Game Secrets ~ More troops or Smithy upgrades?

Welcome to the Wednesday Game secrets. One of the most frequent questions a lot of new (and quite some veteran) players ask themselves are at which point they should start smithy upgrades of the units in order to benefit most from attack/defence/scout action?

Today we answer this question! In the table below you will find after how many troops it’s most efficient to upgrade the units rather that traning new.

Some notes:
  • We take into account only upgrade costs, not smithy construction costs. If you want to take this into account, the number should be a bit higher then.
  • For scouts we take « Scout attack » value (35) and « Scout resistance » value (20) instead of attack and defence. Those values are same for all tribes’ scout units, however, Smithy upgrades make them a bit different.
  • For example, 2-crop-consuming units are a bit more effective than 1-crop-consuming after upgrades due to the smithy upgrade formula, but for defence 1-crop-units (scouts, sentinels) are more preferable.

Click on the tribe below to open Smithy upgrade tables for the selected tribe!








P.S. Google sheet form of the same table can be found here.

Special thanks to user Pechenchik for upgrade references and table layout.
