Developing resource villages – condensed guide

Developing resource villages is an important part and investment into your resource well-being and army growth. We already tackled the topic in one of the previous guides. However, recently we received a request from alliance leaders to make separate short and condensed guide about it that they can share with the players. And here we go!

So, how to develop your settled resource villages fast and efficient.

General set of advise:

  • Be online during the time of settling. Do not settle villages right before you go offline.
  • Start developing your village as soon as your settlers landed.
  • Play ads on longer buildings while you are online to shorten construction times by 25%.
  • Use your offline times to order long building constructions.
  • Upgrade main building to the maximum level as one of your first recourse investments. Not only would it shorten other upgrade times, but it will also start producing quite a lot of culture points that are needed for further expansion of your empire.
  • Use resources from hero bag for construction.

Effective building order right after settling

(at this time you need to be online or at least can check account regularly during this time)

  • Main building 10.
  • All resources to 2.
  • Rally point 1.
  • 1 cropland to 5.
  • Warehouse 3.
  • Granary 2.
  • Marketplace 1 (to monitor deliveries).
  • Residence or Command Centre for Huns 1 (to prevent conquering).
  • Main building 14.
  • Warehouse 8.
  • Granary 3.
  • Main building to 15-20 (upgrade for gold: 3 x 2 gold with Travian Plus).
  • Continue with resource development:

All resources to 8 -> Оne of each to 10 (with respective resource buildings lvl 3) -> All resources to 9, then all to 10 (all resource buildings to 5).

  • Proceed with culture point and needed infrastructure development:

Сonstruct cheap buildings that give defence, useful abilities and cheap culture points: Rally Point, Marketplace, Wall, Barracks, Academy, Smithy, Stables, Embassy, Townhall, Trade office. Start running Townhall celebrations when your village will produce 250-350 Culture points.

Important note: The order above is not “set in stone”. Upgrade cheaper and faster buildings little by little while you’re gathering resources for expensive ones. And yet, always keep in mind your general goal.

Further development

Use the starter image as some sort of « check up » about minimal set of buildings you need to have in each resource village. Of course, once you reach this state, you can proceed with investment into other Culture Point producing buildings. Upgrade Embassy, Hospital to higher levels, maybe demolish cranny and build second granary. Do not build Hero mansion if there are no oases around etc. Adjust village to the state that you need!

A fully developed resource village should grant you about 1000 Culture points per day.

Keep developing and upgrading it slowly and steadily till you reach that number.

And this is a wrap! See you next Thursday for the next Thursday guide!
