CHANGELOG – Versione 2051

Panoramica: Addio Travian Answers, benvenuto al nuovo look del taskmaster.

🆕 Changes:

TL-12048 In-game links to the old Answers service was replaced with links to our new Knowledge Base. Answers is no more up to date. Please visit to find an explanation of various game mechanics.
TL-11658 Questmasters of all tribes had an appointment with a stylist. You can find their new look in the quests interface and battle reports.
TL-12031 “Cancel” buttons were added to marketplace pop-ups to make them consistent. The cancel button is always in the bottom left, while the confirmation is in the bottom right.
TL-12060 “Create offer” button will be disabled when no merchants are available.

🛠️ Bugfixes:

TL-12012 Send resources pop-up: when the input field for the village name was selected, and you clicked outside of it, that reset the field and removed the entered village name. This will no longer happen.
TL-12001 Send resources pop-up: in the browser mobile version, dragging the resource bar was not working correctly. This has been fixed.
TL-12003 Amount of resources was not updated correctly in the marketplace when the merchant reached the village (or set out for a repeated delivery). This has been fixed.
TL-11246 Favourite tab indicator was not saved correctly in the alliance page.
TL-12122 We fixed a graphical glitch that showed horizontal lines in various parts of the game when using Firefox and certain zoom levels and/or operating system DPI settings.
TL-11789 Sometimes, the smith pretended he was not home, and the smithy would not open when clicked. Nothing a couple weeks in a dungeon wouldn’t fix.
TL-11692 French heroes will no longer say ‘ when they mean ‘ in their tooltips.
TL-11791 Information about Natars starting to build their Wonder of the World in the infobox will be properly translated from now on.

⏲️ Programma (manutenzione ~5 min)

24.04 ~ 10:03 UTC+1 – Asia 1, Asia NYS x1, Asia GOS x2

26.04 ~ 10:03 UTC+1 – Asia°
26.04 ~ 12:03 UTC+1 – America

27.04 ~ 10:03 UTC+1 – Europe, DE Wimpel, TR Alpler, FR France, Hispano Eternos
27.04 ~ 12:03 UTC+1 – Arabics

28.04 ~ 10:03 UTC+1 – International

°Ad esclusione dei mondi di gioco elencati separatamente.
