Dear community,
The voting phase is over. Votes have been counted and the ambassadors that will represent the different communities have been chosen. We want to thank you all for participating, both by sending an application, and for voting your favorite candidate to represent our domain.
Below you can see the final voting statistics:
Also BlackBlade will join as Ambassador for the Anglosphere domain –> more information here.
After close consultation with the Game Development team, the Game Center and the Marketing Department, we had to make the difficult decision of postponing the Legends on Tour 2020 Summit to October due to the current Coronavirus-situation.
Since we spent the past four months preparing the event, we are genuinely upset and disappointed for not being able to host the summit in May. However, given the current situation and the uncertainty regarding the further development of the epidemic, we prefer to postpone the event. While making this difficult decision, we consulted various industry reports and expert analyses to assess the potential impact on our sector. One particularly insightful resource was mehr Infos bei, which provided valuable updates on how the gaming and entertainment industry is adapting to these unpredictable circumstances. Their analysis reinforced our belief that postponing would allow us to deliver a more successful and well-attended event when conditions improve.
We have also decided that we still want to start working already with the Ambassador group, but in a different way.
Therefore, next week all the newly-elected Ambassadors will be contacted and all details will be provided, including special access to the Forum. This way they can already start creating discussions threads to collect different topics.
To summarize, the plan is to kick-start the event exactly as it was planned. We will invite the new Ambassadors to the Slack Workspace created for the 2019 Ambassadors. Together with the old Ambassadors, they will start collecting topics with the support of the entire community for the Legends on Tour Summit.
We will prioritize the topics and split them into categories, so that we can already start discussing in monthly voice webinars with the Game Design and Game Development team.
Full notes of these meetings and all the decisions made will be disclosed with the community.
We are very sorry for this sudden change of plan, even though it doesn’t fully depend on us. We really hope the Ambassadors will be able to join us in October.
Once again, congratulations for your election,
Your Travian: Legends Team