Hi all! Recently we introduced Farm list rework, which is now live and tested on a Public Test Realm world. We gathered feedback and suggestions from the players who are testing the feature there and would like to present it to you.
We are also happy to announce that new farm list is planned to come to all regular gameworlds end of November.
➡️ – Players’ feedback
⬅️ – Game Centre Answer
Full Farm list rework description can be found ➡️ HERE.
➡️ Pro: “I love the new QOL rework ideas. It helps the average players to make better farm lists at the very least, and advanced players do not need more tools for it. Solves some other issues.”
➡️ Cons: “Kinda getting to a place where everything is so easy, which I’m not sure is a good thing. I think skill/effort needs to be rewarded to some extent at least. Of course, these updates don’t mean everyone is going to raid 3m per hour, but still.”
⬅️ We do try to lower the effort a bit for players making farm lists. It still takes quite a long time to make farm lists, and to consider optimizing them every now and then.
➡️ Option to cancel all sent attacks if misclicked.
⬅️ We don’t think we can do that, due to the load on the server, but we included that as a potential improvement for longer scope.
➡️ To be able to click on a box, then shift-click to select every other box between the two clicks (video available here).
⬅️ This suggestion can now be considered, and we will put it to Quality of Life Content for the future.
➡️ “Start all” should not be at the bottom but at the top.
⬅️ Start all button is a floating element, so scrolling should not be an issue. For Mobile version bottom is easier to reach with the thumbs.
➡️ Have the option to select which farm lists to send when clicking “Start all”.
⬅️ Isn’t the point of start all to start all? If you don’t want to start a certain farm list, it’s better be deactivated or just start selected farm lists manually.
➡️ Add a pop-up timer that would display a countdown based on a selected value. When the countdown is over, it indicates how much you are late and this pop-up turns into a clickable button « send all ».
⬅️ We can keep it in mind, but currently we’re not considering adding new features to farm list (apart from small adjustments).
➡️ Put the oasis info in a farm list whether it’s wood/clay/iron/crop and 25%/25+25%/50%.
⬅️ This would most likely overload the page with information, but it will be considered as additional improvement eventually
➡️ Scout farm list should be able to choose whether scout res/scout def.
⬅️ We have this change in our plans and will prioritize it higher.
➡️ Change the way villages are displayed in several farm lists. Check the example here.
⬅️ This will make the list very long in worst cases.
➡️ To able to add hero into farm list.
⬅️ Currently we are not considering this. We would like the hero to be a unique unit and be sent only manually.
➡️ Add unit count with a number and unit image on the farm list name so you know how many units you need for each farm list without having to open them or typing this in its name, something that requires constant name changes.
⬅️ We will evaluate various display suggestions including this one. Too many information on a farm list clouds the view and makes the layout too heavy. That’s why we need to select wisely what we can display.
➡️ Allow multiple selections when on the map. You should be able to click fields, make a selection and in the end add this selection to a farm list.
⬅️ We can only do this once we have a new world map for that, which is in the plans for the future. With current map this change is not possible, unfortunately.
➡️ Make it easier to deactivate farm lists. Currently, we need to deactivate each list one by one. Imagine you have 5 farm lists for each Druid village and you have 5 Druid villages. Alliance calls for def so you need to deactivate all druids lists 25 times, each time.
⬅️ Thank you for the suggestion, this issue was around before, wasn’t it? We will look into it.
➡️ For scouts: instead of the last attack report being shown in the « last raid » column, a “scout report” is shown instead. Example.
⬅️ We have it in our plans and will increase priority to this suggestion.
➡️ Before the change players would like the colors of reports to be more more distinct (yellow vs. green) ad1 or to have new icons depending on the loss
⬅️ We will fix the color issue.
➡️ Players would additionally like latest 3-5 raids income separately to adjust troop numbers if necessary.
⬅️ We can only show so much information on a page, and it’s already very crowded.
➡️ Some players did not agree with the change as they need to see the defense of the farm that is needed for troop adjustments so the information should be shown in a certain format e.g., shown temporarily before the next raid is sent.
⬅️ We understand that the farm defenses would be missing if we removed farm reports. We’ll look at how to implement this info in some way.
➡️ Players would like to have the raid limit increased with this change to make the Teutons more competitive.
⬅️ We have to keep 20 000 outgoing limit.
New Icons
➡️ Overall players like the new icons but they feel like they need some changes. Some players prefer certain old icons as they are more recognizable. Some players do not like horse riders and scouts to look very similar to each tribe.
We will look into all suggestions with great attention, and we’ll see what we can do about it.