 21 877520
7.png Bronn 16841 22 802490
8.png Qujaho 19647 24 720474
9.png Boss 19232 25 684318
10.png White Walker 21483 27 625661
11.png Grey Wind 21446 29 618368
12.png Bigfoot 24093 32 613619
13.png THE Unsullied 22068 26 607520
14.png The Dark Knight 28428 36 604721
15.png faceless man 30822 39 588887
16.png Suboptimal 16656 23 541964
17.png Winland 16650 25 539619
18.png The Architects 22890 27 535715
19.png Drogon 18784 26 520007
20.png Daenerys 21361 27 500017

The most successful defenders

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Population Villages Points
1.png Shae 12463 20 1546920
2.png Samwell 16012 23 1520715
3.png Rhaegal 18697 22 1221099
4.png The Dark Knight 28428 36 1104253
5.png Winland 16650 25 905536
6.png Littlefinger 18073 23 900450
7.png Sheldor 12279 17 780706
8.png Kjartan 22181 30 725844
9.png Eddard Stark 11915 13 725436
10.png Cersei 14778 23 692632
11.png Melisandre 17759 22 683855
12.png Bobby 21491 28 660966
13.png FAXE 17963 24 617984
14.png Valsame 13308 20 604929
15.png Freddy Krueger 23848 32 567419
16.png True North 13221 20 556216
17.png EAGLE III 15633 21 540060
18.png Metal Avenger 11392 15 523506
19.png Khal Drogo 13826 18 520927
20.png Yunkai 19647 23 508486

The most experienced heroes

Hero_64x65.png Player Level Experience
1.png The Dark Knight 280 1971209
2.png Tequila 255 1639214
3.png Winland 249 1557582
4.png TCristi 243 1486256
5.png Samwell 240 1453462
6.png Littlefinger 237 1419809
7.png Verde 228 1311723
8.png VijayDhanush 215 1165410
9.png Shae 212 1129460
10.png Boss 207 1079500
11.png The Mountain 201 1021503
12.png Sheldor 195 955703
13.png Daenerys 190 915833
14.png Cruiser 189 907030
15.png Rhaegal 186 875578
16.png marshon 183 850090
17.png Bobby 180 814760
18.png Qujaho 179 810190
19.png Bigfoot 178 801939
20.png Bronn 176 787159

The Best Alliances

The largest alliances

Population_63x65.png Alliance Players ร˜ Points
1.png GoT 56 17,837 998,895
2.png WW+DeI 47 15,778 741,544
3.png OBV~ 44 15,696 690,602
4.png OBV- 41 13,583 556,883
5.png The Hood 38 12,147 461,585
6.png DeI-WW 39 11,735 457,647
7.png Camelot 20 9,235 184,692
8.png HURT 2 25,573 51,146
9.png Lost 1 11,832 11,832
10.png SM 1 11,108 11,108
11.png Wolves 3 1,734 5,202
12.png STOP 1 3,899 3,899
13.png Nina 1 3,361 3,361
14.png zero 1 3,158 3,158
15.png TBC 1 1,813 1,813
16.png BBB 1 1,755 1,755
17.png SS 1 1,520 1,520
18.png #1 1 1,410 1,410
19.png Del K 1 1,149 1,149
20.png WILD 1 1,089 1,089

The best alliances (off)

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Alliance Players ร˜ Points
1.png GoT 56 215848 12087502
2.png WW+DeI 47 162445 7634910
3.png OBV- 41 184145 7549955
4.png DeI-WW 39 177935 6939459
5.png OBV~ 44 142470 6268660
6.png The Hood 38 39979 1519184
7.png Camelot 20 57870 1157391
8.png WILD 1 79824 79824
9.png Wolves 3 24650 73951
10.png #1 1 34882 34882
11.png Lost 1 31318 31318
12.png TBC 1 19846 19846
13.png HURT 2 9649 19298
14.png Gooch 1 11747 11747
15.png ANF 1 9382 9382
16.png SM 1 8756 8756
17.png STOP 1 8197 8197
18.png Nina 1 7677 7677
19.png Del K 1 4807 4807
20.png BBB 1 1038 1038

The best alliances (def)

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Alliance Players ร˜ Points
1.png GoT 56 312426 17495844
2.png WW+DeI 47 209313 9837708
3.png DeI-WW 39 221640 8643964
4.png OBV~ 44 148031 6513358
5.png OBV- 41 143628 5888762
6.png The Hood 38 122666 4661323
7.png Camelot 20 168676 3373511
8.png Wolves 3 60865 182595
9.png WILD 1 96867 96867
10.png Gooch 1 94309 94309
11.png Lost 1 93259 93259
12.png HURT 2 26310 52620
13.png TBC 1 37333 37333
14.png STOP 1 21297 21297
15.png #1 1 11959 11959
16.png Del K 1 11295 11295
17.png SS 1 5581 5581
18.png Nina 1 3,510 3,510
19.png BBB 1 3248 3248
20.png zero 1 3054 3054

The Greatest Armies

Overall: Wheat

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Wheat
1.png MacLeod OBV~ Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 562,300
2.png VijayDhanush OBV- Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 527,823
3.png Geo WW+Del Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 512,916
4.png Bronn GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 510,034
5.png The Mountain GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 450,558
6.png Faceless Man GoT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 446,415
7.png Noop OBV- Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 431,678
8.png Grey Wind GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 430,679
9.png Drogon GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 384,317
10.png Brienne O Tarth GoT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 364,071

Overall: Attack Strength

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Attack Strength
1.png VijayDhanush OBV- Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 23,392,065
2.png MacLeod OBV~ Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 23,385,250
3.png Geo WW+Del Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 21,334,820
4.png Bronn GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 20,650,940
5.png The Mountain GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 20,650,610
6.png Faceless Man GoT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 18,487,170
7.png Grey Wind GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 18,185,820
8.png Noop OBV- Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 17,529,390
9.png Whitewalker GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 15,559,345
10.png Drogon GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 15,445,475

Overall: Quantity

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Quantity
1.png Bronn GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 344,631
2.png Noop OBV- Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 276,823
3.png MacLeod OBV~ Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 260,197
4.png Drogon GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 253,797
5.png The Architects OBV- Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 248,655
6.png The Mountain GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 245,274
7.png Geo WW+Del Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 227,249
8.png Grey Wind GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 227,121
9.png VijayDhanush OBV- Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 220,198
10.png Tequila WW+Del Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 202,923

Overall: Rams

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Rams
1.png Bigfoot WW+Del Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 32,016
2.png The Mountain GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 30,420
3.png Whitewalker GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 28,181
4.png Bronn GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 26,472
5.png Tintin WW+Del Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 24,629

Overall: Catapults

Attacker_Defender_65x62.png Player Alliance Tribe Catapults
1.png MacLeod OBV~ Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 19,812
2.png Grey Wind GoT Teuton_Icon_T4.png Teuton 19,581
3.png Faceless Man GoT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 19,228
4.png Brienne O Tarth GoT Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 18,935
5.png VijayDhanush OBV- Roman-Icon-T4 Roman 18,321

Army Breakdown: Gaul

Gaul_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Swordsman Grey Worm GoT 116,057


Theutates Thunder Fried Eggs GoT 14,847


Haeduan Grey Worm GoT 50,464


Rams Teehtox OBV- 9,756


Catapults Bow WW+Del 14,048

Army Breakdown: Roman

Roman_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Imperian MacLeod OBV~ 138,937


Equites Imperatoris MacLeod OBV~ 101,149


Equites Caesaris VijayDhanush OBV- 71,939


Rams Marshon OBV~ 10,260


Catapults MacLeod OBV~ 19,812

Army Breakdown: Teuton

Teuton_T4.png Troop Player Alliance Quantity


Clubswinger Bronn GoT 260,996


Axeman Grey Wind GoT 154,712


Teutonic Knight The Mountain GoT 64,610


Rams Bigfoot WW+Del 32,016


Catapults Grey Wind GoT 19,581